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Lisa's Reviews > Moon Tiger

Moon Tiger by Penelope Lively
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: 2021, favorites, historical-fiction, booker-prize

I am intrigued. I have been enticed. I am in love with Penelope Lively's novel Moon Tiger.

I alternately wanted to read more quickly to continue with Claudia's story and to slow way down to savor Lively's beautiful way with words.

The story takes it's name from a coil that slowly burns all night, repelling mosquitoes, which is also a metaphor for the spiraling nature of memory.

Much of the story is told from inside the head of Lively's self-centered, feisty, acerbic, charismatic heroine Claudia Hampton. Claudia, at age 76, is lying in hospital remembering her life.

Memory isn't linear; and Claudia's thoughts spiral, sliding back and forth through time with a central defining moment in her life as the pivot to which she periodically returns. She touches on the people and events that are most important to her. The shifting view points, which sometimes replay the same scene through different eyes, reinforce the concept that history is subjective. While it took me a chapter or two to adapt to Lively's style, I quickly fell into her rhythm and was captivated by the story.

Claudia lives a full and event-filled life; and Lively presents it in a story laden with atmosphere and poignancy
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Reading Progress

January 4, 2021 – Shelved as: to-read
January 4, 2021 – Shelved
March 30, 2021 – Started Reading
April 3, 2021 – Shelved as: 2021
April 3, 2021 – Shelved as: favorites
April 3, 2021 – Shelved as: historical-fiction
April 3, 2021 – Finished Reading
September 4, 2021 – Shelved as: booker-prize

Comments Showing 1-39 of 39 (39 new)

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message 1: by Barbara (new)

Barbara I just finished Offshore by lively. I also love her writing. Your fine review of Moon Tiger makes me want to read that Lively book next, Lisa.

message 2: by Kelli (new)

Kelli I’ve never heard of this author or book, but I will be seeking this one out soon. Thanks, Lisa!

Candi Ooh, your review encapsulates perfectly the brilliance of this book, Lisa. I loved it as well!

Lisa Barbara, Offshore was written by Penelope Fitzgerald, another English author who has a different writing style. If you haven't yet read Lively, I heartily recommend this book.

Lisa Kelli, I hope you like this one as much as I do.

Lisa Candi, I love brilliant books and am so glad we share a love of this one!

Julie G (also not receiving notifications) I love this book!

Lisa Julie, what's not to love?

PattyMacDotComma Lovely review, Lisa. This is now a favourite that I may re-read!

message 10: by Lisa (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lisa PattyMacDotComma wrote: "Lovely review, Lisa. This is now a favourite that I may re-read!"

Thank you, Patty. I don't re-read many books, and every book that gets 5 stars (I'm stingy with those stars) gets at least a second read.

Bonnie G. This review got me where I live! I have intended to read Penelope Lively for years and now I have somewhere to start.

Julie G (also not receiving notifications) To Bonnie,
I know Lisa won't mind me elbowing my way in here to demand that you read this, and soon!! It is a beloved favorite. . . and it's short!

Bonnie G. Julie wrote: "To Bonnie,
I know Lisa won't mind me elbowing my way in here to demand that you read this, and soon!! It is a beloved favorite. . . and it's short!"

I will always respond favorably to a Julie-issued demand! Going to hunt it down now.

Julie G (also not receiving notifications) Bonnie,
It will break you!

Bonnie G. Julie wrote: "Bonnie,
It will break you!"

Are you referring to the book or my assured favorable response to your demands? 😜

Julie G (also not receiving notifications) The book! I'm so excited to think of you reading it.

message 17: by Lisa (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lisa Julie, thanks for jumping in.
Bonnie, I think you will love Claudia!

Bonnie G. Let's do this thing! I have a few books ahead of it, but I commit absolutely to reading this quite soon.

message 19: by Lisa (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lisa Bonnie G. wrote: "Let's do this thing! I have a few books ahead of it, but I commit absolutely to reading this quite soon."

Yay! I look forward to seeing what you think.

Adina (way behind) I was in love as well.

message 21: by Linda (new) - added it

Linda Excellent review. I need to push this up on my TBR.

message 22: by Lisa (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lisa Linda wrote: "Excellent review. I need to push this up on my TBR."

Yes, do move it up the list; it deserves to be read soon!

message 23: by Lisa (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lisa Adina wrote: "I was in love as well."

Adina, I'm sorry I missed your comment. This was during a period when I didn't get notifications. I'm glad to share the love of this one!

message 25: by Lisa (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lisa Margaret M - Semi Hiatus wrote: "Superb review Lisa 💖"

Thank you, Margaret.

Bonnie G. This is a favorite of so many of my friends who are good readers. I really must get to it. Lovely review, Lisa.

message 27: by Debbie (new)

Debbie W. What a great title for this book, and Claudia sounds like a character I would love to read about.

message 28: by Lisa (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lisa Bonnie G. wrote: "This is a favorite of so many of my friends who are good readers. I really must get to it. Lovely review, Lisa."

One day it will rise to the top of the pile, and you will be happy that it did!

message 29: by Lisa (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lisa Debbie wrote: "What a great title for this book, and Claudia sounds like a character I would love to read about."

Debbie, I hope you make time for this read. It is a slim, eventful volume that I think you will enjoy.

message 30: by Fionnuala (new)

Fionnuala Another book we have in common, Lisa—though I read it pre goodreads so haven't added it. You've given me the urge to reread it…

message 31: by Lisa (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lisa Fionnuala wrote: "Another book we have in common, Lisa—though I read it pre goodreads so haven't added it. You've given me the urge to reread it…"

Fionnuala, I think this one would make a great re-read, especially since it's been quite a while since you read it the first time. I plan to go back and re-read it some day when more time has lapsed.

message 32: by Canadian Jen (new)

Canadian Jen A lovely review, Lisa, It does sound heart wrenching.

message 33: by Jennifer (new) - added it

Jennifer Welsh You seem to be on a bit of a roll with good reading choices lately, Lisa. The divided impulse — to slow down for the language, or speed up for what happens is how I felt about A Heart So White. I love seeing the same events from different POVs—that makes me want to read this more :)

message 34: by Lisa (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lisa Jen CAN wrote: "A lovely review, Lisa, It does sound heart wrenching."

Jen I didn't experience it as heart wrenching. Claudia lives a very full life on her own terms despite that period in time.

message 35: by Lisa (last edited Aug 18, 2023 05:25PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lisa Jennifer wrote: "You seem to be on a bit of a roll with good reading choices lately, Lisa. The divided impulse — to slow down for the language, or speed up for what happens is how I felt about A Heart So White. I l..."

Jennifer, I have read some excellent books of late. This isn't a recent read; it's a review from a couple of years ago that popped up when someone commented on it. Though I am looking at it with fresh eyes thinking about memory and subjective history in light of The Sense of an Ending. That one is still very present with me.

message 36: by Jennifer (new) - added it

Jennifer Welsh Wow, that’s quite an endorsement for Sense of an Ending!

message 37: by Lisa (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lisa Jennifer wrote: "Wow, that’s quite an endorsement for Sense of an Ending!"

Sense of an Ending packed quite a wallop for me. It's magic when a book speaks to me, well anyone, in this way.

message 38: by Bonnie G. (last edited Aug 20, 2023 09:23AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Bonnie G. Lisa wrote: "Jennifer wrote: "Wow, that’s quite an endorsement for Sense of an Ending!"

Sense of an Ending packed quite a wallop for me. It's magic when a book speaks to me, well anyone, in this way."

Agreed, it is one on my all-time favorites list. Such depth and such empathy! And the prose!

message 39: by Lisa (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lisa Bonnie G. wrote: "Sense of an Ending -- Agreed, it is one on my all-time favorites list. Such depth and such empathy! And the prose! "


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