International Conferences
Event schedule
Guidelines for holding international conferences
Procedures for listing in the IEICE Proceedings Series
If you wish to register for the conference paper at the IEICE Proceedings Series, please send the following (A), (B), and (C) to the Membership Section of IEICE Headquarters Office (kaiin2 [at] (Please convert [at] to @.)
- (A) IEICE Proceedings Series Registration Application Sheet
- (B) Metadata file of the international conference (3 types: meeting file, session file, document file)
- (C) Full file of the international conference (pdf file)
Notes 1)
As a general rule, publications of international conference papers in the IEICE Proceedings Series are limited to documents that are copyrighted by the IEICE (sharing with other academic societies, etc. is acceptable). For documents that are not copyrighted by the IEICE and copyrighted by the author (presentation materials of invited lectures , etc.), please follow to either ① or ② below.
- ①Exclude from search (Do not include in files B and C above)
- ②Limit the use of bibliographic information to papers approved by the author.
If you have any problems related to copyright when listing international conference contents in the IEICE Proceedings Series, please contact to the following email address.
Contact: iccontentswg [at] (Please convert [at] to @.)