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Hotel Employees' Psychological Empowerment Influence on Their Organizational Citizenship Behavior Towards Their Job Performance

Hotel Employees' Psychological Empowerment Influence on Their Organizational Citizenship Behavior Towards Their Job Performance

Ruth Sabina Francis, Elangkovan Narayanan Alagas
Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 21
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1474-0.ch016
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
10% Discount:-$3.75


The success of the hospitality industry is dependent on its employees and their management towards the achievement of the organization's objectives. One of the perplexing concerns gripping the hotel industry is the dearth of qualified managerial and non-managerial human resources that drastically affects the job performance of the hotel employees and the organization as a whole. In the hospitality industry, especially hotels, where guests are treated with passion, the employees' organizational citizenship behaviour plays a crucial role to influence their job performance. This study is aimed at investigating the employees' psychological empowerment traits and their organizational citizenship behavior traits that influence their job performance. The conceptual model of the study is based on social exchange theory. The study's propositions will help review the policies of the hotel industry in terms of human resource management, add value to the existing body of literature, and give strategies for managers and supervisors in the hotel industry to achieve the desired performance through their employees.
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Psychological Empowerment (PE): The approaches to empowerment basically took two broad perspectives (Ahearne, Mathieu & Rapp, 2005) the structural construct that eases decision making and delegation to employees (Kanter, 1979; Cunningham, Hyman & Baldry, 1996; Forrester, 2000; Nielsen & Pederson, 2003; Melhem, 2004), and the psychological construct that links the motivational state of the employees in any organization (Kanter, 1983; Conger & Kanungo, 1988; Thomas & Velthouse, 1990; Spretizer, 1995a; Amenumey & Lockwood, 2008).

The construct of empowerment, particularly the psychological facet of employee empowerment in organsiations, is always in the limelight of attention among the organizational psychology researchers (Hashemi, Nadi & Hosseini, 2012). Psychological Empowerment (Psychological Empowerment), derived from the Self-Efficacy theory of Bandura (1977), explains that employees are basically confident about the performance at work (Spreitzer 1995a; Conger & Kanungo 1988; Chebat & Kollias 2000, Lashley, 2000; Klidas, 2001; Lee & Koh 2001).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Self-Determination or Choice: This variable echoes a sense of self-determination over the initiation of work behaviour and procedures. Greater flexibility, creativity, initiative, resilience and self-regulation are the results of self-determination.

Competence or Self-Efficacy: This variable is significant motivational construct that influences the employees to have a sense of belief in their own skills in performing their work efficiently.

Impact: This variable is the degree to which an employee can influence working, strategic and administrative outcomes at work and influence others to buy in your thoughts.

Job Performance (JP): Job performance (JP) is coined as volitional actions and behaviours on the part of organizational members or employees that contribute to, or the other behaviours negatively impact the directions of the organization.

Psychological Empowerment (PE): The four variables of the PE construct are meaning, competence or self-efficacy, self-determination or choice and impact and are explained below.

Meaning: The significance of work goals according to an employee’s work standards as in it fits between the needs of one’s work and one’s own core values and behaviours.

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