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Quotes tagged as "2020" Showing 1-30 of 207
Nelou Keramati
“Ignorance does not make you fireproof when the world is burning.”
Nelou Keramati

Catherynne M. Valente
“The kind of hope I have doesn’t begin and end with demanding everything go back to the way it was when it can’t, it can’t ever, that’s not how time works.”
Catherynne M. Valente, The Past Is Red

Ann Patchett
“You can’t pretend this [Covid] isn’t happening,” Maisie said. I couldn’t, and I don’t. Nor do I pretend that all of us being together doesn’t fill me with joy. I understand that joy is inappropriate these days and still, we feel what we feel.”
Ann Patchett, Tom Lake

N.K. Jemisin
“Back then, she had to worry about the government tapping her phone. It still probably does, but all the other stuff's been outsourced. Now, instead of just a COINTELPRO operation, she’s got to worry about that and some dude stalking her relatives from his mother’s basement, and kids bombarding her with death threats because it makes them feel like part of the (terrorist) gang, and a troll farm in Russia using the Center as the next cause célèbre to whip up Nazis. All the people who really are a threat to the country; somehow they’ve been convinced to do its dirty work, more or less for free. She would admire it if it weren’t so damn horrific.”
N.K. Jemisin, The City We Became

N.K. Jemisin
All of that stuff is true. All the other worlds that human beings believe in, via group myths or spiritual visitations or even imaginations if they're vivid enough, they exist. Imagining a world creates it, if it isn't already there. That's the great secret of existence: it's supersensitive to thought. Decisions, wishes, lies—that's all you need to create a new universe. Every human being on this planet spins off thousands between birth and death, although there's something about the way our minds work that keeps us from noticing. In every moment, we're continually moving in multiple dimensions—we think we're sitting still, but we're actually falling from one universe to the next to the next, so fast that it all blends together like . . . like animation. Except there's a lot more than just images flipping past.”
N.K. Jemisin, The City We Became

Bertrand Russell
“Dinin esasen ağırlıklı olarak korkuya dayalı olduğunu düşünüyorum. Bu kısmen bilinmeyene duyulan korkudur, kısmen de, tüm dertlerinizde ve sürtüşmelerinizde yanınızda duracak bir ağabeyinizin olduğunu hissetmeniz isteğidir. Korku bütün bunların temelidir; bilinmeyenden duyulan korku, yenilgi korkusu, ölüm korkusu. Korku, zalimliğin anasıdır, o yüzden din ile zalimliğin el ele gitmesi hiç garip değil. Bunun nedeni, bu iki şeyin temelinde korku olması.”
Bertrand Russell, Why I Am Not a Christian and Other Essays on Religion and Related Subjects

Steven Magee
“25th December 2020 will go down in history as the Christmas of death.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“25th December 2020 will be remembered as the poverty Christmas.”
Steven Magee

Louisa Kamal
“I stepped somewhat apprehensively into 2020, unaware of what was to happen, of course, thinking little about the newly-emerged coronavirus, but knowing myself to be at a tipping point in my life. I had come so very far over the years, the decades, from my birthplace in the United Kingdom, to Thailand, Japan and then back to Thailand to arrive at an age—how had I clocked up so many turns under the sun?—at which most people ask for nothing more than comfort, security and love, or at least loving kindness.

Instead, I was slowly extricating myself, physically and emotionally, from a marriage that had, over the course of more than a decade, slowly, almost imperceptibly, deteriorated from complacency to conflict, from apathy to antagonism, from diversity to divergence as our respective outlooks on life first shifted and then conflicted. Instrumental in exacerbating this had been my decision to travel as and where I could after witnessing my mother’s devastating and terminal descent into dementia. For reasons which even now I cannot recall with any accuracy, the first destination for this reborn, more daring me was Tibet, thus initiating a new love affair, this time with the culture and majesty of the Himalayan swathe, and the awakening within me of a quest for the spiritual. I had, over the years, been a teacher, a lecturer, a consultant and an advisor, but I now wanted to inspire and release my verbal and photographic creativity, to capture the places I visited and the experiences I had in words and images—and if possible to have the wherewithal of sharing them with like-minded people.”
Louisa Kamal, A Rainbow of Chaos: A Year of Love & Lockdown in Nepal

“Too many people not enough walls. -Pre 2020
Too many walls not enough people. -Post 2020”

Mike Judge
“Joe was about to learn, that in the future, justice was not only blind, but had become rather retarded as well.”
Mike Judge

“2020 was such a shitty year, 2020 should replace 666 and 13 as the number that symbolizes evil and misfortune.”
Oliver Markus Malloy, Inside The Mind of an Introvert

Steven Magee
“2020 was the year of hoarding.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“There were lots of dead people on Halloween 2020.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“By June 2020 almost four hundred thousand people had objected to the development of the sacred mountain of Mauna Kea in Hawaii.”
Steven Magee

N.K. Jemisin
“Still, the tentacle must be pretty big for her to be able to discern that it's a tentacle at all. That's not real, she thinks, with the instant scorn of any true New Yorker. Just two days before, big white film-production trailers took over her entire block. That happens all the bloody time these days, because movie people invariably seem to want multicultural working-class New York as a backdrop for their all-white upper-class dramedies—which means Queens, since East New York is still too Black for their tastes and the Bronx has a "reputation".”
N.K. Jemisin, The City We Became

Gary Shteyngart
“That spring and summer it became impossible to glance out the window without entertaining questions of physics, of multiverses collapsing onto themselves, of time lines breaking off like Antarctic ice shelves. Was all this really happening: masks and tyrants, aerosol sprays and gun-toting clowns?”
Gary Shteyngart, Our Country Friends

Steven Magee
“Joe Biden’s 2020 Christmas present was to be elected President of the USA.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“AT&T was on ‘Santa’s 2020 Naughty List’.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“It was clear in the 2020 election that half of Americans have the traits of President Trump.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“2020 was the year I started wearing only shorts inside the home and light bathing under full spectrum lights.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The 2020 USA election was akin to watching President Trump being pushed off a cliff in slow motion.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“By March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic had arrived in Tucson. It was well known by this point that it was very infectious and in some cases, fatal. A virus that could cause pneumonia to occur in both lungs that required a lung ventilator to treat it and they were in very short supply.”
Steven Magee, Magee’s Disease

Steven Magee
“By May 2020, I was becoming increasingly forgetful. We were finding things in the kitchen that had been put into the wrong places. My fatigue had ramped up, allergy season was in full swing and I was routinely taking allergy medicines. The pulse oximeter was showing that I was having a few bouts of low oxygen that would last over an hour each time during sleep.”
Steven Magee, Magee’s Disease

“El lenguaje del amor es universal pero se escribe en español.”
rubén3k (3k)

“In these uncertain times, we should be more empathetic and more forgiving.(2020)”
Charmaine J. Forde

Susan Kraus
“Molly was relieved that the winter break was over. She dropped her son, Max, at school and then celebrated by going straight to a coffee shop and ordering a mocha grande. She slid into a booth in a back corner, closed her eyes, and inhaled the coffee. Then she sat, both hands on the large, warm cup and smiled. 2020, she’d decided, was going to be the best year ever.”
Susan Kraus, When We Lost Touch

Steven Magee
“I remember when I first used the internet in the 1990’s that it looked interesting. It was very slow on a dial up modem and frustrating to use. In the 2020’s it had become a staple of life and was really fast on fiber optics!”
Steven Magee

“Ultimately, with- out the membership team's systematic experimentation, Carnegie Museums would not have been able to build upon critical learnings over the years. Now, with a solid foundation and new technology in place, Carnegie Museums is ready to take on its next adventure... summer 2020.”
Rosie Siemer, Museum Membership Innovation: Unlocking Ideas for Audience Engagement and Sustainable Revenue
tags: 2020, covid

Asa Don Brown
“This was supposed to be the year that I returned,
to the breathtaking views of the Rockies,
to the aroma of fresh-ground coffee,
to the fragrances of freshly brewed tea,
to the four-block stretch blending these anomalies.
It was indeed supposed to be my year to see thee.
I have longed to return to this unprecedented community,
I have longed to take in your historic sites,
I have longed to intermingle with others,
it has been too long since I have walked on thee.

This was supposed to be my year, to see
my family, my friends, and my colleagues.
It was supposed to be my year to experience
your architectural vibe, design, and prominence.
I look forward to your return to normalcy,
even the tireless positioning of your parking lots.
I look forward to what you have to showcase,
the musical performances, the arts, the food,
the hustle and bustle that travel upon thee.
I look forward to being with thee. I miss
your character, your charm, your insistence
that I travel upon thee.”
Asa Don Brown

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