This really was a mess. It started off promisingly but then tapered down to a confusing farrago of nothing. At times, the scriptwriters clearly couldn't think of how to fill the six hours they'd been commissioned to write so they repeated scenes from earlier episodes - the fourth episode was dreary filler showing almost exactly what we'd seen before. It wasn't even done from the perspective of a different character. This pattern repeated itself on the final episodes too.
I'd worked out who Santo was by the end of episode four. It was impossible not to have done. However, even though it was obvious, it was ludicrously at odds with both what the character was meant to have been and the storyline, such as it was.
I'm the meantime, we go past inexplicable situations where people grass on each other for no reason, fail to kill baddies, go loopy and attract the cops' attention only to die, express devotion to a mythical father.
The two cops mentioned in the IMDB synopsis are mavericks, of course and ignore the law in their own ways. Both suffer for this.
The most unbelievable theme is that of voodoo/Satanism from old Dahomey being the glue that bound the drug smugglers together to the point of dying for the cause. Even the usage of psychedelics as shown couldn't have engendered the scenarios postulated here.
There's going to be a second season, gawd help us, after the predictable cliffhanger. I shan't be watching.