So Broadchurch has finally come to an end after three series. Chris Chibnall recently rounded off, and moves onto his new project, Doctor Who. It's a difficult series to review overall, the first series was incredible, I think it raised the bar for this genre, it was devastating, engaging, and re-opened a genre that had somewhat been underplayed for so long, the whodunit. In each series that's always been the burning question, who and why. Series one was fabulous, and gained the show a massive following, getting over 10 million viewers. I enjoyed Series two, although it faced criticism, the third series got the show very much back on form, with a very dark and gritty story.
Dark, complex engaging stories, that have kept the nation guessing for weeks, will we see the like of this again for some time? A credit to the writer.
Dorset provided a stunning backdrop to the grief stricken town. The show always managed to look so good. Well acted throughout, Tennant and Coleman made a fantastic duo. I will never forget the impact of seeing Matthew Gravelle (Joe Miller) in my then place of work after the first series, talk about chilling.
I am glad that it ended with the third, when Chibnall finally decides to leave Doctor Who, he could revisit the show, maybe a spin off, maybe a new series? A brilliant series overall, 9/10