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Lawless Quotes

Quotes tagged as "lawless" Showing 1-30 of 55
Catherine Meurisse
“Love is a Bohemian child... it has never, never known a law.”
Catherine Meurisse, La jeune femme et la mer

Matt Bondurant
“Sure,but that don't mean I've got to go far away.On your own has nothing to do with distance.”
Matt Bondurant, The Wettest County in the World

Steven Magee
“Mess me around and you will be researched!”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The police are corrupt and the government is corrupt.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Black lives matter.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I regard President Trump as the USA version of Guy Fawkes!”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The government facilitates police corruption.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“It is a good idea to keep the police out of your life.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I have no faith in the police.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“My message to the police is this: I am watching you!”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“When the good police officers are covering-up for the bad police officers, there is no such thing as a good police officer.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Police corruption is rampant throughout the world.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“When government regulators rarely regulate, you end up with lawless industries.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The police are a low trust government organization.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“It would be nice if police internal affairs would stop lying to the common people.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“It would be nice to see some honesty in police internal affairs.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The police are an extension of the government’s war machine.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“If a police officer is messing me around, I will place a 911 call requesting a police supervisor.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“When my faith in the police has been stolen by police officers, who do I report the crime to?”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The vast majority of police officers are above the law.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Corrupt police officers have an equally corrupt legal system to protect them.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Corrupt police officers are bred by a corrupt internal affairs system.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Corrupt police officers? You can blame internal affairs.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The military is the government’s killing machine. The police are a close relative.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Having researched Denver Police, I regard them as a dangerous entity to the public.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Having researched Pima County Sheriff, I regard them as a dangerous entity to the public.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Having researched Merseyside Police, I regard them as a dangerous entity to the public.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Assume all police officers are corrupt, it is the safest assumption.”
Steven Magee

Tomas Adam Nyapi
“They used my name and permit to grow the weed and earn money to repay their debts and compensate their investors. To keep my girlfriend. To take her.

I am uncertain if any of them have ever spent a minute in jail for any of these activities.

Adam proudly showcases his new motorcycles on Instagram, posing on a hill above Barcelona. He also displays his brand new electric camper van, which they use to travel and transport drugs across Europe and Iberia, as well as his gigantic marijuana cultivation located in Portugal. People like Ruan and Martina admire his public images.

I came across a picture of Ruan and Martina together in Berlin, where their mother Fernanda visited them.

Martina became member of the Evil Eye Cult, and the custom made mafia group in Spain, which used her as a pawn in their porn and drug-related activities. She now operates as their representative in Berlin.

Martina and I have lost the ability to genuinely smile. Her social media posts only show disinterest or a malicious demeanor. ‘A boot stomping on a human face.’
In a picture with her brother and mother, she puts on a forced fake “good vibe” and “happy” smile, revealing her flawless teeth and the subtle lines of aging. With each passing day, she bears a greater resemblance to her rich and so happy mother, the bad person.

As far as I know, none of these individuals have faced consequences for their actions, such as having their teeth broken. As I had. Innocently. Taking care of business and their lives. With love.

I find this to be incredibly unjust. In the 21st century. In Europe. On planet Earth.
By non-EU criminals. “Matando – ganando” – “killing and gaining” like there were no Laws at all.

Nowadays, you can observe Sabrina flaunting her fake lips and altered face, just like Martina her enhanced breasts.

Guess who was paying for it?

It seems that both girls now sustain themselves through their bodies and drug involvement, to this day, influencing criminals to gain friends in harming Tomas and having a lavish lifestyle filled with fun and mischief. Making a living. Enjoying Spain. Enjoying Life. My money. My tears.

This is the situation as it stands.

I was wondering what Salvador Dali was trying to tell me. I stood in front of the Lincoln portrait for a long time, but I couldn't grasp the point or the moral behind it.

I can listen to Abraham Lincoln and ‘trust people. To see. If I can trust them.’
But he ultimately suffered a tragic fate, with his life being taken. (Got his head popped.)

I believe there may have also been a female or two involved in that situation, too, possibly leading to his guards being let down.
While he was watching: Acting performances, he was facing a: Stage.

It is disheartening, considering he was a good person. Like Jesus, John Lennon and so on.
Shows a pattern Machiavelli was talking about.

Some individuals are too bright for those in darkness; they feel compelled to suppress those brighter minds simply because they think and act differently. Popping their heads.

Reptilian lower brain-based culture, the concept of the Evil Eye, Homo erectus. He couldn't even stand up properly when I was shouting at him, urging him to stand up from the stairs. ‘Homo seditus reptilis.’

But what else was there in the Lincoln image that I didn't see? What was Dali trying to convey or express or tell me?
Besides the fact that the woman is in his mind, on his mind, in the image, exactly, his head got popped open. Perhaps because he was focusing on a woman, trusting her for a split second, or turning his head away for a moment.”

Leonard Cohen
“Israel, and you who call yourself Israel, the Church that calls itself Israel, and the revolt that calls itself Israel, and every nation chosen to be a nation – none of these lands is yours, all of you are thieves of holiness, all of you at war with Mercy. Who will say it? Will America say, We have stolen it, or France step down? Will Russia confess, or Poland say, We have sinned? All bloated on their scraps of destiny, all swaggering in the immunity of superstition. Ishmael, who was saved in the wilderness, and given shade in the desert, and a deadly treasure under you: has Mercy made you wise? Will Ishmael declare, We are in debt forever? Therefore the lands belong to none of you, the borders do not hold, the Law will never serve the lawless. To every people the land is given on condition. Perceived or not, there is a covenant, beyond the constitution, beyond sovereign guarantee, beyond the nation’s sweetest dreams of itself. The Covenant is broken, the condition is dishonoured, have you not noticed that the world has been taken away? You have no place, you will wander through yourselves from generation to generation without a thread. Therefore you rule over chaos, you hoist your flags with no authority, and the heart that is still alive hates you, and the remnant of Mercy is ashamed to look at you. You decompose behind your flimsy armour, your stench alarms you, your panic strikes at love. The land is not yours, the land has been taken back, your shrines fall through empty air, your tablets are quickly revised, and you bow down in hell beside your hired torturers, and still you count your battalions and crank out your marching songs. Your righteous enemy is listening. He hears your anthem full of blood and vanity, and your children singing to themselves. He has overturned the vehicle of nationhood, he has spilled the precious cargo, and every nation he has taken back. Because you are swollen with your little time. Because you do not wrestle with your angel. Because you dare to live without God. Because your cowardice has led you to believe that the victor does not limp.”
Leonard Cohen, Book of Mercy

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