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Visual Anagrams, Adversarial Diffusion Distillation, and A New Multi Modal Benchmark

Here’s what caught our eye last week in AI.

1) Visual Anagrams

This new paper uses a diffusion model to create optical illusions where an image appears to show different content depending on the perspective or applied transformation. For example, the image on the left looks like an old woman, but when flipped upside down, it looks like a dress:

Visual Anagram Example

Visual Anagram example from the project website.

The algorithm is best explained by Figure 2 from the paper (see below). It employs a pretrained pixel diffusion model, requiring no further finetuning or datasets.

Visual Anagram Algorithm

A previous similar project focuses solely on rotations, whereas the new algorithm accommodates a broader range of transformations, including skews, color inversions, and jigsaw rearrangements. Another similar project works with many transformations, but has lower quality results.

You can generate your own visual anagrams with the code available on GitHub.

See some amazing examples at this link.

2) Adversarial Diffusion Distillation

Diffusion models can be slow due to their multi-step denoising process. A new training method called Adversarial Diffusion Distillation reduces the multi-step process down to a single-step, resulting in significantly faster inference. This method integrates concepts from diffusion models, GANs, and model distillation. Essentially, the one-step diffusion model is trained to output images that fool a discriminator (this is the adversarial part similar to GANs), while also matching the output of a multi-step diffusion model (this is the distillation part).

Adversarial Diffusion Distillation

An illustration of the training process, from the Adversarial Diffusion Distillation paper.

Based on an ablation study from the paper, it appears that adversarial training works quite well on its own, and distillation boosts results slightly. The table shows that the Ladv loss alone gets similar FID and CS scores as using the Ladv + Ldistill losses.

Ablation study

The ablation study from the paper. Lower FID scores are better.

SDXL-Turbo is a model trained using this method, and it’s available for download at this link.

3) A New Multi Modal Benchmark

There’s a new benchmark for evaluating large multi-modal models, called the Massive Multi-discipline Multimodal Understanding and Reasoning Benchmark, or “MMMU”. It comprises 11,500 questions containing both images and text. GPT4 scores 56%, so it’s a difficult benchmark (for now). Here’s a figure from the paper showing some examples:

MMMU examples

4) And More…

  • Ask ChatGPT to repeat a word over and over and it’ll eventually start spewing out training data. See the full explanation here.

Attack ChatGPT

Figure 5 from the paper, showing how simple the attack is.

LLM Visualization webpage

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