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Tears and Saints Quotes

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Tears and Saints Tears and Saints by Emil M. Cioran
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Tears and Saints Quotes Showing 1-30 of 76
“Is it possible that existence is our exile and nothingness our home?”
Emil Cioran, Tears and Saints
“Tell me how you want to die, and I’ll tell you who you are.”
Emil Cioran, Tears and Saints
“Read day and night, devour books—these sleeping pills—not to know but to forget! Through books you can retrace your way back to the origins of spleen, discarding history and its illusions.”
Emil Cioran, Tears and Saints
“Good health is the best weapon against religion. Healthy bodies and healthy minds have never been shaken by religious fears.”
Emil Cioran, Tears and Saints
“Death makes no sense except to people who have passionately loved life. How can one die without having something to part from? Detachment is a negation of both life and death. Whoever has overcome his fear of death has also triumphed over life. For life is nothing but another word for this fear.”
Emil Cioran, Tears and Saints
“As long as one believes in philosophy, one is healthy; sickness begins when one starts to think.”
Emil Cioran, Tears and Saints
“Someday the old shack we call the world will fall apart. How, we don’t know, and we don’t really care either. Since nothing has real substance, and life is a twirl in the void, its beginning and its end are meaningless.”
Emil Cioran, Tears and Saints
“If truth were not boring, science would have done away with God long ago. But God as well as the saints is a means to escape the dull banality of truth.”
Emil Cioran, Tears and Saints
“The only interesting philosophers are the ones who have stopped thinking and have begun to search for happiness.”
Emil Cioran, Tears and Saints
“Religion comforts us for the defeat of our will to power. It adds new worlds to ours, and thus brings us hope of new conquests and new victories. We are converted to religion out of fear of suffocating within the narrow confines of this world.”
Emil Cioran, Tears and Saints
“There is a whole range of melancholy: it begins with a smile and a landscape and ends with the clang of a broken bell in the soul”
Emil Cioran, Tears and Saints
“The more one is obsessed with God, the less one is innocent. Nobody bothered about him in paradise. The fall brought about this divine torture. It’s not possible to be conscious of divinity without guilt. Thus God is rarely to be found in an innocent soul.”
Emil Cioran, Tears and Saints
“Philosophy is a corrective against sadness. Yet there still are people who believe in the profundity of philosophy!”
Emil Cioran, Tears and Saints
“To win the guilty kiss of a saint, I'd welcome the plague as a blessing.”
Emil Cioran, Tears and Saints
“The Romans were not wiped out by the invasions of the barbarians, nor by the Christian virus, but by a more subtle evil, boredom.”
Emil Cioran, Tears and Saints
“Shakespeare et Dostoievski font persister en vous le regret de n'etre pas un saint ou un criminel. Ces deux manieres de s'autodetruire...”
Emil Cioran, Tears and Saints
“De câte ori lunecăm pe panta amintirilor, de atâtea ori suferim din cauza vieții.”
emil cioran, Lacrimi şi sfinţi
“Cu cât înaintezi în viaţă, îţi dai seama că nimic nu înveţi, ci regresezi în amintire. Este ca şi cum am imita o lume pe care am trăit-o cândva.”
Emil Cioran, Tears and Saints
“All that is Life in me urges me to give up God.”
Emil Cioran, Tears and Saints
“Ce-i vom raspunde oarbei care se plange in poezia lui Rilke: «nu mai pot trai asa cu cerul pe mine»? Oare am mangaia-o de i-am spune ca nu mai putem trai cu pamantul sub noi?”
Emil Cioran, Tears and Saints
“There are no solutions, only cowardice masquerading as such.”
Emil Cioran, Tears and Saints
“The initial revelation of any monastery: everything is nothing. Thus begin all mysticisms. It is less than one step from nothing to God, for God is the positive expression of nothingness.”
Emil Cioran, Tears and Saints
“A harmonious being cannot believe in God. Saints, criminals, and paupers have launched him, making him available to all unhappy people.”
Emil Cioran, Tears and Saints
“Există o întreagă gamă a melancoliei: începe prin surâs şi peisaj şi sfârşeşte în dangăt de clopot spart în suflet. De aici, gustul diferit al lacrimilor.”
Emil Cioran, Lacrimi şi sfinţi
“Când asculţi pe Bach, vezi cum se înfiripă Dumnezeu. Căci muzica lui este generatoare de Divinitate.”
Emil Cioran, Tears and Saints
“De câte ori lunecăm pe partea amintirilor, de atâtea ori suferim din cauza vieții.”
Emil Cioran, Lacrimi şi sfinţi
“In numele si sub teroarea ei (plictiselii, n.m.) parasesc oamenii caminul si moartea agreabila legata de el si se avanta in lume, spre a muri undeva fara acoperis si fara lacrimi; adolescentii se gandesc la sinucideri in zile infinite de primavara, iar servitoarele fara amanti se lamenteaza duminicile, de parca inima lor e un cimitir in care mortii nu pot dormi.”
Emil Cioran, Tears and Saints
“All great conversions are born from the sudden revelation of life's meaninglessness. Nothing could be more moving or more impressive than this sudden apprehension of the void of existence.”
Emil M. Cioran, Tears and Saints
“I cannot differentiate between tears and music' (Nietzsche). Whoever is not immediately struck by the profundity of this statement has not lived for a minute in the intimacy of music. I know no other music than that of tears. Born out of the loss of paradise, music gives birth to the symbols of this loss: tears.”
Emil M. Cioran, Tears and Saints
“Anularea prezentului în năpădirea amintirilor împrumută vieții un caracter de irealitate și de vis inutil.”
Emil Cioran, Lacrimi şi sfinţi

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