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Simona B's Reviews > Kings Rising

Kings Rising by C.S. Pacat
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really liked it
bookshelves: in-english, 2000-present

One of my favourite series ever, one of the most touching and intense love stories I've ever read. It has and will always hold an exclusive place in my heart.

“Hello, lover.”

Let it be known that the Captive Prince series is something beautiful, precious, heady and spectacular. I want the whole world to read this, and people, I'm going to do it. I'm going to rave about this series so much that everyone will end up reading it just to shut me up.
(I won't stop even then, though.)

I have already specified elsewhere what it is that charms me so much about these books, but I'll repeat it, just to be sure that you can catch at least a glimpse of the impossible amount of awesomeness awaiting you among these pages.

•Absolutely perfect, well-rounded characters. The protagonists, Laurent and Damen, are masterful literary creations, the fruits of a genius' mind. I'm not exaggerating: their conversations, their interactions, not only those between the two of them but also with others, are precise, chiseled, and they exactly mirror their personality so as to seem, beyond any doubt, carefully studied and thought-out, and yet their feel is incredibly natural and spontaneous. This both helps the reader to get attached to them, and provide them with a complexity that only adds to their characterization.

“Don't,” said Laurent, “toy with me. I-have not the means to-defend against this.”

•Speaking of this, I've always been a fan of Pacat's writing style, and I'll always be. Her prose is wonderful, her sentences articulate and beautifully sophisticated, yet so easy to read that you find yourself swept away, but gently, in the stream of her words.

•The romance (seriously, you thought I wouldn't mention that). Useless to say, it had me sold from book one, because, again, the interactions between the teo main characters are sheer perfection and each syllable that goes between them gives me thrills. The excruciatingly slow, and for this very reason inconceivably sweet and gripping, development of their relationship is the truest core of this story, and in my opinion it can be described only as a work of art. I know I am using a lot of hyperbolic expressions here, but, in sheer honesty, I'm usually rather reluctant to use them (and sure enough, even my four-star reviews happen to be full of reasons why to dislike the book instead of the opposite), so believe me when I say that, in these case, all my praises are totally deserved.
So, yes. Damen and Laurent won and broke and then mended again my poor, sore, swollen heart.

“Laurent said, “No. I’m not here to-” He said, “I'm just here.”

(Yes, a lot of Laurent's quotes here. I loved him too much in this book.)

•On the other hand, I couldn't ignore a couple of flaws (see the part where I complain about my complaining tendency). For example, I would have like to see more of that twisted political intricacy that we see in the second book -which is, for me, the best installment in the series. We have some here too, though, so I'm not going to mke a storm in a teacup out of this. But again, I missed seeing Laurent's sharp, cunning mind at work 24/7.

•The ending is a bit rushed and abrupt -thank god Pacat's plans include an adjacent project, which I suggest you check out.
Also, I had the impression that things untangled a bit too easily, and that didn't feel very realistic.

Anyway, I can sincerely say that the book lived up to my expectations. Now the only thing that could make me happier is Pacat delivering that blessed prologue, in which, I understand, everything can happen. Hey, how am I supposed not to indulge my wildest dreams when Damen says things like this:

(view spoiler)

and the both of them say things like this:

(view spoiler)

Oh my sweetness.

EDIT 02/02/16: I can't believe this is happening.

EDIT 09/15: Please book let them be together Please book let them be together Please book let them be together Please book let them be together Please book let them be together Please book let them be together Please book let them be together.

Did I mention they should be together?
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Reading Progress

September 24, 2015 – Shelved
September 24, 2015 – Shelved as: wishlist
February 2, 2016 – Started Reading
February 3, 2016 – Shelved as: in-english
February 3, 2016 – Finished Reading
March 12, 2020 – Shelved as: 2000-present

Comments Showing 1-47 of 47 (47 new)

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message 1: by Iz (new) - rated it 5 stars

Iz I know the feeling, sis. T__T devono stare insieme, per forza. T_T

message 2: by [deleted user] (new)

I knooooooow

Claudia Non può essere contemplato finale differente U_U

message 4: by Simona (last edited Sep 25, 2015 09:24AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Simona B I'm not asking too much right? I'm going to cry my soul out if it ends differently ç_ç

K.S. Morgan Don't worry, they'll be together) The author has said her story will end with HEA.

Simona B @K.S. are you serious? It sounds too good to be true. If it is, well, you are kinda saving my mental stability, I just couldn't stand the thought of their story ending badly <3
Where did she say that? :)

K.S. Morgan Here it is http://freece.livejournal.com/39701.html I wouldn't be able to wait without knowing our boys will get their happiness, so I totally understand :)

Simona B How fantastic *_* Thank you, you made my day!

message 9: by Iz (new) - rated it 5 stars

Iz LUCKY YOUU!! *^* I'll buy it as soon as the ebook gets cheaper. *paces*

Simona B @Iz avevo fatto il preordine su bookdepository, ma tipo due giorni fa mi hanno mandato un email di rimborso e di scuse perché non era possibile per loro spedirmi il libro (motivi ignoti perché non era specificato nulla). Quindi ho detto fan****, io non ce la faccio ad aspettare, e ho rotto la mia regola di non comprare ebook a più di 5 euro... ora mi sento una cacca, ma non ce la facevo proprio! Anche perché più in là la serie voglio comprarmela tutta in cartaceo XD

message 11: by Iz (new) - rated it 5 stars

Iz Lo sai che sto pensando anche io di farlo? In cartaceo, tutti e tre, i miei tesori :') A proposito, my link text, hai saputo? *O*

Simona B Non lo sapevo! Penso che il mio cuore si sia fermato alla parola EPILOGO *droooooooooooools*
Grazie Iz! <3

message 13: by Iz (new) - rated it 5 stars

Iz AHAHAHAHA, sono felice di averti dato una bella notizia, LOL! A me ha consolato tantissimo sapere che ci sarà un "dopo" (che interpreto come un happily ever after per Damen e Laurent *incrocia le dita*).
Prego! <3

Claudia Ragazze, scusate l'intromissione ma mi è arrivata la notifica e sono venuta a sbirciare xD

Neanche io avevo idea che fossero in programma delle novelle *w* asdfghjkl che felicità *w*
Grazie Iz, che ci tieni aggiornate <3

ps Iz, mi unisco al LUCKY YOU *^* anche io aspetto che i prezzi si sgonfino :(
Simo, tu tienici aggiornate e fangirla per tutte e tre XD

Norah Una Sumner OMG YOU LUCKY WOMAN! asdfghjkl

Simona B @Norah ahah thank you!! Now I'm in the middle of a get together with all my family (uncles, aunts and cousinds included) but tonight I'll totally read :D

@Iz e Cla contante su di me ragazze <3 il capitolo uno spacca! Non vedo l'ora che i nostri due ciccini s'incontrino :3

message 17: by Iz (new) - rated it 5 stars

Iz @Claudia, è un piacere lol <3 e meno male che non sono sola nell'attesa T_T
E sì, @Simona, vogliamo tanti tanti status *^*

message 18: by Masooma (new)

Masooma Enjoy!

Alienor ✘ French Frowner ✘ Awww. I've been wanting to read this story but for some reason there's no kindle version of the first tome O_o Not in amazon.fr anyway. That sucks, because I rarely buy paperbacks when I'm not sure I'll like :/

Argona *Joins the praying circle*
Yes book, please let them be together! Please!

message 21: by Iz (new) - rated it 5 stars


Simona B Iz, ho letto tutta la notte ahahahahah i miei poveri occhi, bruciano da morire XD

message 23: by Iz (new) - rated it 5 stars

Iz Ahahaha, capisco!! :') come l'hai trovato?? :3

Simona B Loro due sono stupendi, io li amo alla follia! Il fatto è che il finale è un po' abrupt e poi volevo più macchinazioni politiche e bastardate, come nel secondo. Ma loro due mi fanno sciogliere! <3

message 25: by Pang (new)

Pang come back!! Miss you guys!!! xD Oh.. this series sounds great! xD and the romance seems great too ( I love intense romance!!! ) Have to check this series out! xD

Simona B @Pang definitely! I've quite never seen such a great romance. The two of them are absolutely fabulous together. Such a chemistry! I want to read the whole series again <3

message 27: by Pang (new)

Pang come back!! Miss you guys!!! xD I just check it so... it's MM romance? O: Interesting! I have never read MM Romance before, but want to try some. This might be the great start! ;)

Simona B I had never read MM romance either before reading this one the last September. It was an epiphany ahahah <3 Hope it works as well for you my friend :D

message 29: by Iz (new) - rated it 5 stars

Iz @Simo, allora meno male che l'autrice abbia deciso di scrivere delle short stories :'))

Simona B Sìiiii sono rilassata perché so che ci sarà l'epilogo! Non vedo l'ora, credo che ora la stalkererò male per sapere QUANDO lo avremo tra le mani lol

Claudia Simo, basta che sono quattro stelline belle piene XD
Mi prudono le mani per la voglia che ho di spoilerarmi... ma devo tenere duro!
Ti vedo comunque molto "tranquilla" quindi posso tirare un sospiero di sollievo ;)

Simona B Pienissime!! Il dubbio di poterne mettere cinque l'ho avuto, figurati :)
Resistiiii XD

Sylwia Yes!! I agree with you! One of the most touching and intense love stories indeed! Ahhh I loved this book so much! <3

message 34: by Iz (new) - rated it 5 stars

Iz @Claudia, le mani prudono anche a me >.< quasi quasi mi rileggo gli altri due nell'attesa di un abbassamento di prezzo D: e @Simo, mi unisco allo stalkeraggio, lol! *^*

Simona B Review's up! And it's official: I want to reread the whole series again!

@Ragazze scusate quei due spoiler tentatori che ho messo nella rece ahahahah XD

Hannah ◇ReaderintheRough◇ Ahhh! Beautiful review! I'm sad that you noted less political intrigue than the second book :(

My library is shipping this to me as we speak. I'm bouncing on my toes in anticipation!!!

Alienor ✘ French Frowner ✘ Amazing review!!! I'm reading this next ;) ♥♥♥

Aj the Ravenous Reader Excellent review, Simona. I'm looking forward to reading the first book.^^

Adita ✨The Slumbering Insomniac✨ Now you make me want to read it NOW! ❤️ The books just came! Wonderful review!

Simona B Thank you for your compliments, people! Too kind ;) Enjoy!! This series is G-R-E-A-T <3

Claudia Diavolo tentatrice di una Simo <3

message 42: by Anne (new)

Anne I hardly know what this series is about but this was a wonderful review and color me intrigued!

message 43: by Masooma (new)

Masooma You've a beautiful way with words, Sim! :) I absolutely love your review xx

Simona B @Cla ahahah I know! Muahahahah

@Anne want me to quickly sum it up?
Here it is: romance. Poilitcal intrigue. Sheer awesomeness. Me happy.
Aahahah no, really, the premise itself is already fantastic. I'm sure a quick look at it will dissolve any doubt ;D

@Masomma aw, I'm blushing :3 thank you <3

message 45: by Kristalia (new) - added it


great review ♥

Aaron You have literally given me reason to live!!! Adjacent stories to include an epilogue?!!! Praise jebus hallelujah

message 47: by Afrika (new)

Afrika Huruman SPOILERRRR!!

The romance is four star stars for me,their first lovemaking in the book stirred something in me,I find Laurent vulnerability was is so beautiful,but at one scene when Laurent went down on him and Damen refer him as panther and frigid was so far from romantic I hoped Laurent bite off his cock.I agree with you the interactions between Damen and Laurent is to die for,Laurent was sooo vicious! at one scene he almost got my lovely brute killed.Im glad he didn't succeed though.But seriously,his intelligence in this book was severely dwindled,almost verging on stupid.And here's why

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