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Disciple Quotes

Quotes tagged as "disciple" Showing 1-30 of 60
John Green
“I wanted to be one of those people who have streaks to maintain, who scorch the ground with their intensity. But for now, at least I knew such people, and they needed me, just like comets need tails.”
John Green, Looking for Alaska

Brennan Manning
“What makes authentic disciples is not visions, ecstasies, biblical mastery of chapter and verse, or spectacular success in the ministry, but a capacity for faithfulness. Buffeted by the fickle winds of failure, battered by their own unruly emotions, and bruised by rejection and ridicule, authentic disciples may have stumbled and frequently fallen, endured lapses and relapses, gotten handcuffed to the fleshpots and wandered into a far county. Yet, they kept coming back to Jesus.”
Brennan Manning, The Ragamuffin Gospel

Amy Carmichael
“To me there is no more tragic sight than the average missionary. …We have given so much, yet not the one thing that counts; we aspire so high, and fall so low; we suffer so much, but so seldom with Christ; we have done so much and so little will remain; we have known Christ in part, and have so effectively barricaded our hearts against His mighty love, which surely He must yearn to give His disciples above all people.”
Amy Carmichael, God's Missionary

Paulo Coelho
“There is only one difference between teacher and disciple: the former is slightly less afraid than the latter.” ~Deidre O’Neill, known as Edde (p. 213)”
Paulo Coelho, The Witch of Portobello

Eugene H. Peterson
“Jesus breaks what we bring to Him. All too often we come to the table with our best manners and a pose of impenetrable self-sufficiency. We're all surface, all role - polished and poised performers in the game of life. But Jesus is after what is within, and He exposes the insides - our inadequacies. At the table we're not permitted to be self-enclosed. We're not permitted to remain self-sufficient. We are taken into the crucifixion. We dramatize it as we eat the common food. The breaking of our pride and self-approval opens us up to new life, to new action. Everything on the table represents some kind of exchange of life, some sacrifice to our Host. If we come crusted over, hardened within ourselves in lies and poses, He breaks through and brings new life. 'A broken and contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise' (Psalm 51:17). We discover this breaking first in Jesus. Jesus was broken, His blood poured out. And now we discover it in ourselves. Then Jesus gives back what we brought to Him, who we are. But it is no longer what we brought. Who we are, this self that we offer to Him at the table, is changed into what God gives, what we sing of as Amazing Grace. [Living the Resurrection]”
Eugene H. Peterson

“Many Christians live their lives as though Jesus finished His work in the first century. They seem to think that being a Christian is simply accepting the finished work of Christ, going to church every Sunday to express their worship, and waiting for His second coming. No, no, no. Jesus is working today, just as He did 2,000 years ago, to accomplish His cosmic mission... Some people can grasp the idea that Jesus goes to work every day, just like we do. Or conversely, and more correctly, we go to work every day, just like Jesus does. He told His disciples, "My father is always at his work to this very day, and I, too, am working" (John 5:17). He still is.

The central task of the universe today is extending the kingdom of God into every corner of human life, one follower at a time, one conversation at a time. That's what Jesus is concentrating on, and that's what we should be spending the best part of our time and energy doing. You may have assumed that the most important thing you could be doing with your life is selling carpet... raising kids... governing... discovering a cure for cancer... or pastoring the second-largest church in a small town. Those are all worthwhile endeavors, but each one of those tasks is only significant when it is a subtask of the grand objective: building the kingdom of God.”
D. Michael Henderson, Making Disciples-One Conversation at a Time

Henry Scougal
“Christians know by experience that true religion is a union of the soul with God, a real participation in the divine nature, the very image of God drawn upon the soul, or, in the apostle's phrase, "it is Christ formed within us".”
Henry Scougal, Life of God in the Soul of Man

Donna Goddard
“Students recognise their teachers. Teachers recognise their students.”
Donna Goddard, Pittown: A Spiritual Fiction Series

“The disciple must ‘vanish’ so that he may become the seeker who is prepared to see the Light!”
Dada J. P. Vaswani

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
“Love is the only discipline and the only disciple of God”
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

Steven Magee
“I am a disciple of electromagnetic radiation.”
Steven Magee

“A Disciple is one who…

Demonstrates the Fruit of the Spirit in his life

Invests time in serving others

Studies the Scriptures and handles it correctly

Crucifies his flesh with its passions and desires

Implements what they learn in their life

Prays without ceasing

Looks to Jesus, the founder, and perfecter of our faith

Examines their life consistently”
Ibrahim E. Sakkab

“A Disciple is one who…

Demonstrates the Fruit of the Spirit in his life

Invests time in serving others

Studies the Scriptures and handles it correctly

Crucifies his flesh with its passions and desires

Implements what he learns in his life

Prays without ceasing

Looks to Jesus, the founder, and perfecter of his faith

Examines his life consistently”
Ibrahim E. Sakkab

Sarvesh Jain
“You got to take care of your health, and you got to take care it every day. No excuses, no blank promises.”
Sarvesh Jain

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Got God?” If not, milk doesn’t matter.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Mehmet Murat ildan
“The disciple asked: Master, after many years I have become a wise man, so when will I sit in your seat? The master replied: I am not sitting on the seat, the seat is sitting under me! Whenever the seat goes from under me, you can sit on it!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

“Discipleship is not a one-size-fits-all process. It requires flexibility, adaptability, and a willingness to learn and grow with the individuals we are discipling.”
Justin Ho Guo Shun, The Art and Science of Discipleship: Evidence-Based Strategies to Empowering Leaders for Sustainable Ministry

“The art and science of discipleship is the perfect combination of heart and mind, faith and reason, grace and truth.”
Justin Ho Guo Shun, The Art and Science of Discipleship: Evidence-Based Strategies to Empowering Leaders for Sustainable Ministry

“The beauty of discipleship is in the diversity of perspectives and experiences that are brought to the table. It is through these differences that we can learn and grow together.”
Justin Ho Guo Shun, The Art and Science of Discipleship: Evidence-Based Strategies to Empowering Leaders for Sustainable Ministry

“The power of evidence-based discipleship lies in its ability to help us see beyond our own biases and assumptions and into the reality of what works.”
Justin Ho Guo Shun, The Art and Science of Discipleship: Evidence-Based Strategies to Empowering Leaders for Sustainable Ministry

“The beauty of evidence-based discipleship is that it allows us to measure progress and make informed decisions about how best to invest our time, energy, and resources.”
Justin Ho Guo Shun, The Art and Science of Discipleship: Evidence-Based Strategies to Empowering Leaders for Sustainable Ministry

“The most effective evidence-based discipleship happens when we combine the wisdom of God's Word with the insights of research and practice.”
Justin Ho Guo Shun, The Art and Science of Discipleship: Evidence-Based Strategies to Empowering Leaders for Sustainable Ministry

“Evidence-based discipleship helps us to avoid the pitfalls of guesswork and intuition and to instead make informed decisions based on what we know works.”
Justin Ho Guo Shun, The Art and Science of Discipleship: Evidence-Based Strategies to Empowering Leaders for Sustainable Ministry

“Evidence-based discipleship allows us to be both innovative and grounded, constantly seeking new ways to help people grow while remaining faithful to the timeless principles of God's Word.”
Justin Ho Guo Shun, The Art and Science of Discipleship: Evidence-Based Strategies to Empowering Leaders for Sustainable Ministry

“The goal of evidence-based discipleship is not just to create disciples, but to create disciple-makers who can pass on the knowledge, skills, and wisdom they have gained to others.”
Justin Ho Guo Shun, The Art and Science of Discipleship: Evidence-Based Strategies to Empowering Leaders for Sustainable Ministry

“Without going into the history of Zen, let it be said that the relationship between master and disciple has always been fraught with peril. The hapless disciple is beaten with a stick, kicked, slapped on the head with his teacher's sandal. But to revile all such actions as violence is too hasty a conclusion. Before an act can be labeled violent, its underlying purpose must be ascertained. A little thought will show that in the context of Zen discipline, the fundamental purpose of a beating or thrashing is not to inflict injury or pain. Such acts are rather a means of conveying living truth from body to body and mind to mind, a form of spiritual training and cultivation.”
Kaoru Nonomura, Eat Sleep Sit: My Year at Japan's Most Rigorous Zen Temple

Alice A. Bailey
“The aim of the individual disciple is to handle the forces which play through him in such a manner that only constructive good can eventuate.”
Alice A. Bailey, The Destiny of the Nations

John Mark Comer
“Who are you following? Everybody is following somebody-or at least someone. Put another way, we’re all disciples. The question isn’t, Am I a disciple? It’s Who or what am I a disciple of?”
John Mark Comer, Practicing the Way: Be with Jesus, Become Like Him, Do As He Did

John Mark Comer
“This is not just semantics. Language matters.”
John Mark Comer, Practicing the Way: Be with Jesus, Become Like Him, Do As He Did

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