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Bookwraiths's Reviews > The Blade Itself

The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie
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bookshelves: fantasy, grimdark, own
Reading for the 2nd time. Most recently started July 29, 2022.

Originally reviewed at Bookwraiths Reviews

As I’ve mentioned in other reviews, Joe Abercrombie is a fantasy author who all my real-life friends have raved about for years and insisted that I read. From their proselyting, it seemed that my life would not be complete without sampling Lord Grimdark’s wares. So, in order to save myself from some accursed fate, I read the first two novels in Abercrombie’s Shattered Sea series.

Unfortunately, grimwhine was not for me. If interested in the “why”, you can read my reviews of Half a King and Half the World here on Goodreads.

Naturally, my friends were aghast at my heretical dislike of Lord Grimdark. That led them to berate my poor taste in fantasy literature. Arguments ensued thereafter until eventually they understood – even if they did not agree – with my lack of excitement with grimwhine, and so these close buddies of mine insisted that Shattered Sea was really a YA fantasy series and demanded that I try The First Law before I abandoned Lord Grimdark, because it was his masterpiece.

Well, I have recently completed my read of The Blade Itself, book one of The First Law. And, for those who have never tried it, I will attempt to sum it up succinctly for you.

This is a story told from multiple points of view by several main characters with the most important being: Jezal, the rich, noble’s son who is bratty and also a great swordsman; Logen, the northern barbarian who has a dark, mysterious past but wants to escape from it; Ferro, a fugitive slave from the nation of Gurkhul whose desire for revenge is greater than her common sense; and Glokta, a handicapped war hero who is now a torturer working for the Union’s secretive inquisition.

As a reader slowly tags along with these four, they slowly learn tidbits about each person, their pasts, the world they live in, and the coming conflicts that are a brewing. But finally, all these interwoven pieces begin to gather together for the last section of the novel in the capital city of the Union, where not only do these four interact with one another but also set up the story for the second installment of the series.

Now, I did enjoy The Blade Itself; it was an interesting enough book in its own way. However, the plot was a rather slow moving affair. (At one point, I actually found myself wondering if glaciers moved faster than The Blade Itself.) But once Abercrombie got everyone together in the capital, he did ratchet up the action, ending the story with a small bang.

Even with that being said, however, the characters in this novel were a bit of an enigma for me. Going into my read, all I had heard was how amazing they all were, how brilliant the characterization, how . . . you get the picture: Great characters. And I suppose they were very well developed, but unfortunately, I didn’t care one iota for any of them. Jezal made me want to slap him, because he was such an annoying, rich brat. Logen was boring most of the time. Ferro was an amalgamation of every ex-slave character I’ve ever read about. And Glokta (though he is the most interesting) would be a heartless bastard only to then turn around and go all gooey inside because an old friend apologized to him. I grew tired of each very quickly. Thank God the viewpoint changed between them constantly. It grew so bad that (unlike Song of Ice and Fire where I got sick of Martin killing everyone off) I kept hoping Abercrombie would kill someone, so they might be replaced with someone less boring.

I know all that sounds really harsh of me, doesn’t it? But I did like The Blade Itself. Really. I’m just disappointed with it. A disappoint that has grown rather than lessened in the weeks since I read it.

Why, you ask?

Well, for years, I’ve heard all these grandiose accolades about this book. People would tell me it was the quintessential modern grimdark. The tale that revolutionized the fantasy genre for a new century. Hell, one of my friends even anointed Abercrombie the Tolkien for the twenty-first century. (Yeah, he is the president of the Lord Grimdark Fan Club.) But as I read, I just did not see any of that. Still do not in hindsight. It was a fine fantasy novel. Abercrombie spent a lot of time writing a fiction novel which was “incidentally” a fantasy. But revolutionary? Not so much. Glen Cook’s Black Company series was more grimdark than this before there was a term for it. George R.R. Martin’s work in Song of Ice and Fire was far more “grim” in tone than anything I read here. Hell, even Mark Lawrence’s Prince of Thorns was more “dark” and bloody than this tale. So for those reasons, reading this novel was a little bit of a letdown.

With all that being said, I actually am looking forward to reading the next novel in the series. Now, I can experience Before They Were Hanged without any grandiose expectations weighing it down. It will be merely me sitting down to read an interesting fantasy novel about some people mixed up in deadly adventures, not me sitting down to read the “MOST REVOLUTIONARY FANTASY NOVEL SINCE LORD OF THE RINGS” and I believe that will allow me to enjoy it better than I did this one – especially if Abercrombie actually kills someone. I mean, OMFG, this is grimdark already; a main character has to die now!

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Reading Progress

December 17, 2012 – Shelved
January 18, 2015 – Started Reading
January 18, 2015 –
page 79
February 17, 2015 –
page 134
26.02% "Grimwhine and I haven't fit it off (See Shattered Sea reviews), but I'm determined to understand why everyone loves Joe so much, and I'm told this is the book that I must read. My second try to read it. I will not fail!"
February 17, 2015 –
page 134
26.02% "Grimwhine and I haven't hit it off (See Shattered Sea reviews), but I'm determined to understand why everyone loves Joe so much, and I'm told this is the book that I must read. My second try to read it. I will not fail!"
February 18, 2015 –
page 302
58.64% "Okay so far. Abercrombie is spending a lot of time on characterization, but there still isn't a single character whose death would upset me in the slightest. Actually, I'm hoping he starts killing them off soon so something exciting happens."
February 19, 2015 –
page 397
77.09% "Still waiting for someone -- anyone really -- of importance to die in this story. I mean, this is a grimdark, right? Why hasn't a main character died yet?"
February 20, 2015 – Shelved as: fantasy
February 20, 2015 – Finished Reading
July 29, 2015 – Shelved as: grimdark
July 29, 2022 – Started Reading
September 23, 2023 – Shelved as: own

Comments Showing 1-44 of 44 (44 new)

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Damian Dubois Glokta is by far the best character in this series. And I also have a not so secret crush on Ardee West as well ;)

message 2: by [deleted user] (last edited Feb 20, 2015 07:33AM) (new)

The third book gives a huge payoff for the slowness of the first one.

Conor You didn't seem to be loving this in your updates. Glad Abercrombie's skillz won you over bro :D

Bookwraiths Conor wrote: "You didn't seem to be loving this in your updates. Glad Abercrombie's skillz won you over bro :D"

Last hundred pages turned it around for me.

message 5: by [deleted user] (new)

Nice! I'm looking forward to what you think of The Heroes. I still think it's his best book to date.

message 6: by [deleted user] (new)

Rabindranauth wrote: "Nice! I'm looking forward to what you think of The Heroes. I still think it's his best book to date."

I consider the first trilogy to be equally good, but slower. As to other standalones Heroes beats the crap out of them.

message 7: by [deleted user] (new)

Yea, no arguing that. I wonder where the new First Law series he's planning will go.

Alissa Loved The Heroes and then picked up the blade itself, but it's the second book of the series which won me over (the plot deepened, the dialogues kept witty and I started to resonate with at least one protagonist. But then I have a thing for nasty, rotten, flawed, craven and fascinating characters), looking forward to read what you think of Before they are hanged.

message 9: by DJ (new) - rated it 4 stars

DJ I enjoyed our 3 main POVs, but I had a very similar opinion about character's death. Throughout the story I kept waiting, and actually wanting, a main character to two to die - just for a litter more something to happen in the story. The story did keep my attention, but didn't really hook me in until the last hundred pages.

Terence Yeah I didn't love any of the characters truly. I liked Logan, found Glokta and Bayaz interesting, and strongly disliked (hated really) Jezal dan Luthar. Abercrombie writing is interesting, but it really borders too close to depressing for me. His First Law books aren't books I could see myself reading over and over.

message 11: by Anne (new) - added it

Anne " here I keep wanting Abercrombie to actually kill someone, so they might be replaced with someone less boring"LOL!

message 12: by Bcvs (new) - rated it 4 stars

Bcvs It sucks to get past the hype and find a mere OK product in the end. Still, it's a good first novel and a good first trilogy.

Bookwraiths Bcvs wrote: "It sucks to get past the hype and find a mere OK product in the end. Still, it's a good first novel and a good first trilogy."

I totally agree. I already have the second book and do look forward to reading it. :)

Charlton Kind of depressing to hear,I have the trilogy I just haven't started yet.Hope it gets better.

[Name Redacted] I think I was saved by the fact that I hadn't really heard any hype. The cover looked like a classic low-effort, self-published affair, so I was blown away by the actual contents of the book.

Sounds like y'all have faced what I faced with "Ready Player One" -- everyone was gushing about what a revelation it was, so when I read it I was TREMENDOUSLY disappointed. But how could I have felt otherwise?

Bookwraiths [Name Redacted] wrote: "I think I was saved by the fact that I hadn't really heard any hype. The cover looked like a classic low-effort, self-published affair, so I was blown away by the actual contents of the book.


All the hype does usually ruin things.

Terence Wendell wrote: "All the hype does usually ruin things. "

Once the hype comes it's really hard to enjoy anything. I can't think of anything I still loved after hearing its significant hype. I think hype makes me judge things more harshley even though it isn't fair.

message 18: by Izzy (new) - rated it 3 stars

Izzy I've had the exact same experience as you did. People raved about it, I went into it with big expectations, was disappointed. It's not a bad book but, as you said, the story is very slow and I don't care for any of the POV characters...I like characters with flaws, that's not it, but each of them either has one characteristic that annoyed me to no end or just didn't have ANYTHING that made them stand out. Sadly, I'm not as motivated as you to continue with the second book...Was it worth it? Should I read it? I'm unsure, especially because it took me a while to finish the first one (and I'm usually a fast reader)...

Bookwraiths Izzy wrote: "I've had the exact same experience as you did. People raved about it, I went into it with big expectations, was disappointed. It's not a bad book but, as you said, the story is very slow and I don'..."

Honestly, I believe my desire to continue the series is more from an obsessive need for completeness than any real desire to find out what happens to these characters next. But made along the way, it might get entertaining. I guess I'll be finding out fairly soon. Wish me luck. :)

message 20: by Izzy (new) - rated it 3 stars

Izzy Wendell wrote: "Izzy wrote: "I've had the exact same experience as you did. People raved about it, I went into it with big expectations, was disappointed. It's not a bad book but, as you said, the story is very sl..."

I know what you mean about completeness :D Good luck then, looking forward to a possible review of the 2nd book :D

message 21: by Terence (last edited Dec 03, 2015 07:16AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Terence Wendell wrote: "Izzy wrote: "I've had the exact same experience as you did. People raved about it, I went into it with big expectations, was disappointed. It's not a bad book but, as you said, the story is very sl..."

Book two is interesting to me because it has the feel of Joe Abercrombie's take on the Lord of the Rings. Abercrombie has some interesting character growth in the book as well.(view spoiler)

message 22: by Greg (new) - rated it 5 stars

Greg (adds 2 TBR list daily) Hersom I think you kinda need a dark side to be into grimdark.

Terence Kidgreg wrote: "I think you kinda need a dark side to be into grimdark."

Agreed. My dark side is too small so Grimdark is hard for me at times.

BartoszCarry I totally agree with the review, although I haven't finish it yet, but there really not much left. I don't even know if I'm going to read next book of First Law trilogy.

Pretory Man, I really do appreciate your point. This book is just honest fiction that I would recommend to occasional readers only.

Kenneth Hindle-May I'd like to make an anatomical point of order to all writers of violent fantasy - your fingers are there for a reason. A lot of you are rather fond of lopping them off your characters without giving much thought to the consequences but in reality, your first two fingers are critical for dexterity and the last two are responsible for the bulk of your grip strength.

A real Logen Ninefingers would have significantly reduced grip strength in one hand, which is hardly conducive to being a formidable warrior. Don't get me started on all the half-handed Ironmen from ASOIAF, either. They'd struggle to pick up their weapons, let alone swing them.

Bookwraiths Kenneth wrote: "I'd like to make an anatomical point of order to all writers of violent fantasy - your fingers are there for a reason. A lot of you are rather fond of lopping them off your characters without givin..."

Great point.

Alexis Quintero Shattered Sea series is not a good introduction to Abercrombie; i find that trilogy to be his most weak work to the date (it is not bad tough). Found about Abercrombie and the first law books by chance looking for good fantasy until the next ASOFAI book comes out, so i came with really low expectations and was blown away. So because of this I was abroad the hype train of the shattered sea series that ended up being just ok, so I can relate, if I had read the shattered sea before the first law I wouldn´t be hyper excited to give it a try.

message 29: by Luke (new) - added it

Luke I got so bored three quarters of the way through I don't know if I can even finish. I like the story and I "like" the characters but I'm not in love with anything about it. All the pieces are there but it's just not jiving with me. I do hope I can find some time to just finish it with the small bang. Glokta is my favorite character but he got stale after a while. The book is decidedly adult, which is fine, but just a tad bit dull in my honest opinion. Thanks for your review, I agree wholeheartedly.

Bookwraiths L. wrote: "I got so bored three quarters of the way through I don't know if I can even finish. I like the story and I "like" the characters but I'm not in love with anything about it. All the pieces are there..."

Sorry you are having similar problems to me with this one. It does have a few bright spots, but overall it is a dull read.

message 31: by Josephine (new) - added it

Josephine (biblioseph) Thanks for being straight with us. I'm a bit perplexed by the Grimdark genre in general, but Abercrombie is frequently lauded... Anyway, thanks, very helpful review.

Bookwraiths Josephine wrote: "Thanks for being straight with us. I'm a bit perplexed by the Grimdark genre in general, but Abercrombie is frequently lauded... Anyway, thanks, very helpful review."

Glad it was helpful. :)

message 33: by N.A.K. (new)

N.A.K. Baldron If you haven't tried him yet, check out Scott Lynch. Similar theme, but far better execution.

message 34: by Carmen (new) - added it

Carmen Harris I loved this review. I tried to read it once but it was a slog for me to get through so I put it down to pick it back up again later. From what I did read I was getting the same impressions. But I will hopefully grab it again for a chance to finish this book (and maybe even the series).

message 35: by Jim (new) - rated it 4 stars

Jim Agree in many ways. I wasn't quite as hard on him as you as I thought the characters were brilliant and the action was the best I've seen written. And, while the book has a ton of boring in it, the next book looks to be amazing!

Hendrik Interestingly enough, your review reflects what I felt on the first read quite precisely. I did not even finish the book. However, on the second try, I wolfed through it in less than 7 hours. Now on book 5 and I reaaaally enjoy them so far.

Katherina I felt the same exact way after reading this book. Felt the plot was too slow and the characters were caricatures that just milled around. Also didn't appreciate the expo dump from the convo between Yulmei and Bayaz. Hoping the 2nd and 3rd pick up.

message 38: by Dana (new) - added it

Dana Salman I'm only 200 pages the way in but this review explained my feelings exactly; I'm just waiting for the plot to kick in, meanwhile just watching all these characters I don't dislike but don't actually care about wandering around doing stuff. I don't even find it that gorey or bloody to be honest.

Jeremy I feel similar to you. I only read half the review as I'm halfway through the book, but holy cow it's boring. I feel the characters are awesome but the rest is...either super boring or non-existant. I also don't understand how it seems like the Setting itself is 95% the game of thrones setting. Maybe more. Not the plot, I hope, but the setting definitely is. I really like how the author writes characters but can't stand how he names half or them, or how he seems to rip off names/things from a popular series published 10 years before this.

message 40: by Chen (new) - rated it 2 stars

Chen I’m in a similar position as you where all my other friends rave about this book, but I found all the characters charmless when they are wrote in a way to be, well, charming. How can you expect me to follow a trilogy with the hope that the plot is going to pick up if I don’t give a shit about these boring characters? And stopping repeating boring catch phrases!! Ah I want to scream

Stephen Just the review I was looking for. I’m about 66% through the book and although characters are great, I was wondering when the plot would start to fall together. Answered my question in one paragraph.

message 42: by Jake (new) - rated it 3 stars

Jake Farmer fully agree. been hearing how amazing and lifechanging and entertaining this series is. and it's just kinda... meh. i'm told this first book is a lot of setup, hence the boringness and lack of direction. so hoping it picks up.

Manuel Granados Feels more like a problem with the expectations themselves than with the book. The plot indeed takes time to form and to know where it's going, but if you come without expectations to be blown away (as I did, this book was given to me and I was told nothing about it but "read it") you are eventually blown away by the characters themselves even if they are just walking in a forest.

Schuyler Krizay or you're not?

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