The works should be
original, unpublished, and not in consideration for
publication elsewhere at the time of submission to the
17th International Conference on Computer Modeling and
Simulation (ICCMS 2025) and during the review process.
ICCMS 2025 provides double blind peer review for all the
material submitted. Some the submissions are rejected
without being sent out for external peer review on the
grounds of priority, insufficient originality and
scientific flaws. A decision on such papers is taken
quickly, usually within 2-3 weeks.
The remaining manuscripts should be evaluated by two
reviewers with expertise in the relevant subject area
and by the anonymous program chair of the program
committee, usually within 2 weeks. Authors are welcome
to suggest suitable independent reviewers.
Once the paper draft was reviewed and corrected draft
(if it necessary) after comments from reviewers were
received final decision concerning the publishing is
made by the program committee usually within one week.
The program committee is the competent authority in
taking decision(s) on selection or rejection of the
manuscripts of all the research/review/similar articles
submitted to ICCMS 2025. The decision taken by program
committee is final in all respects and no further
comments/communications from authors in this regard is