The Cherry Orchard Quotes
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The Cherry Orchard Quotes
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“Perhaps man has a hundred senses, and when he dies only the five senses that we know perish with him, and the other ninety-five remain alive.”
― The Cherry Orchard
― The Cherry Orchard
“I should think I'm going to be a perpetual student.”
― The Cherry Orchard
― The Cherry Orchard
“And what does it mean -- dying? Perhaps man has a hundred senses, and only the five we know are lost at death, while the other ninety-five remain alive.”
― The Cherry Orchard
― The Cherry Orchard
“We just philosophize, complain of boredom, or drink vodka. It's so clear, you see, that if we're to begin living in the present, we must first of all redeem our past and then be done with it forever. And the only way we can redeem our past is by suffering and by giving ourselves over to exceptional labor, to steadfast and endless labor.”
― The Cherry Orchard
― The Cherry Orchard
“A hungry dog believes in nothing but meat.”
― The Cherry Orchard
― The Cherry Orchard
“Going to see plays isn't what you people should do. Try looking at yourselves a little more often and see what gray lives you all lead. How much of what you say is unnecessary.”
― The Cherry Orchard
― The Cherry Orchard
“They are all very serious people with stern expressions on their faces. They discuss nothing but important matters and like to philosophize a great deal, while at the same time everyone can see that the workers are detestably fed, sleep without suitable bedding, thirty to forty in a room with bedbugs everywhere, the stench, the dampness, and the moral corruption... Obviously all our fine talk has gone on simply to hoodwink ourselves and other people as well. Show me the day nurseries that they're talking about so much about. And where are the libraries? Why, they just write about nurseries and libraries in novels, while in fact not a single one even exists. What does exist is nothing but dirt, vulgarity, and a barbarian way of life... I dislike these terribly serious faces, they frighten me, and I'm afraid of serious conversations, too. We'd be better off if we all would just shut up for a while!”
― The Cherry Orchard
― The Cherry Orchard
“I am a man of cultivation; I have studied various remarkable books, but I cannot fathom the direction of my preferences; do I want to live or do I want to shoot myself, so to speak? But in order to be ready for all contingencies, I always carry a revolver in my pocket.”
― The Cherry Orchard
― The Cherry Orchard
“What she can't get into her narrow mind is that we're above such things as love. Our whole aim - the whole sense of our life - is to avoid petty illusions that stop us being free and happy. On, on, on!”
― The Cherry Orchard
― The Cherry Orchard
“But if we reason it out simply and not try to be one bit fancy, then what sort of pride can you possibly take or what's the sense of ever having it, if man is poorly put together as a physiological type and if the enormous majority of the human race is brutal, stupid, and profoundly unhappy?”
― The Cherry Orchard
― The Cherry Orchard
“Life’s all done, just as if I never even lived it ...”
― The Cherry Orchard
― The Cherry Orchard
“I know exactly the potential of the people around here. They have the potential to lie. They have the potential to deceive. They have the potential to inveigle. They’ll change nothing. Sometimes, when I can’t sleep, I lie awake thinking, my God! We have so much. We have these huge forests. We have boundless open fields. We can see the deepest, furthest horizons. Look around you. Look. We should be giants. We really, really aren’t.”
― The Cherry Orchard
― The Cherry Orchard
“There is something mystical in the proud man in the sense in which you use the words. You may be right from your point of view, but, if we look at it simple-mindedly, what room is there for pride? Is there any sense in it, when man is so poorly constructed from the physiological point of view, when the vast majority of us are so gross and stupid and profoundly unhappy? We must give up admiring ourselves. The only thing to do is to work.”
― The Cherry Orchard
― The Cherry Orchard
“I love him, love him. He's a millstone round my neck - he'll take me to the bottom with him. But I love this millstone of mine - I can't live without it.”
― The Cherry Orchard
― The Cherry Orchard
“We shall die all the same.”
― The Cherry Orchard
― The Cherry Orchard
“LUBOV. I'm quite sure there wasn't anything at all funny. You oughtn't to go and see plays, you ought to go and look at yourself. What a grey life you lead, what a lot you talk unnecessarily.”
― The Cherry Orchard
― The Cherry Orchard
“Dã-mi, Doamne, ce n-am gîndit, sã mã mir ce m-a gãsit... Aşa şi cu mine. De îmbogãţit m-am îmbogãţit, am parale cu carul... Dar cînd stau sã chibzuiesc şi sã judec mai bine, tot ţãran am rãmas...”
― The Cherry Orchard
― The Cherry Orchard
“Daca pentru o boala se prescriu multe leacuri, sa stii ca boala e de nelecuit.”
― The Cherry Orchard
― The Cherry Orchard
“Please leave me alone. I’m dreaming.”
― The Cherry Orchard
― The Cherry Orchard
“Rãsare luna. (Pauzã.) latã fericirea! Uite-o, vine, se apropie tot mai mult, tot mai mult, îi aud pasii. Si chiar dacã noi n-o vom vedea, n-o vom cunoaste, n-are nici o importanþã... Vor vedea-o altii!”
― The Cherry Orchard
― The Cherry Orchard
“Tot ceea ce ne depăşeşte azi într-o zi va fi un lucru pe înţelesul tuturor, obişnuit.”
― The Cherry Orchard
― The Cherry Orchard
“Cîteodatã, cînd nu pot s-adorm, mã gîndesc: «Doamne, tu ne-ai dat pãduri nesfîrsite, cîmpii cît vezi cu ochii, zãri fãrã de margini, si trãind în ele, ar fi trebuit sã fim si noi niste uriasi...»”
― The Cherry Orchard
― The Cherry Orchard
“E ca o piatră care-mi stă legată de gat şi mă trage la fund, dar vezi, eu iubesc piatra asta şi nu pot fără ea.”
― The Cherry Orchard
― The Cherry Orchard
“Человечество идёт вперёд, совершенствуя свои силы. Всё, что недосягаемо для него теперь, когда-нибудь станет близким, понятным, только вот надо работать, помогать всеми силами тем, кто ищет истину. У нас, в России, работают пока очень немногие. Громадное большинство той интеллигенции, какую я знаю, ничего не ищет, ничего не делает и к труду пока не способно. Называют себя интеллигенцией, а прислуге говорят "ты", с мужиками обращаются как с животными, учатся плохо, серьёзно ничего не читают, ровно ничего не делают, о науках только говорят, в искусстве понимают мало. Все серьёзны, у всех строгие лица, все говорят только о важном, философствуют, а между тем у всех на глазах рабочие едят отвратительно, спят без подушек, по тридцати, по сорока в одной комнате, везде клопы, смрад, сырость, нравственная нечистота... И, очевидно, все хорошие разговоры у нас только для того, чтобы отвести глаза себе и другим.”
― The Cherry Orchard
― The Cherry Orchard
“Dear, highly esteemed bookcase, I salute you. For over a hundred years you have devoted yourself to the glorious ideals of goodness and justice. Throughout the hundred years your silent appeal to fruitful work has never faltered. It sustained [through tears] in several generations of our family, their courage and faith in a better future and fostered in us the ideals of goodness and social consciousness.”
― The Cherry Orchard
― The Cherry Orchard
“ربما كان لدى الإنسان مائة حاسة، وبالموت تموت فقط الحواس الخمس المعروفة لنا، أما الخمس والتسعون الباقية فتظل حية.”
― The Cherry Orchard
― The Cherry Orchard
“أنا شخص مثقف، أقرأ شتى الكتب الرائعة، لكني لا أستطيع أبدأ أن أحدد الإتجاة، وما الذي أريده في الواقع، وهل أعيش أم أنتحر!”
― The Cherry Orchard
― The Cherry Orchard
“Епиходов. Я развитой человек, читаю разные замечательные книги, но никак не могу понять направления, чего мне собственно хочется, жить мне или застрелиться, собственно говоря, но тем не менее я всегда ношу при себе револьвер. Вот он... (Показывает револьвер.)”
― Вишневый сад
― Вишневый сад
“И что значит - умрешь? Быть может, у человека сто чувств и со смертью погибают только пять, известных нам, а остальные девяносто пять остаются живы.”
― The Cherry Orchard
― The Cherry Orchard
“أنا أخاف السحنات الجدية جدا ولا أحبها ، أخاف الأحاديث الجدية ، الأفضل أن نصمت !”
― The Cherry Orchard
― The Cherry Orchard