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Opinionated Quotes

Quotes tagged as "opinionated" Showing 1-18 of 18
Shannon L. Alder
“True saddness is when someone still thinks your the same person after all these years. They brand you because of their own ego, fear and lack of spirituality. What's sadder is when they are Christian.”
Shannon L. Alder

Jeffrey Fry
“To be taken seriously, try being educated instead of opinionated.”
Jeffrey Fry

Nora Roberts
“I think you're under no obligation whatsoever to forgive anything, to forget anything. You're not required to push away the years of abuse because the abuser now chooses to be sober and in his sobriety regrets his actions. And white may be small and unforgiving of me, I think people who do so at the snap of a dam finger are either liars or are in need of serious therapy. I assume you heard him out, so in my personal opinion, any debt you might owe for your existence is now paid in full. It may be fashionable to hold that terrible actions are indeed terrible, but that hte person inflicting them isn't responbile due to alcohol, drugs, DNA, or GD PMS. He damn well was responsible, and if you decided to loathe him for the rest of your life, I wouldn't blame you for it. How's that?" (Cybil to Gage - she ROCKS)”
Nora Roberts, The Pagan Stone

William Strunk Jr.
“If you have received a letter inviting you to speak at the dedication of a new cat hospital, and you hate cats, your reply, declining the invitation, does not necessarily have to cover the full range of your emotions. You must make it clear that you will not attend, but you do not have to let fly at the cats. The writer of the letter asked a civil question; attack cats, then, only if you can do so with good humor, good taste, and in such a way that your answer will be courteous as well as responsive. Since you are out of sympathy with cats, you may quite properly give this as a reason for not appearing at the dedicatory ceremonies of a cat hospital. But bear in mind that your opinion of cats was not sought, only your services as a speaker. Try to keep things straight.”
William Strunk Jr., The Elements of Style

“Sometimes it's not always straightforward, but it's not always confusing either. You just have to respect a person's decisions without disrespecting them.”
Temitayo Olami

“It's what you learn after you know it all that counts.”
Earl Weaver, It's What You Learn After You Know It All That Counts : The Autobiography of Earl Weaver.

“People will encourage you to have an opinion, until the opinion you have, is not the correct opinion…in their opinion.”
Broms The Poet, Feast

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Too often, opinion is a lens polished by the grit of bias. And as I stare through my own lens, I might ask how much polish can the grit of bias actually create?”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Parul Wadhwa
“Myra wasn't simple or complicated. She was different. She was not perfect, not even close but her flaws were intresting. She always had an opinion, something to say about everything.Most interesting thing about her is that she never said something to please, yet she was nice to be around.”
Parul Wadhwa, The Masquerade

David Lebovitz
“Spécial" is one of those elusive French words that means something (or someone) is...peculiar. The use of it is one of the rare times that the French are noncommittal about their opinions.”
David Lebovitz, L'Appart: The Delights and Disasters of Making My Paris Home

Sonali Dev
“You know how we men are. If we imprint on you young, you've got us forever. To do with us as you please."
She smiled at Zee so sweetly that Rico braced himself for what was coming. "Or you men want us to believe that, so we can never let you go and you can use our dependence to do as you please."
Zee looked delighted. "Are you saying men are more manipulative in relationships than women? That would go against the popular opinion, now wouldn't it?"
Ashna mirrored his delight. "The popular opinion that men have floated through the years?"
"I know a lot of women who agree that women are more manipulative than men."
"Just like you've heard women say women gossip more, or pull each other down, or only feel loved when men shower them with material gifts. Patriarchal opinions that centuries of being called 'the weaker sex' and being given only the domestic space and our own bodies to claim our power with have had us internalize?”
Sonali Dev, Recipe for Persuasion

“For a healthy and balanced outcome, being opinionated must be paired with being informed.”
Omar Cherif

Marian Keyes
“They seem like a different race to me and I make sure never to get into disagreements with them, because any puny thing I say gets dashed on the rocks of their robust, shouty certainty.”
Marian Keyes, Anybody Out There?

“Sometimes it's not always straightforward, but it's not always confusing either. You just have to respect a person's decisions without disrespecting them.”
Temi O'Sola

David Lebovitz
“Speciàl" is one of those elusive French words that means something (or someone is...peculiar. The use of it is one of the rare times that the French are noncommittal about their opinion.”
David Lebovitz, L'Appart: The Delights and Disasters of Making My Paris Home

Lisa Kleypas
“The dessert plates were arranged with delicate biscuits and pineapple cream served in cunning little glazed pots.
Sir Ross introduced a new topic of conversation concerning some recently proposed amendments to the Poor Law, which both he and Gentry supported. Surprisingly, Sophia offered her own opinions on the subject, and the men listened attentively. Lottie tried to conceal her astonishment, for she had been taught for years that a proper woman should never express her opinions in mixed company. Certainly she should say nothing about politics, an inflammatory subject that only men were qualified to debate. And yet here was a man as distinguished as Sir Ross seeming to find nothing wrong in his wife's speaking her mind. Nor did Gentry seem displeased by his sister's outspokenness.
Perhaps Gentry would allow her the same freedom. With that pleasant thought in her mind, Lottie consumed her pineapple cream, a rich, silky custard with a tangy flavor. Upon reaching the bottom of the pot, she thought longingly of how nice it would be to have another. However, good manners and the fear of appearing gluttonous made it unthinkable to request seconds.
Noticing the wistful glance Lottie gave her empty dish, Gentry laughed softly and slid his own untouched dessert to her plate. "You have even more of a taste for sweets than little Amelia," he murmured in her ear. His warm breath caused the hair on the back of her neck to rise.
"We didn't have desserts at school," she said with a sheepish smile.
He took his napkin and dabbed gently at the corner of her mouth. "I can see that I'll have a devil of a time trying to compensate for all the things you were deprived of. I suppose you'll want sweets with every meal now."
Pausing in the act of lifting her spoon, Lottie stared into the warm blue eyes so close to hers, and suddenly she felt wreathed in heat. Ridiculous, that all he had to do was speak with that caressing note in his voice, and she could be so thoroughly undone.”
Lisa Kleypas, Worth Any Price

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“It’s not that we don’t have the answer. It’s that we don’t have the answer that we want. And until we get that, our stance is that we don’t have the answer.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Erin Jade Lange
“The folks here are small-town, not small-minded.”
Erin Jade Lange, Mere Mortals