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Lucas Quotes

Quotes tagged as "lucas" Showing 1-30 of 81
Josephine Angelini
“I only have so much willpower, Helen," he whispered. "And since you apparently sleep in the most ridiculously transparent tank top I've ever seen, I'm going to have to ask you to get under the covers before I do something stupid.”
Josephine Angelini, Starcrossed

Josephine Angelini
“So what are you doing next Friday night?"
"What have you got in mind?"
"We could try hitting each other with cars," she suggested cheerfully.
"Did that last weekend with Jase," he said with mock regret.
"Go to the zoo and throw ourselves to the lions?" she fired back quickly, desperate to keep him focused on her rather than his caved-in chest.
"The Romans sort of wore that one out. Got anything original?"
"I'll think of something," she warned him.
"Can't wait!”
Josephine Angelini, Starcrossed

Josephine Angelini
“You certainly do heal fast. But you'll still have some impressive bruises, so if I were you I'd avoid your father for the rest of the night."
"I'll just tell him you abuse me," Helen said with a shrug. She jumped off the examining table.
"And I'll tell him you like it," he teased back.”
Josephine Angelini, Starcrossed

Nalini Singh
“You should sit,” Lucas said, and he wasn't talking to Mercy.

Sascha stared at him. “I didn't realize pregnancy of four weeks' duration made me incapable of standing upright.”

“It makes me incapable of reason.”
Nalini Singh, Branded by Fire

Nalini Singh
“She got to me."

"It happens to the best of us."

"Yeah? Who gets to you?" He was so strong that sometimes she worried. Everyone needed to bend a little, even a panther responsible for the lives of his entire pack.

"That damn wolf. He sent you a present last week."

Sascha smiled at the thought of Hawke's flirting. The SnowDancer alpha did it only to jerk Lucas's chain. "I never saw any present. What was it?"

"How the hell should I know? I stomped on it and threw it into the deepest crevice I could find." He smirked. "Then I called him to ask how Sienna was doing."

She burst out laughing. "Wicked, wicked man.”
Nalini Singh, Hostage to Pleasure

Claudia Gray
“You gotta learn how to take a compliment, because I'm not going to stop making them.”
Claudia Gray, Stargazer

C.C. Hunter
“She tossed her towel on her dresser and turned to the bed where shed left her PJs. Only it wasn't just her PJs on the bed anymore.
Lucas, eyes wide, sat on the foot of her bed, about four feet from where she stood completely naked.
She squealed.
He laughed.
She dashed for the towel.
Once she had it around her, she glared from a still grinning Lucas to the door. "I'm killing Della!"
He laughed again. "I'm afraid I might have to protect her for this one.”
C.C. Hunter, Chosen at Nightfall

Claudia Gray
“Forget normal.” He grinned. “We’re going to be extraordinary.”
Claudia Gray, Afterlife
tags: lucas

Nalini Singh
“God, you’re sexy when you talk Psy.”
Nalini Singh, Caressed by Ice

Nalini Singh
“She watched as he settled down on the bed with Naya skin to skin on his chest. His hand all but covered her tiny body as he stroked her in that changeling way, bonding with her on the most elemental level. Then he purred, and Naya made a happy little sound of delight, very much a cat in her love of touch.”
Nalini Singh, Kiss of Snow

Nalini Singh
“The woman rolled her eyes. “DarkRiver males are damn possessive and complete exhibitionists during the mating dance.”
Sascha ran through her dictionary of changeling terminology and could find no fit. “Mating dance?”
Mercy whistled. Dorian winced. Tamsyn suddenly got interested in her dough. Clay and Vaughn mysteriously disappeared. Behind her, Lucas’s body was a hard wall of heat. “I think we need to discuss this upstairs.”
Nalini Singh, Slave to Sensation

Claudia Gray
“I guess it's hard, being apart all the time."
"It really is. If Lucas were still here, everything would be different."
Vic's smile turned smug. "Yeah, I'd have a roommate who could beat me at chess instead of the other way around."
Ranulf never looked up from the chessboard. "I hear your insults and plan to silence them with my victory."
"Keep dreaming," Vic called.”
Claudia Gray, Stargazer

Tammara Webber
“Not stupid. Overly trusting, maybe, but that reflects on his lack of trustworthiness, not on your intelligence.”
Tammara Webber, Easy

Nalini Singh
“Dorian’s going to love this.”

She glared. “I swear to God, you tell him, and I’ll” — what the hell could you threaten an alpha with?—“I’ll tell Hawke you want to go on daily bonding runs with him.”
Nalini Singh, Branded by Fire

C.C. Hunter
“Taking a deep breath that smelled of rain, she was poised to move when a hand clasped her elbow. Memories of another hand grabbing her sent panic shooting through her veins.
She swung around.
"Whoa. You okay?" Lucas lightened his clasp around her arm.
Kylie caught her breath and stared up at the werewolf's blue eyes. "Yeah. You just...surprised me. You need to whistle when you come up on me.”
C.C. Hunter, Taken at Dusk

Claudia Gray
“But nothing was a important as escaping Evernight or the ‘destiny’ my parents and teachers had decided for me. I had only one chance to be free and to be with the guy I loved. I intended to take it.

Claudia Gray, Stargazer

Claudia Gray
“Is this what it means to die? Lucas thought. Because I’m not scared of it anymore. Not if it means I finally get this close to you.”
Claudia Gray, Afterlife
tags: lucas

Claudia Gray
“The worst was relizing that I’d lost him for nothing because he’d been rght about all of it-- vampires, my parents, everything.
He’d told me my parents lied. I yelled at him for it. He forgave me. He told me vampires were killers. I told him they weren’t, even after one stalked Raquel. He told me Charity was dangerous. I didn’t listen, and she killed Courtney. He told me vampires were treacherous, and did I get the message? Not until my illusions had been destroyed by my parents’ confession.

Claudia Gray, Stargazer

Claudia Gray
“Lucas had told me only one lie, ever; he kept the secret of black Cross because it wasn’t his secret to tell. In every other way, he’d been honest with me and shared the hard truths nobody else thought I deserved to hear.”
Claudia Gray

Alexandra Bracken
“Fire is calling my name. It is whispering words of encouragement, sweet things. It wants out, for me to fan the heat until it’s a vortex that can’t and won’t be stopped.”
Alexandra Bracken, Sparks Rise

Kim White
“After years of pretending at emotions, he'd grown to appreciate their mystery, their chaos and randomness. Sometimes they were predictable, one-dimensional, almost stupid - other times they were so confounding, complex, and exquisite that he was convinced humans really were as special as they thought themselves to be.”
Kim White

J.B. Salsbury
“There's something about him that's impossible to walk away from. Like an injured boy being held captive by his abuser. But Gage isn't his abuser; he's his warrior kachina. His real-life protector made of muscle and bone and capable of inflicting damage on anyone who stands in his way. Pushing anyone who has the potential to hurt Lucas away, but also everyone who has the potential to love him.”
J.B. Salsbury, Split

J.B. Salsbury
“Cody throws an arm around my shoulders, nearly knocking me off my stool. "Come on, lightweight. I'll take you home."

I shove his arm off me. "I don't put out on the first date."

A laugh that's half snort, half giggle falls from Shyann's lips and seems to catch her by surprise.

"After all those beers I bought you?" Cody feigns insult. "You're a lousy date.”
J.B. Salsbury, Split

Susanna Herrero
“Su muerte no entraba en sus planes.[...] Que ardiera el mundo en su lugar.”
Susanna Herrero, Donde el silencio se rompe (BestiesBooks)

Josephine Angelini
“You can’t be afraid of your power anymore, Helen,” Lucas said gently. “You are the strongest of us all, but all that strength is for nothing until you own it.”
Josephine Angelini, Starcrossed

Alexandra Bracken
“I know all of it is true, but I also know, on a very basic, human level, hers is the most beautiful face I've ever seen. They must have created art specifically for people like her, to try and fail forever to capture these small looks, all her various angles and the colors of her moods.”
Alexandra Bracken, Sparks Rise

Duane Swierczynski
“I feel bad for you, Nathan. This is some world you'll be raising her in. A world where a few rich sons of bitches take whatever they want, and kill whoever gets in the way.”
Duane Swierczynski, Cable (2008-2010) #5

Duane Swierczynski
“Life is full of tragedies and death. You learn how to deal with those. You learn to cope. But it's impossible to do the same when all you have are questions. They gnaw at you. Dig down deep inside you. And there's only one thing that can keep it from overwhelming you. Faith.”
Duane Swierczynski, Cable #6

Duane Swierczynski
“Sometimes I think life twists you back onto the same roads you traveled as a child to teach you a lesson. That lesson being: you didn't know #$%& then, and you don't know #$%& now.”
Duane Swierczynski, X-Men Times and Life of Lucas Bishop #2

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