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Geograph Image Submission

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Submitting photos via Geograph is a 4-step process:

  1. Define the square for your image - by entering or selecting the grid reference, searching by placename or dragging on map.
  2. Select the image to upload, and pinpoint its location on a 1:50,000 map (or road map in Ireland).
  3. Enter the title, description, category, and date (which can be read direct from EXIF in the photo).
  4. Confirm the licence terms, and attribution options.

As well as the above submission processes, we have the following alternatives:

  • Upload a Geotagged image instead of entering location in step 1
    • (either Geo Extensions to the EXIF specification, or the file named with the grid reference)
  • Bulk upload photos using an on offline Java application, locate and describe your images offline, and then upload when ready to connect to the internet (this does not include the draggable icons on map).

Login to access all the above submission options.

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