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Manuscript types

The following types of manuscripts can be considered for peer-reviewed publication in Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS):

  • Research articles report on original research which clearly advances our understanding of hydrological processes and systems, and/or their role in water resources management and Earth system functioning as detailed in the journal's aims and scope.
  • Review articles summarize the status of knowledge and outline future directions of research within the journal scope. Before preparing and submitting a review article, please contact an editor covering the relevant subject area and one of the executive editors . Depending on the subject and further characteristics, review articles are also eligible for inclusion in the Encyclopedia of Geosciences. If you are interested in this option, please see the author instructions and contact the editors of the encyclopedia.
  • Opinion articles discuss a topical aspect of hydrology. These articles are not peer reviewed in the traditional sense, but they are discussed openly in HESSD so as to stimulate an open debate among peers on new ideas, views, or perceptions in hydrology. Opinion articles will be published under the heading "HESS Opinions" and are handled by the executive editors. Opinion articles are generally invited, but authors with ideas for an opinion paper are encouraged to contact one of the executive editors . The manuscript title should start with "HESS Opinions:".
  • Technical notes report new developments, significant advances, and novel aspects of experimental and theoretical methods and techniques which are relevant for scientific investigations within the journal scope. Manuscripts of this type should be short (a few pages only). Highly detailed and specific technical information such as computer programme code or user manuals can be included as electronic supplements. The manuscript title must start with "Technical note:". For manuscripts focused on the development and description of numerical models and model components, we recommend submission to the EGU interactive open-access journal Geoscientific Model Development (GMD).
  • Education and communication report on new ideas and experiences in communication of hydrological sciences and hydrological education. These articles will be reviewed as normal research articles, and critical attention will be given to aspects of communicating science.
  • Comments (and replies thereon) continue the discussion of papers published in HESS beyond the limits of immediate interactive discussion. They may be longer and submitted later than the comments exchanged in the interactive public discussion of preprints in HESSD. They undergo the same process of peer review, publication, and interactive discussion as articles and technical notes and are equivalent to the peer-reviewed comments and replies in traditional scientific journals. Authors who wish to publish a commentary paper are encouraged to contact one of the executive editors before submission. The manuscript title should start with "Comment on" or "Reply to".
  • Corrigenda correct errors in preceding papers. The manuscript title reads as follows: Corrigendum to "TITLE" published in JOURNAL, VOLUME, PAGES, YEAR. Please note that corrigenda are only possible for final revised journal papers and not for the corresponding preprints. Corrigenda have to be submitted to Copernicus Publications within 3 years from the publication date of the original journal article. Should there be reasons for publishing a second corrigendum within these 3 years, the first one will be substituted by a single new corrigendum containing all relevant corrections.