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Raising Kids Quotes

Quotes tagged as "raising-kids" Showing 1-30 of 62
John Scalzi
“In general there should be gay characters in YA because a) surprise, there are gay folks everywhere and b) in my opinion as a father, there’s not a damn thing wrong with my child encountering gay folks in her literature, because see point a).”
John Scalzi

Audre Lorde
“The strongest lesson I can teach my son is the same lesson I teach my daughter: how to be who he wishes to be for himself. And the best way I can do this is to be who I am and hope that he will learn from this not how to be me, which is not possible, but how to be himself. And this means how to move to that voice from within himself, rather than to those raucous, persuasive, or threatening voices from outside, pressuring him to be what the world wants him to be.”
Audre Lorde, Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches

Kristina Kuzmic
“Parenting is about raising myself as much as it is about raising my kids.”
Kristina Kuzmic, Hold On, But Don't Hold Still

Abhijit Naskar
“The best way to teach the children a habit is to adopt it ourselves.”
Abhijit Naskar, The Gospel of Technology

Abhijit Naskar
“Set the standards of healthy living in front of the children, by being an embodiment of healthy living yourself, then and then only will there be hope for the kids to turn into responsible, stable, patient and socially functional human beings.”
Abhijit Naskar, The Gospel of Technology

Viv Albertine
“Like her [mother], I attempted to give the impression to Vida that I was a perfect person, had no complicated history and had never put a foot wrong in life. (What kind of a role model is that for a child?)
Divorce made an honest woman of me. Vida was eight when my marriage began to disintegrate and I couldn't bear pretending to her or anyone else any more. I was sick of trying to appear normal. Vida didn't reject me for showing my true self – that's what I imagined would happen. Far from it, we grew even closer. She especially enjoyed my swearing. (I only swore in front of her when she was older. Everything has to be revealed at an appropriate time.) A child derives a sense of safety from knowing the person who looks after them is respectful enough to be honest. Vida has never rooted around in my cupboards and drawers or turned the house upside down searching for letters and scraps of evidence to help her piece her mother together like I did. On the contrary, she knows too much. She's not fascinated by secrets because I haven't hidden anything from her, not even the ugly stuff.”
Viv Albertine, To Throw Away Unopened

Kristina Kuzmic
“The difference between being your kid's best friend and being their ally is the difference between being nice and being kind; the first is about a desire to be liked and the second is about a deeper desire to make a positive, lasting difference in someone's life. My job is not to be liked by my kids. And I don't take it personally when my kids don't like me, because their well-being is more important to me than their opinion of me. My hope is that if I raise them well, with enough love and structure, then one day they'll grow up to be the kind of good and decent people I have the privilege of calling friends.”
Kristina Kuzmic, Hold On, But Don't Hold Still

Abhijit Naskar
“If you want to leave something for your children, leave a better world, not heaps of money, because at the rate our ancestors screwed up this world and at the rate we are sustaining their stupidity in our pursuit of limitless productivity, soon all the money in the world will not be enough to save our children from imminent disaster.”
Abhijit Naskar, Good Scientist: When Science and Service Combine

Abhijit Naskar
“The Parenting Sonnet

Anybody can make a baby, that's no glory,
To raise a true being, that's a glorious thing.
It takes less than a minute to make a baby,
But more than a decade to make a being.
So if you choose to have baby someday,
Focus on their character, not just sustenance.
And make sure to keep luxury away from them,
For luxury is curse for character development.
Pass on the tradition of compassion to them,
Be a living example of the possibility of humanity.
Teach them the belief of nondiscrimination,
Demonstrate to them a never-before seen sanity.
Be the person you want the kids to grow up to be.
The best kind of parenting is that of exemplarity.”
Abhijit Naskar, Honor He Wrote: 100 Sonnets For Humans Not Vegetables

Richie Norton
“...none of that matters if i don’t focus on my fam. I only have a handful of Summers left with my kids. That’s what I care about.”
Richie Norton

Joan Crawford
“Often there’s no help in the home, but there are neighbors and friends and the people at nurseries and day-care centers. All of them help a child to learn to get along with all sorts of people and become more independent. Seeing people encourages him to make decisions for himself. When he sees his parents at his own special time of the day he enjoys them more than if they were underfoot all the time.”
Joan Crawford, My Way of Life

Joan Crawford
“I was a working mother, and making films is a time-consuming job, but I found time to expose children to all facets of life, all sorts of experiences. […] They learned all sorts of sports to find out what they liked the best. Helen Hayes once said that the essential thing was to introduce children to life, and then let them make their own decisions.”
Joan Crawford, My Way of Life

Joan Crawford
“They [Joan’s adopted twin daughters] tell people they had a marvelous childhood. I hope they did. I tried to give them that — because it’s really all that a patent can do. A parent has to guide, advise, educate, and love them. If they’re sure of the love, they’ll accept the guidance.
I think that children benefit in all sorts of ways when they have mothers who have their own fascinating jobs. It’s good for them to know that mother is involved in other things besides smothering them with love. They respect that. When children are neglected it’s usually because their mothers are so bored and discontent that they fill their days with golf, bridge, and matinees and live the children to fend for themselves. A working woman loves coming home and making special time for her children. But few husbands understand the full range of her responsibilities.”
Joan Crawford, My Way of Life

Viv Albertine
“Other rituals Mum performed on me at night were exercising my legs by gripping my knee and ankle and circling one leg at a time so I wouldn't be bow-legged, weaving plaster in and out of my toes so they wouldn't be crooked, and taping a penny onto my stomach so I'd have a flat navel, all of which worked.”
Viv Albertine, To Throw Away Unopened

K. Weikel
“Trust that you’ve raised me well and I can be in this world, no matter how insane, and that I can survive.”
K. Weikel, Replay: Ghost

K. Weikel
“Trust that you’ve raised me well and I can survive in this world, no matter how insane.”
K. Weikel, Replay: Ghost

Abhijit Naskar
“Be genuinely selfless and give your kids the courage to go after their dreams.”
Abhijit Naskar, Every Generation Needs Caretakers: The Gospel of Patriotism

Abhijit Naskar
“If you make boozed up youngsters with no comprehension of civilization your role model, you will end up with a world outwardly sophisticated yet inwardly broken and empty.”
Abhijit Naskar, When Call The People: My World My Responsibility

Anas Hamshari
“Having an asset-generated income will make it easier for parents to spend more time raising their children”
Anas Hamshari, Businessman With An Affliction

Abhijit Naskar
“If every child grows up watching their parents lend a hand to those in need, all suffering will fade within a century.”
Abhijit Naskar, Generation Corazon: Nationalism is Terrorism

Abhijit Naskar
“It is a selfish - selfish world - you know why - because nature teaches selfishness, parents teach selfishness, teachers teach selfishness - and by the time a child full of human potential grows up to be an adult, they are no longer human, they end up as modern savage in fancy rags.”
Abhijit Naskar, Şehit Sevda Society: Even in Death I Shall Live

Abhijit Naskar
“If you wanna pass on a ritual to your children, pass on the ritual of helping - if you wanna pass on a belief to your children, pass on the belief, to never discriminate others based on belief.”
Abhijit Naskar, Şehit Sevda Society: Even in Death I Shall Live

Abhijit Naskar
“It takes less than a minute to make a baby, but more than a decade to make a being.”
Abhijit Naskar, Honor He Wrote: 100 Sonnets For Humans Not Vegetables

Donna Goddard
“When raising children, it is not 'making memories' that matters. It is the making of a home. That home is us—the state of our mind and heart. We are what makes the memory of a child. Who we are, who we become as a parent and a person, and how we respond to them and their needs is the most critical element in setting them up for their venture into life. When raising a child, it is time to make ourselves into something as memorable as possible.
Donna Goddard, Touched by Love

Eric Overby
“Seeing the cause and effect of how you’ve raised your older children is helpful in considering how to raise the next. There are things that I have learned, through stumbling in the darkness of youth and inexperience, that have (hopefully) helped me prepare for this next chapter. There are errors that were made and versions of myself that this child will not have to live through. There are things worth keeping and resurrecting.”
Eric Overby

Malcolm Harris
“If you dangle in front of parents the kind of 1 percent life outcome that goes with being a star, some of them will grab for it, even if objectively it’s not a very good plan for their child’s long-term wellbeing. Once a parent hears that their kid might have potential - as a painter, a dancer, a tennis player, a musician, whatever - all the stories of struggling artists and washed up athletes fade to the background.”
Malcolm Harris, Kids These Days: Human Capital and the Making of Millennials

Ayla Asher
“Several hours later, Heather sat on Jeremy's living room couch marveling at how humanity had survived for thousands of centuries. It seemed impossible, considering they had to spend excessive amounts of energy raising children, who by their very nature, were designed to suck every last drop of energy from one's veins.”
Ayla Asher, Futures Entwined

Joanne Harris
“my little stranger”
Joanne Harris, Chocolat

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