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Stain Quotes

Quotes tagged as "stain" Showing 1-30 of 30
Maya Angelou
“Words are things. You must be careful, careful about calling people out of their names, using racial pejoratives and sexual pejoratives and all that ignorance. Don’t do that. Some day we’ll be able to measure the power of words. I think they are things. They get on the walls. They get in your wallpaper. They get in your rugs, in your upholstery, and your clothes, and finally in to you.”
Maya Angelou

Alice Sebold
“The stains could be seen only in the sunlight, so Ruth was never really aware of them until later, when she would stop at an outdoor cafe for a cup of coffee, and look down at her skirt and see the dark traces of spilled vodka or whiskey. The alcohol had the effect of making the black cloth blacker. This amused her; she had noted in her journal: 'booze affects material as it does people'.”
Alice Sebold, The Lovely Bones

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Negative people will always be there to stain your pure image with their dirty tongues and brushes, but you'll always remain as white as snow, no matter how high the quality of paint they use.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Alejandro Zambra
“Pero quién no es, de vez en cuando, una mancha en la vida de alguien”
alejandro zambra, The Private Lives of Trees

Munia Khan
“When reality hurts, make sure to soar above the dream-stained sky!”
Munia Khan

Anthony Ryan
“I cannot believe the path to victory lies in staining our souls so black we become indistinguishable from those we fight.”
Anthony Ryan, Queen of Fire

Thrity Umrigar
“like a drop of ink in a glass of milk”
Thrity Umrigar, The Space Between Us

Munia Khan
“Only tears can hear the sound of pain
when warm blood reddens discolored stain”
Munia Khan

Edmondo de Amicis
“What is working stain, does not soil.”
Edmundo de Amicis

Patrick Rothfuss
“Oh come now," Bast reproached, his smile falling away. "That's just insulting."
"By earth and stone, I abjure you!" Kote dipped his fingers into the cup by his side and flicked droplets
casually in Bast's direction. "Glamour be banished!"
"With cider?" Bast managed to look amused and annoyed at the same time as he daubed a bead of liquid
from the front of his shirt. "This better not stain.”
Patrick Rothfuss, The Name of the Wind

Israelmore Ayivor
“Sometimes you try to fly and you fall. Remember your falls are not fatal, they're just a little painful. Endure the pain, clean the blood stain, you'll surely gain! Get up and fly again!”
Israelmore Ayivor, Daily Drive 365

Tennessee Williams
“Miss Collins: That's the picture, the one in the silver frame up there on the mantle. We cooled the watermelon in the springs and afterwards played games. She hid somewhere and he took ages to find her. It got to be dark and he hadn't found her yet and everyone whispered and giggled about it and finally they came back together- her hangin' on to his arm like a common little strumpet- and Daisy Belle Huston shrieked out, "Look, everyboy, the seat of Evelyn's skirt!" It was-covered with-grass stains! Did you ever hear of anything outrageous?”
Tennessee Williams, Portrait of a Madonna

Paul Bamikole
“A friend who is quick to point his or her finger at the stain or patch on your cloth in the presence of others is a friend to be feared.
Be discerning!”
Paul Bamikole

Philip Roth
“L'umano desiderio di un principio, una parte di mezzo e una fine - e una fine adeguata, come grandezza, a quel principio e a quella parte di mezzo - si realizzava così completamente soltanto nella materia insegnata da Coleman all'Athena College. Ma al di fuori della tragedia classica del quinto secolo a.C. aspettarsi un compimento, per non dire una giusta e perfetta conclusione, significa, per un adulto, cullarsi in una stolta illusione.”
Philip Roth, The Human Stain

Philip Roth
“Ma il pericolo dell'odio è che, una volta cominciato a coltivarlo, hai cento volte più di quanto ti aspettassi. Una volta cominciato, non ti fermi più. Non conosco nulla di più difficile da controllare dell'odio. E' più facile smettere di bere che smettere di odiare. Ed è tutto dire.”
Philip Roth, The Human Stain

Jazz Feylynn
“This assignment could damn well project all the words across my face and the ink stain my hands a gory mess before I finished it.”
Jazz Feylynn

Simone Elkeles
Carajo!" Paco says, throwing down his lunch. "They think they can buy a U-shaped shell, stuff it, and call it a taco, but those cafeteria workers wouldn't know taco meat from a piece of shit. That's what this tastes like, Alex."
"You're makin' me sick, man," I tell him.
I stare uncomfortably at the food I brought from home. Thanks to Paco everything looks like mierda now. Disgusted, I shove what's left of my lunch into my brown paper bag.
"Want some of it?" Paco says with a grin as he holds out the shitty taco to me.
"Bring that one inch closer to me and you'll be sorry," I threaten.
"I'm shakin' in my pants."
Paco wiggles the offending taco, goading me. He should seriously know better.
"If any of that gets on me--"
"What'cha gonna do, kick my ass?" Paco sings sarcastically, still shaking the taco. Maybe I should punch him in the face, knocking him out so I won't have to deal with him right now.
As I have that thought, I feel something drop on my pants. I look down even though I know what I'll see. Yes, a big blob of wet, gloppy stuff passing as taco meat lands right on the crotch of my faded jeans.
"Fuck," Paco says, his face quickly turning from amusement to shock. "Want me to clean it off for you?"
"If your fingers get anywhere close to my dick, I'm gonna personally shoot you in the huevos," I growl through clenched teeth.
I flick the mystery meat off my crotch. A big, greasy stain lingers. I turn back to Paco. "You got ten minutes to get me a new pair of pants."
"How the hell am I s'posed to do that?"
"Be creative."
"Take mine." Paco stands and brings his fingers to the waistband of his jeans, unbuttoning right in the middle of the courtyard.
"Maybe I wasn't specific enough," I tell him, wondering how I'm going to act like the cool guy in chem class when it looks like I've peed in my pants. "I meant, get me a new pair of pants that will fit me, pendejo. You're so short you could audition to be one of Santa Claus's elves."
"I'm toleratin' your insults because we're like brothers."
"Nine minutes and thirty seconds."
It doesn't take Paco more than that to start running toward the school parking lot.”
Simone Elkeles, Perfect Chemistry

Philip Roth
“Niente dura, e nondimeno niente passa. E niente passa proprio perché niente dura.”
Philip Roth, The Human Stain

Philip Roth
“Pensava gli stessi pensieri, inutili per un uomo di non grande talento come lui, se non per Sofocle: la casualità con cui si forma un destino... E come tutto può sembrare accidentale, quando è inevitabile.”
Philip Roth, The Human Stain

Philip Roth
“Tanta istruzione, e non serve a nulla. Nulla può isolare dal più infimo livello del pensiero.”
Philip Roth, The Human Stain

Philip Roth
“Questo è tutto ciò che Faunia, nel suo tono freddo e distaccato, stava dicendo alla ragazza che nutriva il serpente: noi lasciamo una macchia, lasciamo una traccia, lasciamo la nostra impronta. Impurità, crudeltà, abuso, errore, escremento, seme: non c'è altro mezzo per essere qui. Nulla a che fare con la disobbedienza. Nulla a che fare con la grazia o la salvezza o la redenzione. E' in ognuno di noi. Insita. Inerente. Qualificante. La macchia che esiste prima del suo segno. Che esiste senza il segno. La macchia così intrinseca che non richiede un segno. La macchia che precede la disobbedienza, che comprende la disobbedienza e frustra ogni spiegazione o ogni comprensione. Ecco perché ogni purificazione è uno scherzo. Uno scherzo crudele, se è per questo. La fantasia della purezza è terrificante. E' folle. Cos'è questa brama di purificazione, se non l'aggiunta di nuove impurità? Della macchia Faunia diceva soltanto che era inevitabile. Questo, ovviamente, era il suo punto di vista: siamo creature irrimediabilmente macchiate. Rassegnata all'orribile, elementare imperfezione.”
Philip Roth, The Human Stain

Philip Roth
“La performance sincera è tutto. Sincera e vuota, completamente vuota. La sincerità che va in tutte le direzioni. La sincerità che è peggio della falsità e l'innocenza che è peggio della corruzione. Tutta l'avidità che si nasconde sotto la sincerità. E sotto il gergo. Questo splendido linguaggio che hanno tutti - in cui sembrano credere -, queste chiacchiere sulla loro "mancanza di autovalorizzazione", quando l'unica cosa di cui sono sempre convinti, in realtà, è di avere diritto a tutto. L'impudenza la chiamano tenerezza, e la crudeltà è camuffata da "autostima" perduta. Anche Hitler mancava di autostima. Era il suo problema.”
Philip Roth, The Human Stain

“To weep at each little disappointment in life was a waste.”
A G Howard

“Wearing another’s skin is the most effective way to learn sympathy.”
A G Howard

“If there is a stain on your clothes, that spot becomes the focal point of your attention, making you unable to relax for the entire day.”
Shoukei Matsumoto, A Monk’s Guide to A Clean House & Mind
tags: stain

Enock Maregesi
“Mtu anayesema ndoa yake ni imara bila tendo la ndoa ana doa katika ndoa yake.”
Enock Maregesi

“Soap never clean the stain of sin.
Only the blood of the blameless Lamb, the Lord Jesus Christ can wash the stain of sin to be made as white as snow.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Steven Magee
“President Trump is a stain on the historical record.”
Steven Magee

Kamaran Ihsan Salih
“The stain will affect on pure and clean on dirty won't have any affect.”
Kamaran Ihsan Salih

Kamaran Ihsan Salih
“If you are simple don"t afraid of the pure and simple to stain you, be afraid of those colorful who are a color every day if they touch you they will stain quickly.”
Kamaran Ihsan Salih