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Data Center Network Design Using Metrics And Their Results...
Abstract– Data centers are physical or virtual repositories for storing, managing and accessing data.
Data center network (DCN) is the interconnection between the data centers. There are several
existing architectures for the interconnections between these data centers. Several aspects are taken
into consideration while designing data center network architecture. This paper shows analysis of
several data center network architectures using metrics and their results on different network
topologies. For security and routing data centers can use a hardware approach called Forwarding
Unit or deploy middleboxes in the networks.
Keywords–component; formatting; style; styling; insert (key words)
Conventional systems were too complex to operate and maintain. Many cables were required to
connect all the components, and methods to accommodate and organize the data. A single
mainframe required a great deal of power, and had to be cooled to avoid overheating. Security
became important and computers were expensive. Data centers were then introduced where
collectively data was stored and maintained. Data collection increased rapidly over years, which led
to an increase in data centers. Communication between these servers became difficult and complex.
For an efficient communication between the servers many architectures were proposed. Data center
architectures and requirements can differ significantly.
With data availability and security at stake, managing and storing
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Data Center Network Design Using Metrics And Their Results...
Micro Electro Mechanical Frameworks And Low Power And...
Late advances in micro–electro–mechanical frameworks and low power and exceedingly
incorporated computerized hardware have prompted the improvement of micro–sensors. [3]wsn is a
developing data innovative progressions in micro–hardware and system correspondences. It
structures a sagacious network 13 application framework comprising of a huge number of minor
vitality constrained and ease hubs. Sensor hubs self–rulingly sense, transform and impart by means
of the radio medium shaping a sorted toward oneself out system design. Ordinarily, sensors report
sensed information to an outer base station for further processing.[2] WSN can be characterized as
an issue of gadgets, meant as hubs, which can sense the Environment and convey the data gathering
from the checked field (e.g. a region of volume) through remote connections.
Steering in sensor systems is extremely difficult because of a few qualities that recognize them from
contemporary correspondence and remote specially appointed systems. Above all else, it is
unrealistic to assemble a worldwide tending to plan for the arrangement of sheer number of sensor
hubs. Hence, traditional IP–based protocols can 't be connected to sensor systems. Second, in spite
of average correspondence organizes practically all applications of sensor systems oblige the stream
of sensed information from various areas (sources) to a specific sink. Third, produced information
movement has huge excess in it since different sensors may
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Data Center Network Design Using Metrics And Their Results...
An Approach of Energy Efficient and Secure Data Transfer...
A Wireless network is a type of computer network that uses wireless data connections for
connecting network nodes. It is a method for homes, telecommunication networks, business, and
enterprise to avoid a costly process of cables into a buildings or connection between various
equipment's locations. And each device can communicate with another node immediately within
their radio range or one which outside the range using wireless links. One type of wireless networks
called ad–hoc networks. An ad–hoc networks have become increasingly relevant in recent year due
to their potential applications in battlefield, military, and emergency disaster relief etc.,. It is a self–
configuring network. And it consists of collection of autonomous mobile ... Show more content on
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Multicasting in wired and wireless networks has been advantageous and used as a vital technology
in many applications such as audio and video conferencing, corporate communications,
collaborative and groupware applications, distance earning, stock quotes, distribution of software
news etc.,
In wireless two popular multicast schemes: shortest past multicast and core based tree. The shortest
path multicast tree always select the shortest path from every source to every destination and source
node need to build a root tree as itself. Hence, in core based multicast tree, shortest path from the
source node to the destination node cannot be guaranteed, but only one tree would be needed to
connect the set of the source nodes to a set of the receiver nodes. And many MANET has limited
energy resources (battery), and each node operates in unattended manner. So energy efficient is an
import design consideration for these networks. So we proposed energy efficient paper using
multicast routing protocol according to distance from source to destination in a network.
Security is a more sensitive issue in MANETs than any other networks due to lack of infrastructure
and the broadcast nature of the network. While MANETs can be quickly set up as needed, so they
also need secure data transfer over the network. We provide encryption and decryption algorithm
using Rijndael (AES) block cipher. It helps the message to secure
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Data Center Network Design Using Metrics And Their Results...
The Main Goal Of Geographical Routing
The main goal of geographical routing is to use location information to define an efficient route
search toward the destination. Geographical routing is very fitting to sensor networks, where data
aggregation technique is used to minimize the number of transmissions send to the base station by
eliminating redundancy among data packets from different sources. The need for data aggregation is
to minimize energy consumption changes the computation and communications model in sensor
networks from a traditional address paradigm to a data centric paradigm, where the content of the
data is more significant than the identity of the sensor node that gathers the data. In data paradigm,
an application may send a query to enquire about a phenomenon ... Show more content on
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Geographical routing approaches does not require saving the state at the routers to keep track of the
current state of the topology. It needs only the propagation of single–hop topology information. The
nature of geographical routing eliminates the need for keeping internal data structures such as
routing tables. Thus, the overhead is reduced substantially, just like that improving its scalability in
large networks.
The routing strategies of geographical routing is to use the location information to form a more
effective routing strategy that does not need flooding request data packets throughout a network.
This achieved by sending a data packet to nodes located in a designated forwarding region. This is
also known as geocasting, where only nodes lie within the designated forwarding region are
authorized to transmit the data packet ref. This region can be statically defined by the source node,
or formed dynamically by intermediate sensor nodes to reject nodes that may cause a detour when
transmitting the data packet.
A second strategy used in geographical routing, known as position based routing. A sensor node
only needs to know the location information of its direct neighbor's ref. A greedy forwarding
approach is used where each sensor node forwards a data packet to the neighboring node that is
closest to the destination node. The
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Data Center Network Design Using Metrics And Their Results...
Cisco Activity
Task 3: Interpreting Debug Output.
Note: If you already configured IP addressing on R1, please remove all the interface commands now
before proceeding. Furthermore, R2 and R3 should be configured through the end of "Task 2: Basic
Router Configuration".
Step 1 – On R1 from privileged EXEC mode, enter the debug ip routing command.
R1# debug ip routing.
IP routing debugging is on.
The debug ip routing command will show when routes are added, modified and deleted from the
routing table. For example, every time you successfully configure and activate an interface, Cisco
IOS adds a route to the routing table. We can verify this by observing output from the debug ip
routing command.
Step 2 – Enter interface configuration mode for R1's LAN ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
End with CNTL/Z.
R1(config)# interface serial 0/0/0
Configure the ip address as specified in the Topology Diagram.
R1(config–if)# ip address is_up: 0 state: 0 sub state: 1 line: 0 has_route:
As soon as you press the enter key, Cisco IOS debug output informs you that there is now a route,
but its state is "False". Since R1 is the DCE side of our lab environment, we must specify how fast
bits will be clocked between R1 and R2.
Step 6 Enter the clock rate command on R1.
You can specify any valid clocking speed. Use the ? to find the valid rates. Here, we used 64000
R1(config–if)# clock rate 64000
Step 7 Enter the command necessary to insure the interface is fully configured.
R1(config–if)# no shutdown
After you enter the correct command, you should see debug output similar to the following:
is_up: 0 state: 0 sub state: 1 line: 0 has_route: False
%LINK–3–UPDOWN: Interface Serial0/0/0, changed state to down
Unlike the LAN interface, fully configuring the WAN interface is not always enough to have the
route entered in the routing table even if your cable connections are correct. The other side of the
WAN link must also be configured. /u>
Step 8 If possible, establish a separate terminal session with R2. Click on R2
This will allow you to observe the debug output on R2 when you make changes on R1. You can also
turn on debug ip routing on R2.
R2#debug ip routing
IP routing debugging is on
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Data Center Network Design Using Metrics And Their Results...
Types of Attacks in Comnputer Security
This paper is presenting types of attacks in security of TCP/IP protocol and also defense to security
problems. Flaws in such system are due to attackers' access over machine and due to insecurity of
machine. Paper proposed solutions to the problems and discuss problems without considering their
Attack like "TCP sequence number prediction" where spoofing is allowed on host on a local
network. A variant in TCP sequence number attack exploits the netstat service where the intruder
impersonates a host that is down. If netstat is on the target host it supplies the necessary sequence
number information on another port. Defense to this is by randomizing the increment, good logging
and alerting mechanisms.
"The joy of routing" This is the simple attack that basically depend on routing protocols that has
been used. It is further categorized in different attacks that can be "Source Routing" In which target
host reverses source route in a TCP for traffic that is returning. So facilities can be exchanged
between host and attacker. The idea to protect from attacks is to put gateways into the local net for
rejection of external packets that acting as part of the local net or to do rejection of pre–authorized
connections. Another attack is "The Routing Information Protocol (RIP)" attack is mostly used on
local networks like broadcast media. As information here sent is not checked so intruder can change
or send modified information due to which protocols that depends on
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Data Center Network Design Using Metrics And Their Results...
Nt1310 Unit 7 Exercise 1
DSDV is a proactive, hop–by–hop distance vector routing protocol where the routing table is
maintained by each and every network node. The routing table consists of all the nodes required to
reach destination also including the nodes to which packets are not sent. The routing table is kept
updated at every time after each entry. In order to avoid the routing loops, DSDV uses the concept
of sequence numbers to maintain the originality of route at all times. For the network in figure. 1
below, the routing table for node A can be seen in table. 1 which contains information about all
possible paths reachable by node A, along with the next hop, number of hops and sequence number.
In any network one route is considered favourable than other ... Show more content on
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Being proactive, AODV doesn't need all its nodes in a network to maintain the routes to destinations
rather request a route only when needed i.e., only the nodes which are communicating would require
to maintain the route. Also AODV uses sequence numbers to avoid routing loops like in DSDV.
Whenever a node needs to communicate with another node, a route has to be found and for that
purpose Route Request (RREQ) message is broadcasted to all its neighbors till it reaches the
destination node or route to destination. A temporary route table entry in initiated by the RREQ
messages throughout the network. Once the destination or a route is found, Route Reply (RREP)
message is sent back to source by unicasting along the temporary reverse path of the received RREQ
message. RREP message initiates in creating a routing table entries for the destination in
intermediate nodes on its way back to source. After certain amount of time these routing table
entries expire. Neighbors are detected by periodic HELLO messages (a special RREP message). If a
node A does not receive HELLO messages from a neighbor B through which it sends traffic, it
assumes that a link is broken and the failure indication is forwarded to its active neighbors. When
this message reaches the sources, then either they request a new route by sending new RREQ
messages or stop sending data. HELLO messages and the
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Data Center Network Design Using Metrics And Their Results...
Unit 1 Comm-3011
The list of tasks to be completed is: COM–3011 Verification; Sample Rate Decimation; VITA–49
Packaging; Ethernet Transmission; and Software Functionality. COM–3011 Verification
The COM–3011 operates by first mixing the received signal with 125 MHz, thus the data is now
contained on it. The centre frequency is chosen by mixing a user specified radio synthesiser
frequency with the 125 MHz together. For example to obtain a centre frequency of 100 MHz, the
user would specify 225 MHz or –25 MHz. The bandpass filter will reduce the bandwidth to 40 MHz
or 20 MHz either side of centre frequency [12]. This sample is the duplicated and the second part
delayed by 90 degrees to form an in–phase and quadrature features. Sample Rate Decimation
For the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This packet contains information such as the frequency of the samples and bandwidth. This is only
transmitted once until the information changes. For the implemented solution, the system will only
transmit this context packet at the beginning of the transmission and will not transmit unless the
system is rebooted. Ethernet Transmission
Using the COM–5102, the SDR will transmit the radio signal, this pulg in will add associated MAC
addresses and UDP headers onto the project automatically [15]. The VHDL code has values that can
be changed slightly to accommodate UDP or TCP transmission. For the project, UDP headers will
be used. Software Functionality
This is the section of the work being undertaken by the software engineer. The software must
contain a custom driver to unpack the VITA–49 packet outlined before. This driver will be written to
work with a Ubuntu Linux distribution. The unpacked data will then be handed to GNU Radio
Companion and the signal processed. The FFT, dynamic peak algorithm, spectrum display and list
of signals are default tools that can be downloaded from the file repository [16]. The module will
require a custom module called an "out of the tree module" to use that data brought in from the
VITA–49 packet: "out of the tree" modules are custom modules made by a user for the graphical
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Data Center Network Design Using Metrics And Their Results...
A Research Study On Abstract- Vehicular Networks Essay
Abstract– Vehicular networks or VANET announce as the communication networks of the future,
where the mobility is the main idea. These networks should be able to interconnect vehicles. The
optimal goal is that these networks will contribute to safer roads and more effective in the future by
providing timely information to drivers and concerned authorities. They are therefore vulnerable to
many types of attacks among them the black hole attack. In this attack, a malicious node
disseminates spurious replies for any route discovery in order to monopolize all data communication
and deteriorate network performance. Many studies have focused on detecting and isolating
malicious nodes in VANET. In this paper, we present two mechanisms to detect this attack. The
main goal is detecting as well as bypass cooperative black hole attack. Our approachs has been
evaluated by the detailed simulation study with NS2 and the simulation results shows an
improvement of protocol performance. .
Keywords– VANET; AODV; Black Hole;Ad Hoc; NS2
Ad hoc networks consist of a set of self–organized of mobile nodes which cooperate using a routing
protocol to facilitate the communication. They have become very popular in recent years due to their
characteristics: easy deployment, lack of infrastructure, dynamic topology, mobility and minimum
commissioning costs.
A VANET network is a subset of ad hoc networks where each mobile node is an intelligent vehicle
equipped with communication
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Data Center Network Design Using Metrics And Their Results...
Implementing Complex Protocols On The Network System
In the present computer networks are being built by implementing complex protocols on an array of
network devices such as routers, switches and middleware like ISD intrusion detection systems and
firewalls systems. In order to allow the network to be modified to the changing environment, the
network Administrator have to manually configures all new configuration policies by converting
them into the low level commands that are supported by the system. Companies need to depend on
the network vendors in order to deal with the problems related to security, scalability, manageability
and other issues. Many efforts have been done to make the network programmable even before the
SDN. Some of those are Forces (2003), Routing Control Platform (2004), Ethane (2007), and Open
Flow (2008).
Main body:–
Network technology passed many stapes to reach the advance level it is now a days. The first step
was how to control a packet–switched network which started the project Forces which was
implemented in 2003. It has Protocols for multiple control elements and forwarding elements, the
project failed because it requires standardization, adoption, deployment of new hardware. After the
failure of Forces a new project have been applied called Routing Control Platform (RCP) which was
implemented in 2004.The RCP computes routes on behalf of routers, the RCP uses existing routing
protocol (BGP) to communicate routes to routers. The RCP Convert the best route of internal
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Data Center Network Design Using Metrics And Their Results...
Reliability Of Energy Efficient Cluster Based Routing...
Reliability of Energy Efficient Cluster–Based Routing Protocol for
Wireless Sensor Networks Thottikat, Vishnu K 012629108 Gudapati Supriya 012627938
Vishnu.thottikat@yahoo.com Supriya.gudapati@yahoo.com
Electrical Engineering Department
College of Engineering, California State University Long Beach
Long Beach, United States
Abstract – Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) comprises of several tiny, low–cost, resource
constrained sensor nodes. These nodes are placed in harsh environments and generally are used for
air pollution monitoring, water quality monitoring, industrial monitoring, health monitoring and
more. Routing is difficult in such surroundings primarily due to the unique constraints the wireless
sensor networks suffer from. Wireless sensor network is highly dynamic, making existing routing
protocols ineffective. This paper concentrates on energy efficiency of the protocols. Both the
protocol presented are hierarchical and cluster based. Both have sensor nodes and a base station
(BS). The BS selects the Cluster Heads (CH) among themselves. CH is the elected sensor node
which passes on the sensor data collected by sensor nodes of its cluster to either BS or other CH. All
candidate nodes for becoming CH are listed, based on the various factors like relative distance of the
candidate node from the Base Station, outstanding energy level, possible number of neighboring
sensor nodes the
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Data Center Network Design Using Metrics And Their Results...
Using The Standard Mpls Data Plane
Abstract–The evolution of MPLS networks have made them critically important for ISPs for the
various functions of traffic engineering, efficient network utilization and for providing L2 and L3
enterprise VPN services. All these functions are supported by complex, energy hungry and
expensive core routers with support for a wide variety of control protocols carefully combined with
data plane mechanisms. It is observed that the MPLS data–plane handles simpler functions of
pushing, popping–off and swapping labels and are mostly un–affected by any changes to the
control–plane functionalities. This paper discusses the possibility of using the standard MPLS data–
plane in combination with a simple extensible control–plane using OpenFlow, SDN and its
applications. A Protocol implementation is discussed to show the simplicity of the approach over
existing MPLS control plane and how more services can be supported with the new control–plane.
Finally, The paper discusses how the introduction of a new map abstraction fits well with the unified
control architecture for packet and circuit networks, making the new control–plane ideal for multi–
layer networks.
MPLS has evolved as a complex and efficient solution for ISPs for the purposes of traffic
engineering and enterprise L2 and L3 VPN services, traffic engineering in turn serves the purpose of
maximizing the utilization of infrastructure while VPNs offer secure connection services to
enterprises, this feature
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Description Of An Energy Efficient Multi Channel Routing...
Multichannel approach for LEACH
B.Brahma Reddy, ECE, VBIT, Hyderabad, India, reddybb@hotmail.com
K.Kishan Rao, Vaagdevi College of Engineering, Warangal, India, prof_kkr@rediffmail.com
Abstract: LEACH TDMA schedules of each cluster are built independently. This can lead to
collisions among clusters if the same channel is allotted to more than one overlapping clusters at the
same time. To reduce this type of interference, in LEACH each cluster communicates using different
CDMA codes. Thus, when a node is elected as CH, it chooses randomly from a list of spreading
codes and informs all the nodes in the cluster to transmit using this spreading code. Hence all
clusters can have intra–cluster communication in parallel. However, in large WSNs, as number of
clusters increases self–noise generated by these codes may cross threshold limit and reach capacity
limit. This forces to look at multiple channel use for improved throughput and energy–efficiency.
We present an energy–efficient multi–channel routing protocol (CFCA) for wireless sensor
networks. By computing the size of each cluster and identifying non–overlapping clusters, the
proposed method allows channel reuse within WSN. This algorithm optimizes number of channels
required for the given WSN.
Key words: LEACH, Collision–free Multichannel, Cross–layer, Beacon–enabled, Energy–
efficiency, Frequency reuse in WSN
I. Introduction
The main goal of communication protocols in WSNs is to maximize energy efficiency in order to
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Data Center Network Design Using Metrics And Their Results...
Pros And Cons Of Ad Hoc Routing Protocols
Raghav Thirani , Monica Chandil
ABSTRACT: An ad hoc network is a collection of nodes which are dynamically located in such a
manner that their inter connections might change on continual basis. A routing protocol is required,
to facilitate communication inside the network by discovering routes between the nodes. This
research paper classifies various protocols and provides an overview about eight different protocols
under varied categories.
Since their emergence, wireless networks have become increasingly popular. There are currently
two kinds of wireless networks in use, namely WLAN's and Ad Hoc. WLAN's are called
infrastructure networks as they have fixed and wired gateways, whereas Ad hoc are called
infrastructure less networks as they don't have any fixed routers, all nodes in this are capable of
movement and can be connected ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It starts by throwing light on Table Driven or Proactive routing protocols, then moving forward to
On –demand or Reactive routing protocols. It further discusses about Hybrid routing protocols
which are a mixture of the previous two. We end the discussion on these routing protocols by
introducing the Hierarchical routing protocols.
Table driven routing protocols are also called as proactive routing protocols. They try to maintain
the consistent, up to date routing information from each node to every other node in the network[1].
Nodes respond to network topology changes by propagating route updates throughout the network.
[1] in this paper we discuss three proactive routng protocols namely: Optimised Link State Routing
protocol(OLSR) , Destination Sequenced Distance Vector Routing(DSDV) and Wireless routing
protocol (WRP).
2.1 DSDV:
In this routing protocol, every node maintains a routing table which has got entries of all the
possible destination nodes and the number of hops to each of
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Data Center Network Design Using Metrics And Their Results...
Of PEGASIS : Power-Efficient Gathering In Sensor Data...
change in term of energy utilization and network life time over LEACH protocol. With a little
network distance across, vitality utilization of the network is practically same when utilizing diverse
clustering protocols. 3.2.11 PEGASIS: Power–Efficient Gathering in Sensor Data Network By this
creator proposed calculation PEGASIS that is a chain based protocol give change over LEACH
calculations. In PEGASIS, every node discusses just with a nearby neighbor and alternates
transmitting to the base station, along these lines decreasing the measure of vitality spent per round.
Utilizing eager calculation, the nodes will be sorted out to shape a chain, after that BS can figure this
anchor and communicate it to all the sensor nodes. Vitality ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
In the hierarchical structure, base station (BS) is the focal point of a circle. The BS will predefine
the quantity of levels and each node's separation to BS chose the level which it has a place with.
Each node gets the flag from the BS, at that point as indicated by the signal strength to recognize the
separation to BS. PDCH outflank to PEGASIS calculation and it is additionally helpful for large
3.2.14 CLUSTER : CLUSTER clustering algorithms in view of clustering algorithm that gives
adaptable and proficient packet routing for huge scale WSNs. Just a few sections of total number of
sensor nodes take part in arrangement of CHs. In this, CHs are masterminded in a framework way
and primary sink (One of the sink), dynamically and randomly manufactures the cluster network. .
Greed Seed (GS) is a node inside a given span from the essential sink. Any questions from sink to
nodes are engendered from avarice seed to its CHs et cetera.
3.2.15 EECS: Energy Efficient Clustering Schemes Authors proposed a algorithm in which cluster
arrangement is not the same as LEACH protocol. In LEACH protocol cluster arrangement happens
on the premise of a base separation of nodes to their relating CH.
In EECS, dynamic estimating of clusters happens which depends on cluster separate from the base
station. The outcomes are a calculation that tends to
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Data Center Network Design Using Metrics And Their Results...
Routing Algorithms For The Network
Routing Algorithms
Routing as we can say is selecting the best path in the network to transfer data from one point to
another. And Routing algorithm on a router in computer networks decides on which incoming line a
packet should travel and thus creating the routing decision. It depends on various factors like
stability, robustness, simplicity, correctness, fairness and optimality.
Routing algorithms are based on two classes namely. Adaptive : In this the routing process is
adapted based on any changes made to the topology or traffic.
Eg: Hierarchical, Link State, distance vector, broadcast and multicast. Non Adaptive: In this process
the routing decisions are mostly computed in advance and will be downloaded to the routers at the
boot ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This is a level 2 routing system and we can use 3–to 4 level of these kind of routings aswell.
2. Link State Routing Protocols: It calculates the best paths to network by constructing the topology
of the entire network area and then map the best path from this topology or map of all the
interconnected networks. The inputs of LS algorithm i.e network topology and the link costs are
known before hand. This can be achieved by having each broadcast link–state packets to every node
in the network and thus each link–state containing the cost of its attached links. This is termed as
link–state broadcast.
In LS algorithm, every router must do some the following things, Find the clients and record the IP
address Gauze the delays and cost of every client. Build a LS packet to send this packet to each and
every the router on the network. And then find the shortest path on every router.(Sink tree)
3. Distance Vector Routing: DV algorithm is distributed as it receives information of one or more
nodes which are directly attached to it and distributes the same back to its neighbors. It is said to be
asynchronous because as it does not need all of the nodes to operate in lockstep with one other. And
it is iterative because as this process continues as long as there is no information to be exchanged
between the neighbors.
In this routing there are two vectors called a delay node and a successor node, so router ihas
Di =[di1...diN]T and Si=[Si1...SiN]T dij = current estimate of
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We Use A Weight Search Heuristic
We use a weight search heuristic similar to the one used in the failure free case, and we adopt the
cost function. Our goal is to find a weight function for each configuration, so that the cost of routing
the needs through the network is as small as possible after any link failure. However, evaluating for
a given weight setting is a complex task because it involves recalculating the load on all links in the
network. In order to get a method that scales to large networks, we identify a limited set of critical
link failures.
We then optimize the link weights taking only the critical link failures into account. We want to
avoid that the failure of heavily loaded links results in large amounts of traffic being recovered in
backup configurations with a sparse backbone. Instead, this traffic should be routed in a rich (well
connected) backbone, where we have abetter chance of distributing it over less loaded links by
settingappropriate link weights.To implement this load–aware algorithm we calculate the potentialof
each node in the network and the potential of each backup configuration.
To evaluate our load aware construction algorithm, we computethe worst case load on each link
after a link failure, andcompare it to the results achieved by the original algorithm. Note that the
optimizations described here will only havean effect if the network topology allows more than one
possiblebackup path after a failure. We have also run our optimizationson less connected networks
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Wireless Sensor Network: Link Quality Based Hierarchical...
Link Quality Based Hierarchical Routing Algorithm for 6LoWPAN
Wireless sensor network (WSN) is one of the fastest growing areas in networking world today. In
order to convert WSN from personal area network (PAN) into low power personal area network
(LoWPAN), IEEE standard 802.15.4 was introduced. However, future WSNs would consist of
thousands of nodes and these networks may be connected to others via the internet. Hence, IPv6
over LoWPAN (6LoWPAN) is defined by Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) as a technique to
integrate internet capability into WSN. 6LoWPAN provides a WSN node with IP communication
capabilities by putting an adaptation layer above the IEEE 802.15.4 link layer for the packet
fragmentation and reassembly ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There are total of 27 channels defined in the PHY layer. These channels are allocated into different
frequency bands with varying data rates as showed in Table 1. At MAC layer, it specifies when the
devices may access the channel for communication. The basic tasks provided by the MAC layer are
beacon generation and synchronization, supporting PAN association and disassociation, managing
channel access via Carriers Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA)
mechanism, and etc.
The application of 6LoWPAN ranges from home to military application to medical field. It is also
used in smart metering and for industrial automation, energy efficiency, better security systems and
vehicular automation. One interesting example application of 6LoWPAN is in facility management,
which is the management of large facilities using a combination of building automation, asset
management and other embedded systems. The devices in the 6LoWPAN network need to have a
appropriate routing mechanism in order to be able to route keeping in mind the constraints in the
devices such as memory and power. The protocols should try to minimize the energy usage and
improve the lifetime of the entire network. When the concept of link quality is combined with the
routing protocols the lifetime of the network is always greatly enhanced. There are many protocols
of which hierarchical routing protocol introduces hierarchical routing in 6LoWPAN. Thus, we
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Limiting Ip Spoofing Through Bgp & Idpf Essay
Limiting IP Spoofing through BGP & IDPF
Mr. A.K.Kadam, Devadkar Kirti Rajaram, Ankita Kumari,Arunima
Mr. A.K.Kadam, Professor, Dept. Of Computer Engineering,BVPCOE Pune,Maharashtara,India
Devadkar Kirti Rajaram,Student, Dept. Of Computer Engineering,BVPCOE
Ankita Kumari, Student, Dept. Of Computer Engineering,BVPCOE Pune,Maharashtara,India
Arunima,student, Dept. Of Computer Engineering,BVPCOE Pune,Maharashtara,India
Abstract – IP Spoofing is a serious threat to the legitimate use of the Internet. By employing IP
spoofing, attackers can overload the destination network thus preventing it from providing service to
legitimate user. In this paper, we propose an inter domain packet filter (IDPF) architecture that can
minimize the level of IP spoofing on the Internet. A key feature of our scheme is that it does not
require global routing information. IDPFs are constructed from the information implicit in Border
Gateway Protocol (BGP) route updates and are deployed in network border routers. We establish the
conditions under which the IDPF framework correctly works in that it does not discard packets with
valid source addresses. We show that, even with partial deployment on the Internet, IDPFs can
proactively limit the spoofing capability of attackers. In addition, they can help localize the origin of
an attack
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Different Cooperative Communication Schemes Like Relay...
In this survey, we will discuss about different cooperative communication schemes like Relay
communication and Node cooperative system. Later on we will perform comparison between
conventional communication system and cooperative relay scheme based on power efficiency. We
will also discuss about various factors that will impact the efficiency of cooperative systems. We
will conclude with applications of cooperative communication in LTE advanced.
Cooperative communication
Technological convergence in telecommunications and networking has made it possible to bring
voice, data (internet) and other multimedia services over single channel. This has led to significant
increase in network resource demands especially for wireless networks. To address these
tremendous network demands we need to use communication resources efficiently i.e., through
Cooperative communications.
Cooperative communication system uses intelligent nodes or base stations that can consciously help
other nodes to transfer information from the source to the final destination with increased spectral
efficiency and extended coverage in case of Cellular Base stations.
Cooperation in the communication networks can be realized using Relaying and Node Cooperative
systems [1].
Relay communication system
In Relay system, first transmitter sends the data to the relay node and information received by the
relay node is forwarded to next node and finally to the destination receiver by following cooperation
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Computer Network and Dynamic Routing Protocols
Chapter 7
1.What's a routing table? Keeps track of the routes to use for forwarding datat to its destination
2. What is the most common static route used in a host computer? Default gateway
3. What command is used to view a PC computer 's routing table? Netstat –r /route prints
4. What is meant by a O.O.O.O network address entry with a subnet mask of 0.0. 0.0. in a PC 's
routing table? Default route
5. What is the IP address and what is it used for?loopback, the data is routed directly back
to the source
14. What is the difference between a static and a dynamic routing protocol?Static routing protocol is
of limited use for campuswide network routing but is essential when configuring the default route
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An internal routing protocol
c. Used for routing between the same networks
d. Outdated 50. Define the following:
a. Outbound data traffic–data traffic leaving the network
b. Inbound data traffic–data traffic entering the network
Chapter 9
Section 9–2
1. What networking equipment is usually found in the core of a campus network? Switches
3. What is the advantage of using a layer 3 switch in the core of the campus network?uses electronic
hardware instead of software to make routing decisions
5. What is the function of the distribution layer in a campus network?Point where the individual
LANS connect together.
7. What is the purpose of the access layer? To connect together networking devices in a LAN
9. Why are routers typically not interconnected at the distribution layer?there are network stability
issues when routing large amounts of network data traffic if the networks are full or even partially
meshed together
11. List three criteria for selecting the network media. Which is the final decision factor? Desired
data speed, distance for connection, budget
13. Define load balancing in terms of data traffic flow in a computer network.
Is used as tool to control the direction of the data flow when multiple routes are available.
15. Define per–packet load balancing. Load balance is guaranteed for all interfaces, but there is no
guarantee that the packets will arrive at the destination in the proper order.
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Network Design And Organizational Goals
Network design and organizational goals are and will always be intertwined. The success of the
network design team and of the organization is a burden they both share. I was tasked to design a
network for a client, who recently bought an existing building to house a medium size business. This
building has five floors, each floor has twenty thousand square feet totaling one hundred thousand
square feet overall. The business will initially employee two thousand employees and within the
building, my client will need a medium size data center. The focus of this paper is to show what
items to consider, how I would plan it and new considerations based on what I have learned in the
course. Hopefully, I will have demonstrated the necessary considerations in designing a network
from the ground up. I will use PPDIOO approach for networks. The six phases of a networks life–
cycle are as follows Prepare, Plan, Design, Implement, Operate and Optimize. My design
considerations will be based on the customer's needs; therefore, the customer's success rest solely
upon the attention to details about organizational goals and constraints. During the prepare phase, I
will learn the short–term and long–term goals as well as the customers expectation of the design's
outcome for the company. My analysis of the organization should show activities, products,
processes, services...etc. that will strengthen the network design, increase the success of the project
and confirm the cost of network design
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Survey Of Technologies : Energy Efficiency
1 Energy efficiency is one of important key factor in designing a wireless sensor network system.
Large energy consumption will affect the lifetime of the sensor networks.
2 Clustering is an important method for increase the scalability and lifetime of wireless sensor
network system. The sensor network is divided into clusters.
3 In the first step the sensor nodes sense the physical parameter under consideration and collected
data are sent to the cluster head. During second phase the cluster head forwards the data to the base
station in a single hop or multi–hop manner.
4 Two types of energy consumptions are associated with a CH, inter cluster and intra cluster energy
consumption. The energy reduction during receiving and aggregating the data from the cluster
members is known as intra cluster energy consumption.
2.1 Energy–efficient Routing Algorithms:–
Energy efficient routing algorithm can be categorized as follows: data centric routing algorithm,
location based routing algorithm and hierarchical routing algorithm . Data centric routing algorithm
uses meta data to find the route from source to destination before any actual data transmission to
eliminate redundant data transmission Location based routing algorithm requires actual location
information for every sensor node. Hierarchical routing algorithm divides the network into clusters.
Cluster head (CH) is elected in
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To Design Mpls Vpn for a Company
TO DESIGN A LAYER 3 MPLS VPN (Multiprotocol Label Switching Protocol Virtual Private
► Problem statement ► Proposed solution ► Objectives
► Multiprotocol Label Swithcing(MPLS) ■ Architecture ■ How does it work ■ CEF Switching ■
► Virtual Private Network(VPN) ■ Terminologies ■ Implementation Techniques ■ Features
►MPLS VPN ■What is it ? ■Working ■Security ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Here, a router builds a table (called routing table) as how a packet should be forwarded through
which interface, by using either statically configured statements (called static routes) or by
exchanging information with other routers in the network through a dynamical routing protocol,
Control plane maintains contents of the label–switching table (label forwarding information base, or
Data plane has a simple forwarding engine. It is a very simple mechanism.It does not involve any
MPLS works by prefixing packets with an MPLS header, containing one or more "labels". This is
called a label stack. Each label stack entry contains four fields: ● A 20–bit label value. ● A 3–bit
Traffic Class field for QoS (quality of service) priority (experimental) and ECN (Explicit
Congestion Notification). ● A 1–bit bottom of stack flag. If this is set, it signifies that the current
label is the last in the stack. ● An 8–bit TTL (time to live) field. These MPLS–labeled packets are
switched after a label lookup/switch instead of a lookup into the IP table. As mentioned above, when
MPLS was conceived, label lookup and label
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Developing Wireless Communications to Space Essay
A big potential problem in the future is developing a wireless communications network in outer
space. In this paper we will discuss the problems presented with this and the potential solutions to
these problems using existing and some futuristic technology. We have broke this into two main
parts, one being earth to satellite to planet and back, and the other being planetary ground
transmission to and from astronauts to rovers to space stations.
The solution has already started being implemented and will continue rapidly into the near future. It
is called the Interplanetary Internet. As of now it is an array of floating 'nodes' or satellites scattered
around in space that can communicate with each other. In the future a ... Show more content on
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On the earth we are only separated from one another by fractions of a second. From earth to mars
the average transmission time is 30–45 minutes. That would feel like light–years trying to download
tracks to your iPod.
In order to make this work a massive system of satellites needs to be implemented. These satellites
will serve as 'net gateways' with the purpose of conveying data packets. Each piece of equipment
will have its own IPN address, or .mars domain name. They will serve as nodes, operating on a
packet switched network.
Some major possible problems include lag, weak signal, and reduced bandwidth. The solution to all
of these lies in a new IPN protocol being developed. This protocol, along with high precision
equipment, will help to eliminated all of these. The protocol has changed in two major ways from
our own TCP/IP protocol. This first is a packet delivery scheme that won't clog the system by
resending missing packets. IPN instead keeps track of arriving packets and then requesting missing
ones at the end of delivery. The second is the packet headers will use only one tenth as much
bandwidth as TCP/IP. Back on earth there will be gateways to translate.
Another big problem with the Interplanetary Internet is speed. Using our current technology the top
speed for sending data from a satellite orbiting mars to earth is 250 kbps. Down on mars, in a dusty
unknown atmosphere with not much power, this is more like 10 kbps. The solution
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Offering Anomymity Protection with Anonymous...
The high cost exacerbates the inherent resource constraint problem in MANETs especially in
multimedia wireless applications.To offer high anonymity protection at a low cost, we propose an
Anonymous Location–based Efficient Routing protocol (ALERT). ALERT dynamically partitions
the network field into zones and randomly chooses nodes in zones as intermediate relay nodes,
which form a no traceable anonymous route. Thus, ALERT offers anonymity protection to sources,
destinations, and routes. It also hasstrategies to effectively counter intersection and timing attacks.
We theoretically analyze ALERT in terms of anonymity and efficiency. Also, ALERT achieves
comparable routing efficiency to the GPSR geographical routing protocol. The DADCQ ... Show
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Most of the current approaches are limited by focusing on enforcing anonymity at a heavy cost to
precious resources because public–key–based encryption and high traffic generate significantly high
cost Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) and Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) use
anonymous routing protocols that hide node identities and/or routes from outside observers in order
to provide anonymity protection. However, existing anonymous routing protocols relying on either
hop–by–hop encryption or redundant traffic either generate high cost or cannot provide full
anonymity protection to data sources, destinations, and routes[7].
The high cost exacerbates the inherent resource constraint problem in MANETs especially in
multimedia wireless applications. To offer high anonymity protection at a low cost, we propose an
Anonymous Location–based Efficient Routing protocol (ALERT). ALERT dynamically partitions
the network field into zones and randomly chooses nodes in zones as intermediate relay nodes,
which form a no traceable anonymous route. In addition, it hides the data initiator/receiver among
many initiators/receivers to strengthen source and destination anonymity protection. Thus, [8]
ALERT offers anonymity protection to sources, destinations, and routes. It also
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A Survey On Secure Cooperative Bait Detection Approach For...
Abstract: In Mobile Ad–hoc Networks (MANETs), the main problem is the security as well as
formation of communication amongst nodes was must work together with each other. Avoiding or
sensing malicious nodes initiation grayhole or collaborative blackhole attack was the main
challenges. The collaborative bait detection approach mixes the advantages of both proactive and
reactive defense architecture. Here it use the technique of transposition for implementing security
and the CBDA technique out fit a reverse tracing method to help in attaining the specified aim. The
demonstration in the occurrence of malicious–node attack, the CBDA outperforms the DSR, and
Best–Effort Fault–Tolerant Routing (BFTR) protocol in relations to packet delivery ratio and routing
overhead. In that transposition method we use the key which was the key value of the character
which was encrypted at sender side and decrypted at receiver.
Keywords– Collaborative Bait Detection Approach (CBDA), collaborative black hole attack, grey
hole, black hole, malicious node
Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) falls in the category of wireless ad hoc network, and is a self–
configuring network. Each device is free to move independently in any direction, and hence will
change its link with other devices frequently. Each node must forward traffic which is not relatedto
its own use, and therefore be
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Project Paper On Datagrams
First of all, in the project, I cannot use any transport protocol libraries, such as TCP. Therefore, I
construct the packets and acknowledgements, and interpret the incoming packets by myself. A
datagram is a basic transfer unit associated with a packet–switched network. Datagrams are typically
structured in header and payload sections. Datagrams provide a connectionless communication
service across a packet–switched network. The delivery, arrival time, and order of arrival of
datagrams need not be guaranteed by the network. subsection{Design the packet format} Like in
Project 1 I need to design fields for packet type, ACK number, window size, data etc. Each byte of
data sent as in a TCP connection has an associated sequence number. ... Show more content on
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if send is called twice with data sizes 1000 and 2000 then two packets will be sent of sizes 1000 and
2000 (assuming the MTU size for the network is large enough). If send is called with a data size
larger than the MTU value, the packet will be fragmented. When the remote host calls receive twice
with sizes 100 and 150, the first call will return the first 100 bytes of the 1000 byte packet and throw
away the last 900 bytes. The second call will return the first 150 bytes of the 2000 byte packet and
throw away the last 1850 bytes. The client on either side of a TCP session maintains a 32–bit
sequence number it uses to keep track of how much data it has sent. This sequence number is
included on each transmitted packet, and acknowledged by the opposite host as an
acknowledgement number to inform the sending host that the transmitted data was received
successfully. When a host initiates a TCP session, its initial sequence number is effectively random;
it may be any value between 0 and 4,294,967,295, inclusive. However, protocol analyzers like
Wireshark will typically display relative sequence and acknowledgement numbers in place of the
actual values. These numbers are relative to the initial sequence number of that stream. This is
handy, as it is much easier to keep track of relatively small, predictable numbers rather than the
actual numbers sent on the wire. section{ different configurations of netem} Network emulation
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Replacing Conventional Layer 2 Vpns
I. Introduction:
Numerous endeavors are considering replacing conventional Layer 2 VPNs, for example, Frame
Relay with MPLS–based administrations. For giving virtual private network (VPN) administrations,
Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) turning into a more across the board innovation, MPLS
building design security is of expanding concern to Service Providers (SPs) and VPN clients.
MPLS is being utilized to accomplish the accompanying results: to specialist the core network all
the more effortlessly and proficiently (customary MPLS and MPLS activity building), to give VPN
administrations (MPLS–VPN), and to encourage nature of administration (QoS) over a network core
In this research paper, the principle aspect is about the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
 VPN whichever is considered must have the capacity to utilize the same location space same as
the other VPN has.
 VPN whichever is considered must have the capacity to utilize the same location space as the
MPLS core.
 Between any two VPNs, routing must be free.
 Between any VPN and the core routing must be independent.
MPLS permits distinct VPNs to utilize the same location space; the space can be private address. By
including a 64–bit route distinguisher for every IPv4 route this can be accomplished, making VPN–
special addresses additionally exceptional in the MPLS core. The word "extended" address is called
as "VPN–IPv4 address" and is shown in Figure 1. In this way, clients of a MPLS administration don
't have to change current addressing in their networks. Figure 1: VPN–IPV4 address
There is a way for Routing partitioning between the VPNs. For every associated VPN each PE
router keeps up a different Virtual Routing and Forwarding case (VRF). Routes which are populated
from one VPN for every VRF on PE router, the routes are statically configured or run between the
PE and CE router with help of routing protocols. Since each VPN brings about a different VRF,
there will be no impedances between the VPNs on the PE router.
(ii) Process of hiding infrastructure core:
The main aspect is that internal structure of the MPLS core network (Provider edge (PE) and
Provider (P) components) must not be visible to outside networks (other VPNs). This
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Mobile Ad Hoc Networks ( Lan )
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1. INTRODUCTION The network that is built impulsively as
device connect that is said to be a Local Area Network (LAN). The network is a type which does not
rely on base station for the coordination to implant the flow of messages to each node, whereas this
network is inspired by the activity of forwarding packets among individual network nodes to and
fro. That's why conventionally "ad hoc" literally known as "for this special purpose" in Latin.
Moreover MANET (Mobile Ad hoc Networks) is the trendy inheritance of it. In this technical era,
each and every organization which belongs to various business operations and corporate levels.
They strongly rely on easy, reliable and secured sharing of information. But in the past technological
period everything was done through wired networks which had certain transmission and privacy
risk. In that case MANET incorporating wireless culture became a boon in disguise for satisfying
the drawbacks of wired networks. MANET has become one of the most promising fields for
research and development in the area of emerging network and connectivity. If it is to be explained
in a laymen phrase, the MANET is a technology that enables users to communicate without any
special physical infrastructure not considering the geographic location. They have a proliferation of
most cheaper, compact and powerful devices which made their progress a hike. MANET also faces
some vulnerabilities, challenges, security issues. Here the
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Universal And Programmable Routers ( Upr )
The design of UPR routers is in par with the increasing capabilities of single chips in VLSI
technology. At macro level the programming of this router is very efficient for statistically and
dynamically reconfigurable systems. In parallel computers, it is common to use custom made
routers. Researchers have started designing routers for good performance recently. These universally
programmable router that are statistically and dynamically adaptable are believed to be very
essential in the parallel computing field. Universal routers are essential for two reasons. First
because of their static adaptability they are used to construct any parallel computer independent of
channel width and topology. Second the channel width and the topology of a parallel network can be
reconfigured more than once to match the requirements through implementation taking advantage of
its dynamic adaptability.
A programmable and adaptable router is proposed which can be used in any design independent of
the chosen interconnection network. A programmable lookup table is used by this router to map
processor addresses to physical network routes. These lookup tables maintained in the router makes
it easy to modify the network topology based on network failures, requests from the application
algorithm and changing workloads.
The UPR makes routing decisions locally based on the destination address in the packet header and
availability of outgoing channels. If
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Nt1310 Unit 1 Exercise 1
3.6.3 Location–Based Routing:
In the location–based routing, sensor nodes are distributed randomly in an interesting area. They are
positioned mostly by utilizing of Global position system. The distance among the sensor nodes is
evaluated by the signal strength obtained from those nodes and coordinates are computed by
interchanging information among neighbouring nodes. Location–based routing networks are;
Sequential assignment routing (SAR)
Ad–hoc positioning system (APS)
Geographic adaptive fidelity (GAP)
Geographic and energy aware routing (GEAR)
Greedy other adaptive face routing (GOAFR)
Geographic distance routing (GEDIR)
Geographic Adaptive Fidelity (GAF): Geographic Adaptive Fidelity is an energy–aware location
based routing algorithm planned for mobile ad–hoc networks but has been used to WSNs.
Geographic Adaptive Fidelity conserving energy by switching off redundant sensors nodes. In this
routing protocol, the entire network is classified into number of static zones and a virtual grid is
made for the covered region. Every node utilizes its GPS–indicated location to link itself with a
point in the virtual grid. Nodes linked to the same point on the grid are assumed equivalent with
respect to packet routing costs. Nodes within a zone cooperate by choosing one node to show the
zone for a period of time whereas the rest of the nodes sleep. A sample situation is considered from
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It was observed that as the number of nodes increase, so would the network lifetime. There are three
states in the defined in GAF. These states are: finding in which neighbours are decided in the grid,
active for reflecting the participation and sleep in which radio is turned off. The transitions of state
are shown
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Analysis5 Questions Answers
Chapter 14
Answer the following review questions. For some questions, more than one choice may be correct.
1. Which of the following routing protocols are considered to use distance vector logic? B, A
a. RIP
2. Which of the following routing protocols are considered to use link–state logic? E, F
a. RIP
b. RIP–2
f. Integrated IS–IS
3. Which of the following routing protocols support VLSM? B,D,E,F
a. RIP
b. RIP–2
f. Integrated IS–IS
4. Which of the following routing protocols are considered to be capable of converging quickly? D,
a. RIP
b. RIP–2
f. Integrated IS–IS
5. Router1 has interfaces with addresses and ... Show more content on
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c. If PC1 issued a ping command, PC1 would ARP trying to learn the MAC address of
d. If R1 issued a ping command, R1 would ARP trying to learn the MAC address of
5. A new network engineer is trying to troubleshoot a problem for the user of PC1. Which of the
following tasks and results would most likely point to a Layer 1 or 2 Ethernet problem on the LAN
on the left side of the figure? C
a. A ping command on PC1 did not succeed.
b. A ping command from PC1 succeeded, but a ping did not.
c. A ping command from PC1 succeeded, but a ping did not.
d. A ping command from PC1 succeeded.
6. The PC2 user issues the tracert command. Which of the following IP addresses could be
shown in the command output? A, B
7. All of the devices in the figure just booted, and none of the devices has yet sent any data frames.
Both PC's use statically configured IP addresses. Then PC1 successfully pings PC2. Which of the
following ARP table entries would you expect to see? D
a. An entry on PC1's ARP cache for IP address
b. An entry on PC1's ARP cache for IP address
c. An entry on R1's ARP cache for IP address
d. An entry on R1's ARP cache for IP address
8. All of the devices in the figure just booted, and none of the devices has yet sent any data
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Information Disclosure and Cybercrime
Information Disclosure. It is essential to protect any con dential information exchange during the
communica–tion process. Also any unauthorized access too the critical data stored on nodes must
bepossible. In ad hoc networks, such information may contain anything, e.g., the specific status
details of a node, the location of nodes, private keys or secret keys, passwords, and so on. The
control data are more critical for security than the trac data. Forinstance, the routing directives in
packet headers such as the identity or location of thenodes can be more valuable than the
application–level messages.Confidential or importantinformation may be leaked to unauthorized
nodes present in the network by compromised node. Such information may contain information
regarding geographic location of nodesor optimal routes to authorized nodes in the network,the
network topology.Routing AttacksThere are several attacks which can be mounted on the routing
protocols and mayinterrupt the proper operation of the network. Brief descriptions of such attacks
aregiven below:1. Routing Table Over owIn the case of routing table over ow, routes to nonexistent
is created by theattacker. To create enough routes to prevent new routes from being created or
tooverwhelm the protocol implementation is the goal.In the case of proactive routingalgorithms,
discovering routing information is necessary even before it is
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Case Study Of CSC Malaysia Sdn Bhd
Every company have their own business goal. First CSC Malaysia Sdn Bhd's business goal is
improve telecommunication services and provide to the groups. Next, CSC Malaysia Sdn Bhd' wish
to using a new operating model for greater efficiency. Third, CSC Malaysia Sdn Bhd's wish to
scaling their next–generation offerings for proven results. Forth, CSC Malaysia Sdn Bhd's wish to
rationalizing their portfolio for reduced risk and faster impact. Fifth, CSC Malaysia Sdn Bhd's wish
to provide harness word–class industry IP for more innovation. Sixth, modernizing their delivery
network for cost effective consistency. Seventh, CSC Malaysia Sdn Bhd's wish to collaborating
seamlessly for greater client satisfaction. Eighth, CSC Malaysia Sdn Bhd's want to improve their
staff efficiency and eliminate their problems. Ninth, CSC Malaysia Sdn Bhd's wish to reduce cost
spend on the network. Last, CSC Malaysia Sdn Bhd's wish they able to protect the network from
intruders. For CSC Malaysia Sdn Bhd, their have no technical goal. But for advice, they should have
some of the technical goals. First, CSC Malaysia Sdn Bhd should able to offer a network that ...
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All the devices will be connects with a switch. In computing centre server room, there have multiple
switches which connected with multiple servers and PCs. All the switches from various department
will connect to the switches which located in computing centre server room. Let say, a staff want to
print some document which from File/Printer Server, his/her computer will connect to the switch
which locate in particular department, the department's switch will connect to the switch which
locate at computing centre server room and connect to the File/Print Server. After he/she selected
document which want to print, the documents from server will send the document to the printer
through switches and print
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Computational Scale Out Workloads Applications
Abstract–Scale–out workloads are applications that are typically executed in a cloud environment
and exhibit high level of request level parallelism. Such workloads benefit from processor
organizations with very high core count since multiple requests can be serviced simultaneously by
threads running on these cores. The characteristics of these workloads indicate that they have high
instruction footprints exceeding the capacities of private caches, operate on large datasets with
limited reuse and have minimal coherence activity due to lesser data sharing. The characteristics
also indicate that the active instruction window can be captured by a Last Level Cache (LLC) size of
8MB. New processor organizations have been discussed in literature that tailors the interconnection
among cores to match the communication pattern arising out of the characteristics of scale–out
workloads. The focus of the current work is to take the approach of separating a core and LLC bank
from a single tile as specified in literature and design a different interconnection topology for cores
and LLC banks to reduce the latency of accessing the LLC to improve performance. In the current
work, four cores and a LLC bank are designed to connect to a router forming a star topology and the
routers (4) are designed to form a 2D flattened butterfly topology. The current design has been
targeted at 8 cores and has been implemented using the Bluespec System Verilog HDL (Hardware
Description Language) and the
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Analysis Of Wireless Sensor Network Routing Protocols
Analysis of Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks:
Shalabh Mishra
Computer Science Department
IMS Engineering College
Ghaziabad, India shalabhgreat1@gmail.com Dipesh Rai
Computer Engineering Department
IMS Engineering College
Ghaziabad, India dipeshrai111@gmail.com Shashank Dixit
Computer Engineering Department
IMS Engineering College
Ghaziabad, India shiva.imsec@gmail.com Abstract–this paper attempts to describe a literature
review of Wireless Sensor Network routing protocols. A wireless sensor network (WSN) consists of
spatially distributed autonomous sensors to monitor physical or environmental conditions and to
cooperatively pass their data through the network to a main location. Routing in
WSNs is very challenging due to the inherent characteristics that distinguish these networks from
other wireless networks like mobile ad hoc networks or cellular networks. Due to the relatively large
number of sensor nodes, it is not possible to build a global addressing scheme for the deployment of
a large number of sensor nodes as the overhead of ID maintenance is high. Thus they require careful
resource management. This paper describes various routing protocols and their comparison and
working of LEACH protocol and enhanced LEACH protocol. Keywords–Wireless Sensor Networks
(WSN), Sensor Nodes,
LEACH, Enhanced LEACH Base Station (BS) Cluster Head (CH).
I. Introduction
A wireless sensor network (WSN) consists of spatially distributed autonomous sensors to monitor
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Computer Science : Privacy Preserving And Truthful Detection
Privacy–Preserving And Truthful Detection
Of Packet Dropping Attacks In Wireless
Ad–Hoc Networks
Submitted to the Faculty of the Department of Computing Sciences
Texas AM University – Corpus Christi
Corpus Christi, Texas
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of
Master of Science in Computer Science
Sai Krishna Vudepu
Fall 2015
Committee Members
Dr. Mario A. Garcia ____________________________
Committee Chairperson
Dr. Thomas ____________________________
Committee Member
There have been a lot of situations where we have seen loss of packets while transferring data.
Therefore, multi–hop wireless ad hoc network has identified ... Show more content on
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Where as, in the multi–hop wireless ad hoc networks, one or more intermediate nodes are present,
which receive and forward packets through the wireless links. These networks' have several
advantages as compared to the single local wireless links like improved connectivity, extended
coverage, less power and energy, cost effective higher data rates and more efficiency.
In such type of networks, nodes usually communicate using wireless channels instead of common
control. These nodes help each other by relying and forwarding each others packets, involving
several such nodes throughout the path. However, this cooperative effort to launch attacks can be
exploited by any possible rival. This can further result in destroying the network's performance. But,
there are also certain drawbacks, if the rival continuously attacks the system. Firstly, it is easy to
detect high any sort of packet loss rate at the malicious nodes and secondly, after these are detected,
they can be weakened easily.
For instance, in a case where the attack is detected but no one is able to identify the malicious nodes,
randomized multi–path routing algorithms
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Data Center Network Design Using Metrics And Their Results...
Nt1310 Unit 5 Paper
maximization of network lifetime [8]. This protocol is also divided into two phase: 1. Clustering and
2. Routing of aggregated data. In clustering phase, a fixed topological arrangement is done by sensor
nodes. In the data aggregation phase, heuristic is proposed. The advantage is that it provides energy
efficiency and network lifetime also be increased.
G. TTDD Protocol
The Two–Tier Data Dissemination (TTDD) assumes that the sensor nodes are stationary and
location aware and sinks are allowed to change their location dynamically [9]. When any change is
sensed by sensors the source node will generate the reports. Then the source node chooses itself as a
start crossing point and sends data to its adjacent crossing points. This is also used in which nodes
are stationery for multiple mobile sinks. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Utilize a cluster head to cluster head routing to transfer data to base station.
I. MIMO Protocol
In the Multihop Virtual Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) the data are collected by multiple
source nodes and transmitted to a remote sink by multiple hops [11]. In this, the cluster head sends
message to sensor nodes in the cluster. Next the sensor nodes encode the data and sends to cluster
head in the next hope according to the orthogonal Space Time Block Code [STBC]. It saves the
energy and provides QoS provisioning.
J. HPAR Protocol
The Hierarchical Power Aware Routing (HPAR) is a power aware routing protocol that divides the
network into a group of sensors called zones [12]. In this, the cluster zones are formatted, then the
decision is made that how message is routed so the battery life can be maximized. This protocol
provides an approximation algorithm called max–min ZPmin algorithm. In this algorithm by
applying Dijkshtra algorithm the path who consumes less power is found. Then the second path is
found that maximizes the minimal residual power. The advantage is that it provides both
transmission power and maximizes battery
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  • 3. Micro Electro Mechanical Frameworks And Low Power And... Introduction Late advances in micro–electro–mechanical frameworks and low power and exceedingly incorporated computerized hardware have prompted the improvement of micro–sensors. [3]wsn is a developing data innovative progressions in micro–hardware and system correspondences. It structures a sagacious network 13 application framework comprising of a huge number of minor vitality constrained and ease hubs. Sensor hubs self–rulingly sense, transform and impart by means of the radio medium shaping a sorted toward oneself out system design. Ordinarily, sensors report sensed information to an outer base station for further processing.[2] WSN can be characterized as an issue of gadgets, meant as hubs, which can sense the Environment and convey the data gathering from the checked field (e.g. a region of volume) through remote connections. Steering in sensor systems is extremely difficult because of a few qualities that recognize them from contemporary correspondence and remote specially appointed systems. Above all else, it is unrealistic to assemble a worldwide tending to plan for the arrangement of sheer number of sensor hubs. Hence, traditional IP–based protocols can 't be connected to sensor systems. Second, in spite of average correspondence organizes practically all applications of sensor systems oblige the stream of sensed information from various areas (sources) to a specific sink. Third, produced information movement has huge excess in it since different sensors may ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. An Approach of Energy Efficient and Secure Data Transfer... A Wireless network is a type of computer network that uses wireless data connections for connecting network nodes. It is a method for homes, telecommunication networks, business, and enterprise to avoid a costly process of cables into a buildings or connection between various equipment's locations. And each device can communicate with another node immediately within their radio range or one which outside the range using wireless links. One type of wireless networks called ad–hoc networks. An ad–hoc networks have become increasingly relevant in recent year due to their potential applications in battlefield, military, and emergency disaster relief etc.,. It is a self– configuring network. And it consists of collection of autonomous mobile ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Multicasting in wired and wireless networks has been advantageous and used as a vital technology in many applications such as audio and video conferencing, corporate communications, collaborative and groupware applications, distance earning, stock quotes, distribution of software news etc., In wireless two popular multicast schemes: shortest past multicast and core based tree. The shortest path multicast tree always select the shortest path from every source to every destination and source node need to build a root tree as itself. Hence, in core based multicast tree, shortest path from the source node to the destination node cannot be guaranteed, but only one tree would be needed to connect the set of the source nodes to a set of the receiver nodes. And many MANET has limited energy resources (battery), and each node operates in unattended manner. So energy efficient is an import design consideration for these networks. So we proposed energy efficient paper using multicast routing protocol according to distance from source to destination in a network. Security is a more sensitive issue in MANETs than any other networks due to lack of infrastructure and the broadcast nature of the network. While MANETs can be quickly set up as needed, so they also need secure data transfer over the network. We provide encryption and decryption algorithm using Rijndael (AES) block cipher. It helps the message to secure ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. The Main Goal Of Geographical Routing The main goal of geographical routing is to use location information to define an efficient route search toward the destination. Geographical routing is very fitting to sensor networks, where data aggregation technique is used to minimize the number of transmissions send to the base station by eliminating redundancy among data packets from different sources. The need for data aggregation is to minimize energy consumption changes the computation and communications model in sensor networks from a traditional address paradigm to a data centric paradigm, where the content of the data is more significant than the identity of the sensor node that gathers the data. In data paradigm, an application may send a query to enquire about a phenomenon ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Geographical routing approaches does not require saving the state at the routers to keep track of the current state of the topology. It needs only the propagation of single–hop topology information. The nature of geographical routing eliminates the need for keeping internal data structures such as routing tables. Thus, the overhead is reduced substantially, just like that improving its scalability in large networks. The routing strategies of geographical routing is to use the location information to form a more effective routing strategy that does not need flooding request data packets throughout a network. This achieved by sending a data packet to nodes located in a designated forwarding region. This is also known as geocasting, where only nodes lie within the designated forwarding region are authorized to transmit the data packet ref. This region can be statically defined by the source node, or formed dynamically by intermediate sensor nodes to reject nodes that may cause a detour when transmitting the data packet. A second strategy used in geographical routing, known as position based routing. A sensor node only needs to know the location information of its direct neighbor's ref. A greedy forwarding approach is used where each sensor node forwards a data packet to the neighboring node that is closest to the destination node. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Cisco Activity Task 3: Interpreting Debug Output. Note: If you already configured IP addressing on R1, please remove all the interface commands now before proceeding. Furthermore, R2 and R3 should be configured through the end of "Task 2: Basic Router Configuration". Step 1 – On R1 from privileged EXEC mode, enter the debug ip routing command. R1# debug ip routing. IP routing debugging is on. The debug ip routing command will show when routes are added, modified and deleted from the routing table. For example, every time you successfully configure and activate an interface, Cisco IOS adds a route to the routing table. We can verify this by observing output from the debug ip routing command. Step 2 – Enter interface configuration mode for R1's LAN ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... End with CNTL/Z. R1(config)# interface serial 0/0/0 Configure the ip address as specified in the Topology Diagram. R1(config–if)# ip address is_up: 0 state: 0 sub state: 1 line: 0 has_route: False As soon as you press the enter key, Cisco IOS debug output informs you that there is now a route, but its state is "False". Since R1 is the DCE side of our lab environment, we must specify how fast bits will be clocked between R1 and R2. Step 6 Enter the clock rate command on R1. You can specify any valid clocking speed. Use the ? to find the valid rates. Here, we used 64000 bps. R1(config–if)# clock rate 64000 Step 7 Enter the command necessary to insure the interface is fully configured. R1(config–if)# no shutdown After you enter the correct command, you should see debug output similar to the following: is_up: 0 state: 0 sub state: 1 line: 0 has_route: False %LINK–3–UPDOWN: Interface Serial0/0/0, changed state to down
  • 10. Unlike the LAN interface, fully configuring the WAN interface is not always enough to have the route entered in the routing table even if your cable connections are correct. The other side of the WAN link must also be configured. /u> Step 8 If possible, establish a separate terminal session with R2. Click on R2 This will allow you to observe the debug output on R2 when you make changes on R1. You can also turn on debug ip routing on R2. R2#debug ip routing IP routing debugging is on Enter ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Types of Attacks in Comnputer Security This paper is presenting types of attacks in security of TCP/IP protocol and also defense to security problems. Flaws in such system are due to attackers' access over machine and due to insecurity of machine. Paper proposed solutions to the problems and discuss problems without considering their implementation. Attack like "TCP sequence number prediction" where spoofing is allowed on host on a local network. A variant in TCP sequence number attack exploits the netstat service where the intruder impersonates a host that is down. If netstat is on the target host it supplies the necessary sequence number information on another port. Defense to this is by randomizing the increment, good logging and alerting mechanisms. "The joy of routing" This is the simple attack that basically depend on routing protocols that has been used. It is further categorized in different attacks that can be "Source Routing" In which target host reverses source route in a TCP for traffic that is returning. So facilities can be exchanged between host and attacker. The idea to protect from attacks is to put gateways into the local net for rejection of external packets that acting as part of the local net or to do rejection of pre–authorized connections. Another attack is "The Routing Information Protocol (RIP)" attack is mostly used on local networks like broadcast media. As information here sent is not checked so intruder can change or send modified information due to which protocols that depends on ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Nt1310 Unit 7 Exercise 1 DSDV is a proactive, hop–by–hop distance vector routing protocol where the routing table is maintained by each and every network node. The routing table consists of all the nodes required to reach destination also including the nodes to which packets are not sent. The routing table is kept updated at every time after each entry. In order to avoid the routing loops, DSDV uses the concept of sequence numbers to maintain the originality of route at all times. For the network in figure. 1 below, the routing table for node A can be seen in table. 1 which contains information about all possible paths reachable by node A, along with the next hop, number of hops and sequence number. In any network one route is considered favourable than other ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Being proactive, AODV doesn't need all its nodes in a network to maintain the routes to destinations rather request a route only when needed i.e., only the nodes which are communicating would require to maintain the route. Also AODV uses sequence numbers to avoid routing loops like in DSDV. Whenever a node needs to communicate with another node, a route has to be found and for that purpose Route Request (RREQ) message is broadcasted to all its neighbors till it reaches the destination node or route to destination. A temporary route table entry in initiated by the RREQ messages throughout the network. Once the destination or a route is found, Route Reply (RREP) message is sent back to source by unicasting along the temporary reverse path of the received RREQ message. RREP message initiates in creating a routing table entries for the destination in intermediate nodes on its way back to source. After certain amount of time these routing table entries expire. Neighbors are detected by periodic HELLO messages (a special RREP message). If a node A does not receive HELLO messages from a neighbor B through which it sends traffic, it assumes that a link is broken and the failure indication is forwarded to its active neighbors. When this message reaches the sources, then either they request a new route by sending new RREQ messages or stop sending data. HELLO messages and the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Unit 1 Comm-3011 The list of tasks to be completed is: COM–3011 Verification; Sample Rate Decimation; VITA–49 Packaging; Ethernet Transmission; and Software Functionality. COM–3011 Verification The COM–3011 operates by first mixing the received signal with 125 MHz, thus the data is now contained on it. The centre frequency is chosen by mixing a user specified radio synthesiser frequency with the 125 MHz together. For example to obtain a centre frequency of 100 MHz, the user would specify 225 MHz or –25 MHz. The bandpass filter will reduce the bandwidth to 40 MHz or 20 MHz either side of centre frequency [12]. This sample is the duplicated and the second part delayed by 90 degrees to form an in–phase and quadrature features. Sample Rate Decimation For the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This packet contains information such as the frequency of the samples and bandwidth. This is only transmitted once until the information changes. For the implemented solution, the system will only transmit this context packet at the beginning of the transmission and will not transmit unless the system is rebooted. Ethernet Transmission Using the COM–5102, the SDR will transmit the radio signal, this pulg in will add associated MAC addresses and UDP headers onto the project automatically [15]. The VHDL code has values that can be changed slightly to accommodate UDP or TCP transmission. For the project, UDP headers will be used. Software Functionality This is the section of the work being undertaken by the software engineer. The software must contain a custom driver to unpack the VITA–49 packet outlined before. This driver will be written to work with a Ubuntu Linux distribution. The unpacked data will then be handed to GNU Radio Companion and the signal processed. The FFT, dynamic peak algorithm, spectrum display and list of signals are default tools that can be downloaded from the file repository [16]. The module will require a custom module called an "out of the tree module" to use that data brought in from the VITA–49 packet: "out of the tree" modules are custom modules made by a user for the graphical ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. A Research Study On Abstract- Vehicular Networks Essay Abstract– Vehicular networks or VANET announce as the communication networks of the future, where the mobility is the main idea. These networks should be able to interconnect vehicles. The optimal goal is that these networks will contribute to safer roads and more effective in the future by providing timely information to drivers and concerned authorities. They are therefore vulnerable to many types of attacks among them the black hole attack. In this attack, a malicious node disseminates spurious replies for any route discovery in order to monopolize all data communication and deteriorate network performance. Many studies have focused on detecting and isolating malicious nodes in VANET. In this paper, we present two mechanisms to detect this attack. The main goal is detecting as well as bypass cooperative black hole attack. Our approachs has been evaluated by the detailed simulation study with NS2 and the simulation results shows an improvement of protocol performance. . Keywords– VANET; AODV; Black Hole;Ad Hoc; NS2 I. INTRODUCTION Ad hoc networks consist of a set of self–organized of mobile nodes which cooperate using a routing protocol to facilitate the communication. They have become very popular in recent years due to their characteristics: easy deployment, lack of infrastructure, dynamic topology, mobility and minimum commissioning costs. A VANET network is a subset of ad hoc networks where each mobile node is an intelligent vehicle equipped with communication ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Implementing Complex Protocols On The Network System Introduction:– In the present computer networks are being built by implementing complex protocols on an array of network devices such as routers, switches and middleware like ISD intrusion detection systems and firewalls systems. In order to allow the network to be modified to the changing environment, the network Administrator have to manually configures all new configuration policies by converting them into the low level commands that are supported by the system. Companies need to depend on the network vendors in order to deal with the problems related to security, scalability, manageability and other issues. Many efforts have been done to make the network programmable even before the SDN. Some of those are Forces (2003), Routing Control Platform (2004), Ethane (2007), and Open Flow (2008). Main body:– Network technology passed many stapes to reach the advance level it is now a days. The first step was how to control a packet–switched network which started the project Forces which was implemented in 2003. It has Protocols for multiple control elements and forwarding elements, the project failed because it requires standardization, adoption, deployment of new hardware. After the failure of Forces a new project have been applied called Routing Control Platform (RCP) which was implemented in 2004.The RCP computes routes on behalf of routers, the RCP uses existing routing protocol (BGP) to communicate routes to routers. The RCP Convert the best route of internal routing ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Reliability Of Energy Efficient Cluster Based Routing... Reliability of Energy Efficient Cluster–Based Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks Thottikat, Vishnu K 012629108 Gudapati Supriya 012627938 Vishnu.thottikat@yahoo.com Supriya.gudapati@yahoo.com Electrical Engineering Department College of Engineering, California State University Long Beach Long Beach, United States Abstract – Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) comprises of several tiny, low–cost, resource constrained sensor nodes. These nodes are placed in harsh environments and generally are used for air pollution monitoring, water quality monitoring, industrial monitoring, health monitoring and more. Routing is difficult in such surroundings primarily due to the unique constraints the wireless sensor networks suffer from. Wireless sensor network is highly dynamic, making existing routing protocols ineffective. This paper concentrates on energy efficiency of the protocols. Both the protocol presented are hierarchical and cluster based. Both have sensor nodes and a base station (BS). The BS selects the Cluster Heads (CH) among themselves. CH is the elected sensor node which passes on the sensor data collected by sensor nodes of its cluster to either BS or other CH. All candidate nodes for becoming CH are listed, based on the various factors like relative distance of the candidate node from the Base Station, outstanding energy level, possible number of neighboring sensor nodes the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Using The Standard Mpls Data Plane Abstract–The evolution of MPLS networks have made them critically important for ISPs for the various functions of traffic engineering, efficient network utilization and for providing L2 and L3 enterprise VPN services. All these functions are supported by complex, energy hungry and expensive core routers with support for a wide variety of control protocols carefully combined with data plane mechanisms. It is observed that the MPLS data–plane handles simpler functions of pushing, popping–off and swapping labels and are mostly un–affected by any changes to the control–plane functionalities. This paper discusses the possibility of using the standard MPLS data– plane in combination with a simple extensible control–plane using OpenFlow, SDN and its applications. A Protocol implementation is discussed to show the simplicity of the approach over existing MPLS control plane and how more services can be supported with the new control–plane. Finally, The paper discusses how the introduction of a new map abstraction fits well with the unified control architecture for packet and circuit networks, making the new control–plane ideal for multi– layer networks. I. INTRODUCTION MPLS has evolved as a complex and efficient solution for ISPs for the purposes of traffic engineering and enterprise L2 and L3 VPN services, traffic engineering in turn serves the purpose of maximizing the utilization of infrastructure while VPNs offer secure connection services to enterprises, this feature ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Description Of An Energy Efficient Multi Channel Routing... Multichannel approach for LEACH B.Brahma Reddy, ECE, VBIT, Hyderabad, India, reddybb@hotmail.com K.Kishan Rao, Vaagdevi College of Engineering, Warangal, India, prof_kkr@rediffmail.com Abstract: LEACH TDMA schedules of each cluster are built independently. This can lead to collisions among clusters if the same channel is allotted to more than one overlapping clusters at the same time. To reduce this type of interference, in LEACH each cluster communicates using different CDMA codes. Thus, when a node is elected as CH, it chooses randomly from a list of spreading codes and informs all the nodes in the cluster to transmit using this spreading code. Hence all clusters can have intra–cluster communication in parallel. However, in large WSNs, as number of clusters increases self–noise generated by these codes may cross threshold limit and reach capacity limit. This forces to look at multiple channel use for improved throughput and energy–efficiency. We present an energy–efficient multi–channel routing protocol (CFCA) for wireless sensor networks. By computing the size of each cluster and identifying non–overlapping clusters, the proposed method allows channel reuse within WSN. This algorithm optimizes number of channels required for the given WSN. Key words: LEACH, Collision–free Multichannel, Cross–layer, Beacon–enabled, Energy– efficiency, Frequency reuse in WSN I. Introduction The main goal of communication protocols in WSNs is to maximize energy efficiency in order to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Pros And Cons Of Ad Hoc Routing Protocols WIRELESS AD HOC ROUTING PROTOCOLS Raghav Thirani , Monica Chandil ABSTRACT: An ad hoc network is a collection of nodes which are dynamically located in such a manner that their inter connections might change on continual basis. A routing protocol is required, to facilitate communication inside the network by discovering routes between the nodes. This research paper classifies various protocols and provides an overview about eight different protocols under varied categories. 1. INTRODUCTON: Since their emergence, wireless networks have become increasingly popular. There are currently two kinds of wireless networks in use, namely WLAN's and Ad Hoc. WLAN's are called infrastructure networks as they have fixed and wired gateways, whereas Ad hoc are called infrastructure less networks as they don't have any fixed routers, all nodes in this are capable of movement and can be connected ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It starts by throwing light on Table Driven or Proactive routing protocols, then moving forward to On –demand or Reactive routing protocols. It further discusses about Hybrid routing protocols which are a mixture of the previous two. We end the discussion on these routing protocols by introducing the Hierarchical routing protocols. 2. TABLE DRIVEN PROTOCOLS Table driven routing protocols are also called as proactive routing protocols. They try to maintain the consistent, up to date routing information from each node to every other node in the network[1]. Nodes respond to network topology changes by propagating route updates throughout the network. [1] in this paper we discuss three proactive routng protocols namely: Optimised Link State Routing protocol(OLSR) , Destination Sequenced Distance Vector Routing(DSDV) and Wireless routing protocol (WRP). 2.1 DSDV: In this routing protocol, every node maintains a routing table which has got entries of all the possible destination nodes and the number of hops to each of
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  • 31. Of PEGASIS : Power-Efficient Gathering In Sensor Data... change in term of energy utilization and network life time over LEACH protocol. With a little network distance across, vitality utilization of the network is practically same when utilizing diverse clustering protocols. 3.2.11 PEGASIS: Power–Efficient Gathering in Sensor Data Network By this creator proposed calculation PEGASIS that is a chain based protocol give change over LEACH calculations. In PEGASIS, every node discusses just with a nearby neighbor and alternates transmitting to the base station, along these lines decreasing the measure of vitality spent per round. Utilizing eager calculation, the nodes will be sorted out to shape a chain, after that BS can figure this anchor and communicate it to all the sensor nodes. Vitality ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the hierarchical structure, base station (BS) is the focal point of a circle. The BS will predefine the quantity of levels and each node's separation to BS chose the level which it has a place with. Each node gets the flag from the BS, at that point as indicated by the signal strength to recognize the separation to BS. PDCH outflank to PEGASIS calculation and it is additionally helpful for large networks. 3.2.14 CLUSTER : CLUSTER clustering algorithms in view of clustering algorithm that gives adaptable and proficient packet routing for huge scale WSNs. Just a few sections of total number of sensor nodes take part in arrangement of CHs. In this, CHs are masterminded in a framework way and primary sink (One of the sink), dynamically and randomly manufactures the cluster network. . Greed Seed (GS) is a node inside a given span from the essential sink. Any questions from sink to nodes are engendered from avarice seed to its CHs et cetera. 3.2.15 EECS: Energy Efficient Clustering Schemes Authors proposed a algorithm in which cluster arrangement is not the same as LEACH protocol. In LEACH protocol cluster arrangement happens on the premise of a base separation of nodes to their relating CH. In EECS, dynamic estimating of clusters happens which depends on cluster separate from the base station. The outcomes are a calculation that tends to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Routing Algorithms For The Network Routing Algorithms Routing as we can say is selecting the best path in the network to transfer data from one point to another. And Routing algorithm on a router in computer networks decides on which incoming line a packet should travel and thus creating the routing decision. It depends on various factors like stability, robustness, simplicity, correctness, fairness and optimality. Routing algorithms are based on two classes namely. Adaptive : In this the routing process is adapted based on any changes made to the topology or traffic. Eg: Hierarchical, Link State, distance vector, broadcast and multicast. Non Adaptive: In this process the routing decisions are mostly computed in advance and will be downloaded to the routers at the boot ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is a level 2 routing system and we can use 3–to 4 level of these kind of routings aswell. 2. Link State Routing Protocols: It calculates the best paths to network by constructing the topology of the entire network area and then map the best path from this topology or map of all the interconnected networks. The inputs of LS algorithm i.e network topology and the link costs are known before hand. This can be achieved by having each broadcast link–state packets to every node in the network and thus each link–state containing the cost of its attached links. This is termed as link–state broadcast. In LS algorithm, every router must do some the following things, Find the clients and record the IP address Gauze the delays and cost of every client. Build a LS packet to send this packet to each and every the router on the network. And then find the shortest path on every router.(Sink tree) 3. Distance Vector Routing: DV algorithm is distributed as it receives information of one or more nodes which are directly attached to it and distributes the same back to its neighbors. It is said to be asynchronous because as it does not need all of the nodes to operate in lockstep with one other. And it is iterative because as this process continues as long as there is no information to be exchanged between the neighbors. In this routing there are two vectors called a delay node and a successor node, so router ihas Di =[di1...diN]T and Si=[Si1...SiN]T dij = current estimate of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. We Use A Weight Search Heuristic We use a weight search heuristic similar to the one used in the failure free case, and we adopt the cost function. Our goal is to find a weight function for each configuration, so that the cost of routing the needs through the network is as small as possible after any link failure. However, evaluating for a given weight setting is a complex task because it involves recalculating the load on all links in the network. In order to get a method that scales to large networks, we identify a limited set of critical link failures. We then optimize the link weights taking only the critical link failures into account. We want to avoid that the failure of heavily loaded links results in large amounts of traffic being recovered in backup configurations with a sparse backbone. Instead, this traffic should be routed in a rich (well connected) backbone, where we have abetter chance of distributing it over less loaded links by settingappropriate link weights.To implement this load–aware algorithm we calculate the potentialof each node in the network and the potential of each backup configuration. To evaluate our load aware construction algorithm, we computethe worst case load on each link after a link failure, andcompare it to the results achieved by the original algorithm. Note that the optimizations described here will only havean effect if the network topology allows more than one possiblebackup path after a failure. We have also run our optimizationson less connected networks than ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Wireless Sensor Network: Link Quality Based Hierarchical... Link Quality Based Hierarchical Routing Algorithm for 6LoWPAN INTRODUCTION Wireless sensor network (WSN) is one of the fastest growing areas in networking world today. In order to convert WSN from personal area network (PAN) into low power personal area network (LoWPAN), IEEE standard 802.15.4 was introduced. However, future WSNs would consist of thousands of nodes and these networks may be connected to others via the internet. Hence, IPv6 over LoWPAN (6LoWPAN) is defined by Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) as a technique to integrate internet capability into WSN. 6LoWPAN provides a WSN node with IP communication capabilities by putting an adaptation layer above the IEEE 802.15.4 link layer for the packet fragmentation and reassembly ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are total of 27 channels defined in the PHY layer. These channels are allocated into different frequency bands with varying data rates as showed in Table 1. At MAC layer, it specifies when the devices may access the channel for communication. The basic tasks provided by the MAC layer are beacon generation and synchronization, supporting PAN association and disassociation, managing channel access via Carriers Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) mechanism, and etc. The application of 6LoWPAN ranges from home to military application to medical field. It is also used in smart metering and for industrial automation, energy efficiency, better security systems and vehicular automation. One interesting example application of 6LoWPAN is in facility management, which is the management of large facilities using a combination of building automation, asset management and other embedded systems. The devices in the 6LoWPAN network need to have a appropriate routing mechanism in order to be able to route keeping in mind the constraints in the devices such as memory and power. The protocols should try to minimize the energy usage and improve the lifetime of the entire network. When the concept of link quality is combined with the routing protocols the lifetime of the network is always greatly enhanced. There are many protocols of which hierarchical routing protocol introduces hierarchical routing in 6LoWPAN. Thus, we ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Limiting Ip Spoofing Through Bgp & Idpf Essay Limiting IP Spoofing through BGP & IDPF Mr. A.K.Kadam, Devadkar Kirti Rajaram, Ankita Kumari,Arunima Mr. A.K.Kadam, Professor, Dept. Of Computer Engineering,BVPCOE Pune,Maharashtara,India Devadkar Kirti Rajaram,Student, Dept. Of Computer Engineering,BVPCOE Pune,Maharashtara,India Ankita Kumari, Student, Dept. Of Computer Engineering,BVPCOE Pune,Maharashtara,India Arunima,student, Dept. Of Computer Engineering,BVPCOE Pune,Maharashtara,India ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ***––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Abstract – IP Spoofing is a serious threat to the legitimate use of the Internet. By employing IP spoofing, attackers can overload the destination network thus preventing it from providing service to legitimate user. In this paper, we propose an inter domain packet filter (IDPF) architecture that can minimize the level of IP spoofing on the Internet. A key feature of our scheme is that it does not require global routing information. IDPFs are constructed from the information implicit in Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) route updates and are deployed in network border routers. We establish the conditions under which the IDPF framework correctly works in that it does not discard packets with valid source addresses. We show that, even with partial deployment on the Internet, IDPFs can proactively limit the spoofing capability of attackers. In addition, they can help localize the origin of an attack ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Different Cooperative Communication Schemes Like Relay... Abstract In this survey, we will discuss about different cooperative communication schemes like Relay communication and Node cooperative system. Later on we will perform comparison between conventional communication system and cooperative relay scheme based on power efficiency. We will also discuss about various factors that will impact the efficiency of cooperative systems. We will conclude with applications of cooperative communication in LTE advanced. Cooperative communication Technological convergence in telecommunications and networking has made it possible to bring voice, data (internet) and other multimedia services over single channel. This has led to significant increase in network resource demands especially for wireless networks. To address these tremendous network demands we need to use communication resources efficiently i.e., through Cooperative communications. Cooperative communication system uses intelligent nodes or base stations that can consciously help other nodes to transfer information from the source to the final destination with increased spectral efficiency and extended coverage in case of Cellular Base stations. Cooperation in the communication networks can be realized using Relaying and Node Cooperative systems [1]. Relay communication system In Relay system, first transmitter sends the data to the relay node and information received by the relay node is forwarded to next node and finally to the destination receiver by following cooperation ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Computer Network and Dynamic Routing Protocols IT220 Chapter 7 1.What's a routing table? Keeps track of the routes to use for forwarding datat to its destination 2. What is the most common static route used in a host computer? Default gateway 3. What command is used to view a PC computer 's routing table? Netstat –r /route prints 4. What is meant by a O.O.O.O network address entry with a subnet mask of 0.0. 0.0. in a PC 's routing table? Default route 5. What is the IP address and what is it used for?loopback, the data is routed directly back to the source 14. What is the difference between a static and a dynamic routing protocol?Static routing protocol is of limited use for campuswide network routing but is essential when configuring the default route on ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... An internal routing protocol c. Used for routing between the same networks d. Outdated 50. Define the following: a. Outbound data traffic–data traffic leaving the network b. Inbound data traffic–data traffic entering the network Chapter 9 Section 9–2 1. What networking equipment is usually found in the core of a campus network? Switches 3. What is the advantage of using a layer 3 switch in the core of the campus network?uses electronic hardware instead of software to make routing decisions 5. What is the function of the distribution layer in a campus network?Point where the individual LANS connect together.
  • 44. 7. What is the purpose of the access layer? To connect together networking devices in a LAN 9. Why are routers typically not interconnected at the distribution layer?there are network stability issues when routing large amounts of network data traffic if the networks are full or even partially meshed together 11. List three criteria for selecting the network media. Which is the final decision factor? Desired data speed, distance for connection, budget 13. Define load balancing in terms of data traffic flow in a computer network. Is used as tool to control the direction of the data flow when multiple routes are available. 15. Define per–packet load balancing. Load balance is guaranteed for all interfaces, but there is no guarantee that the packets will arrive at the destination in the proper order. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Network Design And Organizational Goals Network design and organizational goals are and will always be intertwined. The success of the network design team and of the organization is a burden they both share. I was tasked to design a network for a client, who recently bought an existing building to house a medium size business. This building has five floors, each floor has twenty thousand square feet totaling one hundred thousand square feet overall. The business will initially employee two thousand employees and within the building, my client will need a medium size data center. The focus of this paper is to show what items to consider, how I would plan it and new considerations based on what I have learned in the course. Hopefully, I will have demonstrated the necessary considerations in designing a network from the ground up. I will use PPDIOO approach for networks. The six phases of a networks life– cycle are as follows Prepare, Plan, Design, Implement, Operate and Optimize. My design considerations will be based on the customer's needs; therefore, the customer's success rest solely upon the attention to details about organizational goals and constraints. During the prepare phase, I will learn the short–term and long–term goals as well as the customers expectation of the design's outcome for the company. My analysis of the organization should show activities, products, processes, services...etc. that will strengthen the network design, increase the success of the project and confirm the cost of network design ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Survey Of Technologies : Energy Efficiency SURVEY OF TECHNOLOGIES ENERGY EFFICIENCY:– 1 Energy efficiency is one of important key factor in designing a wireless sensor network system. Large energy consumption will affect the lifetime of the sensor networks. 2 Clustering is an important method for increase the scalability and lifetime of wireless sensor network system. The sensor network is divided into clusters. 3 In the first step the sensor nodes sense the physical parameter under consideration and collected data are sent to the cluster head. During second phase the cluster head forwards the data to the base station in a single hop or multi–hop manner. 4 Two types of energy consumptions are associated with a CH, inter cluster and intra cluster energy consumption. The energy reduction during receiving and aggregating the data from the cluster members is known as intra cluster energy consumption. 2.1 Energy–efficient Routing Algorithms:– Energy efficient routing algorithm can be categorized as follows: data centric routing algorithm, location based routing algorithm and hierarchical routing algorithm . Data centric routing algorithm uses meta data to find the route from source to destination before any actual data transmission to eliminate redundant data transmission Location based routing algorithm requires actual location information for every sensor node. Hierarchical routing algorithm divides the network into clusters. Cluster head (CH) is elected in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. To Design Mpls Vpn for a Company PROJECT REPORT ON TO DESIGN A LAYER 3 MPLS VPN (Multiprotocol Label Switching Protocol Virtual Private Network ) FOR A CUSTOMER WITH DIFFERENT LOCATIONS C O N T E N T S 1. INTRODUCTION 2. ABOUT THE PROJECT ► Problem statement ► Proposed solution ► Objectives 3. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ► Multiprotocol Label Swithcing(MPLS) ■ Architecture ■ How does it work ■ CEF Switching ■ Advantages ► Virtual Private Network(VPN) ■ Terminologies ■ Implementation Techniques ■ Features ►MPLS VPN ■What is it ? ■Working ■Security ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Here, a router builds a table (called routing table) as how a packet should be forwarded through which interface, by using either statically configured statements (called static routes) or by exchanging information with other routers in the network through a dynamical routing protocol, Control plane maintains contents of the label–switching table (label forwarding information base, or LFIB). Data plane has a simple forwarding engine. It is a very simple mechanism.It does not involve any tables. MPLS CONTROL AND DATA PLANE COMPONENTS [pic]
  • 51. ■ HOW DOES IT WORK MPLS works by prefixing packets with an MPLS header, containing one or more "labels". This is called a label stack. Each label stack entry contains four fields: ● A 20–bit label value. ● A 3–bit Traffic Class field for QoS (quality of service) priority (experimental) and ECN (Explicit Congestion Notification). ● A 1–bit bottom of stack flag. If this is set, it signifies that the current label is the last in the stack. ● An 8–bit TTL (time to live) field. These MPLS–labeled packets are switched after a label lookup/switch instead of a lookup into the IP table. As mentioned above, when MPLS was conceived, label lookup and label ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. Developing Wireless Communications to Space Essay A big potential problem in the future is developing a wireless communications network in outer space. In this paper we will discuss the problems presented with this and the potential solutions to these problems using existing and some futuristic technology. We have broke this into two main parts, one being earth to satellite to planet and back, and the other being planetary ground transmission to and from astronauts to rovers to space stations. The solution has already started being implemented and will continue rapidly into the near future. It is called the Interplanetary Internet. As of now it is an array of floating 'nodes' or satellites scattered around in space that can communicate with each other. In the future a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... On the earth we are only separated from one another by fractions of a second. From earth to mars the average transmission time is 30–45 minutes. That would feel like light–years trying to download tracks to your iPod. In order to make this work a massive system of satellites needs to be implemented. These satellites will serve as 'net gateways' with the purpose of conveying data packets. Each piece of equipment will have its own IPN address, or .mars domain name. They will serve as nodes, operating on a packet switched network. Some major possible problems include lag, weak signal, and reduced bandwidth. The solution to all of these lies in a new IPN protocol being developed. This protocol, along with high precision equipment, will help to eliminated all of these. The protocol has changed in two major ways from our own TCP/IP protocol. This first is a packet delivery scheme that won't clog the system by resending missing packets. IPN instead keeps track of arriving packets and then requesting missing ones at the end of delivery. The second is the packet headers will use only one tenth as much bandwidth as TCP/IP. Back on earth there will be gateways to translate. Another big problem with the Interplanetary Internet is speed. Using our current technology the top speed for sending data from a satellite orbiting mars to earth is 250 kbps. Down on mars, in a dusty unknown atmosphere with not much power, this is more like 10 kbps. The solution ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 55. Offering Anomymity Protection with Anonymous... The high cost exacerbates the inherent resource constraint problem in MANETs especially in multimedia wireless applications.To offer high anonymity protection at a low cost, we propose an Anonymous Location–based Efficient Routing protocol (ALERT). ALERT dynamically partitions the network field into zones and randomly chooses nodes in zones as intermediate relay nodes, which form a no traceable anonymous route. Thus, ALERT offers anonymity protection to sources, destinations, and routes. It also hasstrategies to effectively counter intersection and timing attacks. We theoretically analyze ALERT in terms of anonymity and efficiency. Also, ALERT achieves comparable routing efficiency to the GPSR geographical routing protocol. The DADCQ ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Most of the current approaches are limited by focusing on enforcing anonymity at a heavy cost to precious resources because public–key–based encryption and high traffic generate significantly high cost Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) and Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) use anonymous routing protocols that hide node identities and/or routes from outside observers in order to provide anonymity protection. However, existing anonymous routing protocols relying on either hop–by–hop encryption or redundant traffic either generate high cost or cannot provide full anonymity protection to data sources, destinations, and routes[7]. The high cost exacerbates the inherent resource constraint problem in MANETs especially in multimedia wireless applications. To offer high anonymity protection at a low cost, we propose an Anonymous Location–based Efficient Routing protocol (ALERT). ALERT dynamically partitions the network field into zones and randomly chooses nodes in zones as intermediate relay nodes, which form a no traceable anonymous route. In addition, it hides the data initiator/receiver among many initiators/receivers to strengthen source and destination anonymity protection. Thus, [8] ALERT offers anonymity protection to sources, destinations, and routes. It also ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 57. A Survey On Secure Cooperative Bait Detection Approach For... A SURVEY ON SECURE COOPERATIVE BAIT DETECTION APPROACH FOR DETECTING MALICIOUS NODES IN MANETS Abstract: In Mobile Ad–hoc Networks (MANETs), the main problem is the security as well as formation of communication amongst nodes was must work together with each other. Avoiding or sensing malicious nodes initiation grayhole or collaborative blackhole attack was the main challenges. The collaborative bait detection approach mixes the advantages of both proactive and reactive defense architecture. Here it use the technique of transposition for implementing security and the CBDA technique out fit a reverse tracing method to help in attaining the specified aim. The demonstration in the occurrence of malicious–node attack, the CBDA outperforms the DSR, and Best–Effort Fault–Tolerant Routing (BFTR) protocol in relations to packet delivery ratio and routing overhead. In that transposition method we use the key which was the key value of the character which was encrypted at sender side and decrypted at receiver. Keywords– Collaborative Bait Detection Approach (CBDA), collaborative black hole attack, grey hole, black hole, malicious node I. INTRODUCTION Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) falls in the category of wireless ad hoc network, and is a self– configuring network. Each device is free to move independently in any direction, and hence will change its link with other devices frequently. Each node must forward traffic which is not relatedto its own use, and therefore be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 59. Project Paper On Datagrams First of all, in the project, I cannot use any transport protocol libraries, such as TCP. Therefore, I construct the packets and acknowledgements, and interpret the incoming packets by myself. A datagram is a basic transfer unit associated with a packet–switched network. Datagrams are typically structured in header and payload sections. Datagrams provide a connectionless communication service across a packet–switched network. The delivery, arrival time, and order of arrival of datagrams need not be guaranteed by the network. subsection{Design the packet format} Like in Project 1 I need to design fields for packet type, ACK number, window size, data etc. Each byte of data sent as in a TCP connection has an associated sequence number. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... if send is called twice with data sizes 1000 and 2000 then two packets will be sent of sizes 1000 and 2000 (assuming the MTU size for the network is large enough). If send is called with a data size larger than the MTU value, the packet will be fragmented. When the remote host calls receive twice with sizes 100 and 150, the first call will return the first 100 bytes of the 1000 byte packet and throw away the last 900 bytes. The second call will return the first 150 bytes of the 2000 byte packet and throw away the last 1850 bytes. The client on either side of a TCP session maintains a 32–bit sequence number it uses to keep track of how much data it has sent. This sequence number is included on each transmitted packet, and acknowledged by the opposite host as an acknowledgement number to inform the sending host that the transmitted data was received successfully. When a host initiates a TCP session, its initial sequence number is effectively random; it may be any value between 0 and 4,294,967,295, inclusive. However, protocol analyzers like Wireshark will typically display relative sequence and acknowledgement numbers in place of the actual values. These numbers are relative to the initial sequence number of that stream. This is handy, as it is much easier to keep track of relatively small, predictable numbers rather than the actual numbers sent on the wire. section{ different configurations of netem} Network emulation ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 61. Replacing Conventional Layer 2 Vpns I. Introduction: Numerous endeavors are considering replacing conventional Layer 2 VPNs, for example, Frame Relay with MPLS–based administrations. For giving virtual private network (VPN) administrations, Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) turning into a more across the board innovation, MPLS building design security is of expanding concern to Service Providers (SPs) and VPN clients. MPLS is being utilized to accomplish the accompanying results: to specialist the core network all the more effortlessly and proficiently (customary MPLS and MPLS activity building), to give VPN administrations (MPLS–VPN), and to encourage nature of administration (QoS) over a network core (MPLS–DBP). In this research paper, the principle aspect is about the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Briefly:  VPN whichever is considered must have the capacity to utilize the same location space same as the other VPN has.  VPN whichever is considered must have the capacity to utilize the same location space as the MPLS core.  Between any two VPNs, routing must be free.  Between any VPN and the core routing must be independent. MPLS permits distinct VPNs to utilize the same location space; the space can be private address. By including a 64–bit route distinguisher for every IPv4 route this can be accomplished, making VPN– special addresses additionally exceptional in the MPLS core. The word "extended" address is called as "VPN–IPv4 address" and is shown in Figure 1. In this way, clients of a MPLS administration don 't have to change current addressing in their networks. Figure 1: VPN–IPV4 address There is a way for Routing partitioning between the VPNs. For every associated VPN each PE router keeps up a different Virtual Routing and Forwarding case (VRF). Routes which are populated from one VPN for every VRF on PE router, the routes are statically configured or run between the PE and CE router with help of routing protocols. Since each VPN brings about a different VRF, there will be no impedances between the VPNs on the PE router. (ii) Process of hiding infrastructure core: The main aspect is that internal structure of the MPLS core network (Provider edge (PE) and Provider (P) components) must not be visible to outside networks (other VPNs). This ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 63. Mobile Ad Hoc Networks ( Lan ) CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1. INTRODUCTION The network that is built impulsively as device connect that is said to be a Local Area Network (LAN). The network is a type which does not rely on base station for the coordination to implant the flow of messages to each node, whereas this network is inspired by the activity of forwarding packets among individual network nodes to and fro. That's why conventionally "ad hoc" literally known as "for this special purpose" in Latin. Moreover MANET (Mobile Ad hoc Networks) is the trendy inheritance of it. In this technical era, each and every organization which belongs to various business operations and corporate levels. They strongly rely on easy, reliable and secured sharing of information. But in the past technological period everything was done through wired networks which had certain transmission and privacy risk. In that case MANET incorporating wireless culture became a boon in disguise for satisfying the drawbacks of wired networks. MANET has become one of the most promising fields for research and development in the area of emerging network and connectivity. If it is to be explained in a laymen phrase, the MANET is a technology that enables users to communicate without any special physical infrastructure not considering the geographic location. They have a proliferation of most cheaper, compact and powerful devices which made their progress a hike. MANET also faces some vulnerabilities, challenges, security issues. Here the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 65. Universal And Programmable Routers ( Upr ) 2. UNIVERSAL AND PROGRAMMABLE ROUTERS (UPR) The design of UPR routers is in par with the increasing capabilities of single chips in VLSI technology. At macro level the programming of this router is very efficient for statistically and dynamically reconfigurable systems. In parallel computers, it is common to use custom made routers. Researchers have started designing routers for good performance recently. These universally programmable router that are statistically and dynamically adaptable are believed to be very essential in the parallel computing field. Universal routers are essential for two reasons. First because of their static adaptability they are used to construct any parallel computer independent of channel width and topology. Second the channel width and the topology of a parallel network can be reconfigured more than once to match the requirements through implementation taking advantage of its dynamic adaptability. A programmable and adaptable router is proposed which can be used in any design independent of the chosen interconnection network. A programmable lookup table is used by this router to map processor addresses to physical network routes. These lookup tables maintained in the router makes it easy to modify the network topology based on network failures, requests from the application algorithm and changing workloads. The UPR makes routing decisions locally based on the destination address in the packet header and availability of outgoing channels. If ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 67. Nt1310 Unit 1 Exercise 1 3.6.3 Location–Based Routing: In the location–based routing, sensor nodes are distributed randomly in an interesting area. They are positioned mostly by utilizing of Global position system. The distance among the sensor nodes is evaluated by the signal strength obtained from those nodes and coordinates are computed by interchanging information among neighbouring nodes. Location–based routing networks are; Sequential assignment routing (SAR) Ad–hoc positioning system (APS) Geographic adaptive fidelity (GAP) Geographic and energy aware routing (GEAR) Greedy other adaptive face routing (GOAFR) Geographic distance routing (GEDIR) Geographic Adaptive Fidelity (GAF): Geographic Adaptive Fidelity is an energy–aware location based routing algorithm planned for mobile ad–hoc networks but has been used to WSNs. Geographic Adaptive Fidelity conserving energy by switching off redundant sensors nodes. In this routing protocol, the entire network is classified into number of static zones and a virtual grid is made for the covered region. Every node utilizes its GPS–indicated location to link itself with a point in the virtual grid. Nodes linked to the same point on the grid are assumed equivalent with respect to packet routing costs. Nodes within a zone cooperate by choosing one node to show the zone for a period of time whereas the rest of the nodes sleep. A sample situation is considered from ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It was observed that as the number of nodes increase, so would the network lifetime. There are three states in the defined in GAF. These states are: finding in which neighbours are decided in the grid, active for reflecting the participation and sleep in which radio is turned off. The transitions of state are shown ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 69. Analysis5 Questions Answers Chapter 14 Answer the following review questions. For some questions, more than one choice may be correct. 1. Which of the following routing protocols are considered to use distance vector logic? B, A a. RIP b. IGRP c. EIGRP d. OSPF 2. Which of the following routing protocols are considered to use link–state logic? E, F a. RIP b. RIP–2 c. IGRP d. EIGRP e. OSPF f. Integrated IS–IS 3. Which of the following routing protocols support VLSM? B,D,E,F a. RIP b. RIP–2 c. IGRP d. EIGRP e. OSPF f. Integrated IS–IS 4. Which of the following routing protocols are considered to be capable of converging quickly? D, E,F a. RIP b. RIP–2 c. IGRP d. EIGRP e. OSPF f. Integrated IS–IS 5. Router1 has interfaces with addresses and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
  • 70. c. If PC1 issued a ping command, PC1 would ARP trying to learn the MAC address of d. If R1 issued a ping command, R1 would ARP trying to learn the MAC address of 5. A new network engineer is trying to troubleshoot a problem for the user of PC1. Which of the following tasks and results would most likely point to a Layer 1 or 2 Ethernet problem on the LAN on the left side of the figure? C a. A ping command on PC1 did not succeed. b. A ping command from PC1 succeeded, but a ping did not. c. A ping command from PC1 succeeded, but a ping did not. d. A ping command from PC1 succeeded. 6. The PC2 user issues the tracert command. Which of the following IP addresses could be shown in the command output? A, B a. b. c. d. e. 7. All of the devices in the figure just booted, and none of the devices has yet sent any data frames. Both PC's use statically configured IP addresses. Then PC1 successfully pings PC2. Which of the following ARP table entries would you expect to see? D a. An entry on PC1's ARP cache for IP address b. An entry on PC1's ARP cache for IP address c. An entry on R1's ARP cache for IP address d. An entry on R1's ARP cache for IP address 8. All of the devices in the figure just booted, and none of the devices has yet sent any data ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 72. Information Disclosure and Cybercrime Information Disclosure. It is essential to protect any con dential information exchange during the communica–tion process. Also any unauthorized access too the critical data stored on nodes must bepossible. In ad hoc networks, such information may contain anything, e.g., the specific status details of a node, the location of nodes, private keys or secret keys, passwords, and so on. The control data are more critical for security than the trac data. Forinstance, the routing directives in packet headers such as the identity or location of thenodes can be more valuable than the application–level messages.Confidential or importantinformation may be leaked to unauthorized nodes present in the network by compromised node. Such information may contain information regarding geographic location of nodesor optimal routes to authorized nodes in the network,the network topology.Routing AttacksThere are several attacks which can be mounted on the routing protocols and mayinterrupt the proper operation of the network. Brief descriptions of such attacks aregiven below:1. Routing Table Over owIn the case of routing table over ow, routes to nonexistent is created by theattacker. To create enough routes to prevent new routes from being created or tooverwhelm the protocol implementation is the goal.In the case of proactive routingalgorithms, discovering routing information is necessary even before it is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 74. Case Study Of CSC Malaysia Sdn Bhd Every company have their own business goal. First CSC Malaysia Sdn Bhd's business goal is improve telecommunication services and provide to the groups. Next, CSC Malaysia Sdn Bhd' wish to using a new operating model for greater efficiency. Third, CSC Malaysia Sdn Bhd's wish to scaling their next–generation offerings for proven results. Forth, CSC Malaysia Sdn Bhd's wish to rationalizing their portfolio for reduced risk and faster impact. Fifth, CSC Malaysia Sdn Bhd's wish to provide harness word–class industry IP for more innovation. Sixth, modernizing their delivery network for cost effective consistency. Seventh, CSC Malaysia Sdn Bhd's wish to collaborating seamlessly for greater client satisfaction. Eighth, CSC Malaysia Sdn Bhd's want to improve their staff efficiency and eliminate their problems. Ninth, CSC Malaysia Sdn Bhd's wish to reduce cost spend on the network. Last, CSC Malaysia Sdn Bhd's wish they able to protect the network from intruders. For CSC Malaysia Sdn Bhd, their have no technical goal. But for advice, they should have some of the technical goals. First, CSC Malaysia Sdn Bhd should able to offer a network that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... All the devices will be connects with a switch. In computing centre server room, there have multiple switches which connected with multiple servers and PCs. All the switches from various department will connect to the switches which located in computing centre server room. Let say, a staff want to print some document which from File/Printer Server, his/her computer will connect to the switch which locate in particular department, the department's switch will connect to the switch which locate at computing centre server room and connect to the File/Print Server. After he/she selected document which want to print, the documents from server will send the document to the printer through switches and print ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 76. Computational Scale Out Workloads Applications Abstract–Scale–out workloads are applications that are typically executed in a cloud environment and exhibit high level of request level parallelism. Such workloads benefit from processor organizations with very high core count since multiple requests can be serviced simultaneously by threads running on these cores. The characteristics of these workloads indicate that they have high instruction footprints exceeding the capacities of private caches, operate on large datasets with limited reuse and have minimal coherence activity due to lesser data sharing. The characteristics also indicate that the active instruction window can be captured by a Last Level Cache (LLC) size of 8MB. New processor organizations have been discussed in literature that tailors the interconnection among cores to match the communication pattern arising out of the characteristics of scale–out workloads. The focus of the current work is to take the approach of separating a core and LLC bank from a single tile as specified in literature and design a different interconnection topology for cores and LLC banks to reduce the latency of accessing the LLC to improve performance. In the current work, four cores and a LLC bank are designed to connect to a router forming a star topology and the routers (4) are designed to form a 2D flattened butterfly topology. The current design has been targeted at 8 cores and has been implemented using the Bluespec System Verilog HDL (Hardware Description Language) and the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 78. Analysis Of Wireless Sensor Network Routing Protocols Analysis of Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks: Review Shalabh Mishra Computer Science Department IMS Engineering College Ghaziabad, India shalabhgreat1@gmail.com Dipesh Rai Computer Engineering Department IMS Engineering College Ghaziabad, India dipeshrai111@gmail.com Shashank Dixit Computer Engineering Department IMS Engineering College Ghaziabad, India shiva.imsec@gmail.com Abstract–this paper attempts to describe a literature review of Wireless Sensor Network routing protocols. A wireless sensor network (WSN) consists of spatially distributed autonomous sensors to monitor physical or environmental conditions and to cooperatively pass their data through the network to a main location. Routing in WSNs is very challenging due to the inherent characteristics that distinguish these networks from other wireless networks like mobile ad hoc networks or cellular networks. Due to the relatively large number of sensor nodes, it is not possible to build a global addressing scheme for the deployment of a large number of sensor nodes as the overhead of ID maintenance is high. Thus they require careful resource management. This paper describes various routing protocols and their comparison and working of LEACH protocol and enhanced LEACH protocol. Keywords–Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), Sensor Nodes, LEACH, Enhanced LEACH Base Station (BS) Cluster Head (CH). I. Introduction A wireless sensor network (WSN) consists of spatially distributed autonomous sensors to monitor ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 80. Computer Science : Privacy Preserving And Truthful Detection Privacy–Preserving And Truthful Detection Of Packet Dropping Attacks In Wireless Ad–Hoc Networks GRADUATE PROJECT PROPOSAL Submitted to the Faculty of the Department of Computing Sciences Texas AM University – Corpus Christi Corpus Christi, Texas In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Computer Science by Sai Krishna Vudepu Fall 2015 Committee Members Dr. Mario A. Garcia ____________________________ Committee Chairperson Dr. Thomas ____________________________ Committee Member ABSTRACT There have been a lot of situations where we have seen loss of packets while transferring data. Therefore, multi–hop wireless ad hoc network has identified ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Where as, in the multi–hop wireless ad hoc networks, one or more intermediate nodes are present, which receive and forward packets through the wireless links. These networks' have several advantages as compared to the single local wireless links like improved connectivity, extended coverage, less power and energy, cost effective higher data rates and more efficiency. In such type of networks, nodes usually communicate using wireless channels instead of common control. These nodes help each other by relying and forwarding each others packets, involving
  • 81. several such nodes throughout the path. However, this cooperative effort to launch attacks can be exploited by any possible rival. This can further result in destroying the network's performance. But, there are also certain drawbacks, if the rival continuously attacks the system. Firstly, it is easy to detect high any sort of packet loss rate at the malicious nodes and secondly, after these are detected, they can be weakened easily. For instance, in a case where the attack is detected but no one is able to identify the malicious nodes, randomized multi–path routing algorithms ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 83. Nt1310 Unit 5 Paper maximization of network lifetime [8]. This protocol is also divided into two phase: 1. Clustering and 2. Routing of aggregated data. In clustering phase, a fixed topological arrangement is done by sensor nodes. In the data aggregation phase, heuristic is proposed. The advantage is that it provides energy efficiency and network lifetime also be increased. G. TTDD Protocol The Two–Tier Data Dissemination (TTDD) assumes that the sensor nodes are stationary and location aware and sinks are allowed to change their location dynamically [9]. When any change is sensed by sensors the source node will generate the reports. Then the source node chooses itself as a start crossing point and sends data to its adjacent crossing points. This is also used in which nodes are stationery for multiple mobile sinks. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Utilize a cluster head to cluster head routing to transfer data to base station. I. MIMO Protocol In the Multihop Virtual Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) the data are collected by multiple source nodes and transmitted to a remote sink by multiple hops [11]. In this, the cluster head sends message to sensor nodes in the cluster. Next the sensor nodes encode the data and sends to cluster head in the next hope according to the orthogonal Space Time Block Code [STBC]. It saves the energy and provides QoS provisioning. J. HPAR Protocol The Hierarchical Power Aware Routing (HPAR) is a power aware routing protocol that divides the network into a group of sensors called zones [12]. In this, the cluster zones are formatted, then the decision is made that how message is routed so the battery life can be maximized. This protocol provides an approximation algorithm called max–min ZPmin algorithm. In this algorithm by applying Dijkshtra algorithm the path who consumes less power is found. Then the second path is found that maximizes the minimal residual power. The advantage is that it provides both transmission power and maximizes battery ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...