203 reviews
- derekjager
- Dec 28, 2018
- Permalink
Granted, I must admit that I had higher expectations for the 2018 movie "Cherokee Creek" than what the movie actually turned out to be. I hadn't heard about the movie prior to getting a chance to sit down and watch it in 2020. And being a fan of the horror genre, of course I took seized the opportunity to sit down and watch it.
First of all, I must say that director Todd Jenkins took forever to get from point A to point B, and managing to tell a whole lot of essentially nothing while taking you there. That made the movie feel long, unnaturally long and mundane. Especially with so little happening, I must admit that my interest in the movie was quickly fading. But I managed to hang in there to the end - mostly because of the performance from Billy Blair.
"Cherokee Creek" is a fairly straight forward movie, one that offers absolutely nothing new to the horror genre. But while it was being so generic, the storyline was so unfathomably slow paced that the air was fast leaking from the movie, and it ended up being a flaccid end result.
The big foot in the movie was adequate. Don't expect to see anything thrilling or overly impressive. The costume worked for its intended purpose, and that was basically it.
This was not an overly impressive movie in any way. And my rating of it lands on a mere three out of ten stars. If director Todd Jenkins had added more contents to the movie, instead of just taking his sweet time doing nothing, the movie would have been a more enjoyable result, because the intention was definitely there - the movie was just horribly executed on the screen.
First of all, I must say that director Todd Jenkins took forever to get from point A to point B, and managing to tell a whole lot of essentially nothing while taking you there. That made the movie feel long, unnaturally long and mundane. Especially with so little happening, I must admit that my interest in the movie was quickly fading. But I managed to hang in there to the end - mostly because of the performance from Billy Blair.
"Cherokee Creek" is a fairly straight forward movie, one that offers absolutely nothing new to the horror genre. But while it was being so generic, the storyline was so unfathomably slow paced that the air was fast leaking from the movie, and it ended up being a flaccid end result.
The big foot in the movie was adequate. Don't expect to see anything thrilling or overly impressive. The costume worked for its intended purpose, and that was basically it.
This was not an overly impressive movie in any way. And my rating of it lands on a mere three out of ten stars. If director Todd Jenkins had added more contents to the movie, instead of just taking his sweet time doing nothing, the movie would have been a more enjoyable result, because the intention was definitely there - the movie was just horribly executed on the screen.
- paul_haakonsen
- May 25, 2020
- Permalink
This is probably the worst Bigfoot movie of the last 20 years. There is a massive lack of action and it's such a bore-fest that I couldn't even make the end of it.
Pretty much every character is annoying and though I don't mind bad acting, this was embarrassing.
The script is garbage and I would really recommend any other b movie Bigfoot film to this one.
The only people who found possibly have scored this anything other than 1 star are friends and family of the cast or production crew.
The makers of this should hang their heads in shame!
The makers of this should hang their heads in shame!
With modern professional cinema-camera they did a D-grade movie, script is a disaster, acting is a disaster and sex scene is disgusting..better see the news on tv
I don't know who they paid to sit and give this movie such high blessings but they're just that "high" the movie is slow boring and poorly made..i had actually stopped in the middle of the movie to pull a tooth and still didn't hurt as bad as watching their acting! Dont waste your time
- willcline-91043
- Dec 25, 2018
- Permalink
Worst horror movie I've sat through in a while. I know it was supposed to be a campy comedy/horror movie but I couldn't get over how bad the acting was. The comedy in it was low brow at best. Don't waste your money I guess this crap is on iTunes. Not worth a cent
- daysleeper-666-878240
- Jan 11, 2019
- Permalink
Seriously, don't do it.
I love a good horror comedy and I was excited to check this out after reading some of the user reviews (although the overall rating should have been a dead give away).
I can get behind low budget, but this is just bad with very little redeeming qualities. The camera work is depressing. The acting is mostly awful (with a few exceptions). The script had no appeal and the few scenes that DID manage to be funny went on entirely too long.
I don't know if the majority of these reviews are coming from friends and family or if there is just that many braindead people out there but this is just not a good movie.
I love a good horror comedy and I was excited to check this out after reading some of the user reviews (although the overall rating should have been a dead give away).
I can get behind low budget, but this is just bad with very little redeeming qualities. The camera work is depressing. The acting is mostly awful (with a few exceptions). The script had no appeal and the few scenes that DID manage to be funny went on entirely too long.
I don't know if the majority of these reviews are coming from friends and family or if there is just that many braindead people out there but this is just not a good movie.
- Shemhamforash666
- Feb 13, 2019
- Permalink
This movie was awful because the creature comes in late and the movie preference is over rated, I mean come on there are millions better big foot movies than this! 😡 plus the fact the creator cheats people out of there money with this lame excuse of a movie. The movie Annabel could beat this movie and not even try 😈
- pauljohncoxpauljohncox
- Feb 12, 2020
- Permalink
CherokeeCreek is an uproariously funny horror comedy about a bachelor party in the woods gone very very wrong. This independent horror flick takes cues from 80s classics such as Friday The 13th and Sleepaway Camp while adding A modern and hilarious twist. The special effects and gore were not only phenomenal for an independent film but were were on par if not better then but bigger budget films I've come across. You can tell this film was a passion project and everybody involved did an amazing job! Big Foot himself looks and sounds terrifying! If you love cheesy fun horror comedy like I know you horror nerds do then you need to check this out! It's one hell of a good time!
- tyler_baker1996
- Dec 30, 2018
- Permalink
If you like raunchy B horror comedy then this is for you. This movie delivers exactly what they claim. It's fun and the quaility was actually better than I expected. It's not a family film by any means and i don't think they promote it that way. Made me feel young again. Great to see a movie that is the film makers true concept and not influenced by what's right, wrong or politically correct.
- lrussell-84512
- Dec 28, 2018
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Honestly, when they advertised this on social media as an "80s style horror comedy, about a bachelor party in the woods, that gets crashed by Bigfoot" I was pumped.
I watched it, and...it's not that great. There's nothing 80s about it, it's full of stale cliches, and it's just over an hour before Bigfoot starts making his very brief appearances to kill people. (Not including the "throw away" characters who were painfully obvious)
It's less horror, and more "Broken Lizard". It tries so hard to be raunchy, that it loses the "raunchy" effect, and gets old, fast.
If you want a low budget amateur comedy, that goes out of its way to add nudity, then go for it. If you want a sweet bigfoot movie, maybe pass. It kind of sucks at that.
Most of the good reviews here sound suspiciously like it was written by someone who made this movie, and one literally admits to giving it a 10 just to "make up for the bad reviews". My review has been dropped from a 3, to a 1 to counter that. lol
Most of the good reviews here sound suspiciously like it was written by someone who made this movie, and one literally admits to giving it a 10 just to "make up for the bad reviews". My review has been dropped from a 3, to a 1 to counter that. lol
- AnalogUndead
- Mar 22, 2019
- Permalink
If you're into raunchy comedy and/or Bigfoot, well it's your lucky day, Cherokee Creek is all that. They did not hold back and went all out on that one. In the same vein of a Troma film, Cherokee Creek is a true indie with all the right ingredients that would make Lloyd Kaufman proud.
- michaelmarco
- Dec 17, 2018
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Absolutely loved this film. I mixes all aspects of film that I grew up to love. It's a slasher/comedy at times mixed in with some T&A. And a D also lol. Todd Jenkins pulls it all together in this fun ride. Can't wait to watch it again.
I just finished watching it. Cherokee Creek was an awesome, good fun, this is the kind of movies we don't see anymore.
When your in the woods and Bigfoot comes and ruins the party you know your gonna have a good time.
The intro before the movie even starts is awesome kidnappers 1&2 those guys were great probably the best intro to any movie ever .
Cherokee Creek Is a rare gem this movie was fun I need popcorn and a some beers when I watch this movie again with my friends. I need this on dvd or Blu-ray this will be an essential to any movie collection .
Mahalo to the creators it took them three years to make this movie. The world need more entertainment like this. Go watch it now
Aloha .
- waianaeson
- Dec 27, 2018
- Permalink
Great 80s horror fun movie. I don't understand why Amazon has such a hard-on about it. My only complaint is kinda slow in getting to the fun parts. Can't wait for the next project.
- rcartlidgejr
- Dec 31, 2018
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Honestly, I'm confused as to when this movie is getting such poor reviews. It makes me question whether those people have actually watched it.
I'm not saying it's the greatest film ever made, but for an indie horror film, it delivers. I'm giving it 10 stars to make up for those reviews.
The quality and sound are great, effects are nice, and the acting (except for a couple of people) was really quite good.
It is definitely funny, a little over the top and well-written. It's an entertaining movie and a fun watch.
I'm not saying it's the greatest film ever made, but for an indie horror film, it delivers. I'm giving it 10 stars to make up for those reviews.
The quality and sound are great, effects are nice, and the acting (except for a couple of people) was really quite good.
It is definitely funny, a little over the top and well-written. It's an entertaining movie and a fun watch.
- ccam-46934
- Jan 5, 2019
- Permalink
Thought it was great! I would watch it again! Got a good laugh and creeps too!
- carpentert-01594
- Dec 29, 2018
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Well done guys! I loved this movie. If you are looking for a funny, irreverent movie to chill with and enjoy, watch this one. I can't imagine how much fun it would be to party with these guys. Hoping for more!
- butch-bradburn
- Dec 28, 2018
- Permalink
Put your sensibilities in the freezer, lock the door, turn off the lights... this one wins a silver-bullet medal for old-school comedy-horror romp.
There are monsters lurking, sex-crazed "teenager-ish" non-Mensa members getting it on and lots of limbs flying all over the place.
Cherokee Creek promotes itself exactly as it is. If you like anyone of these: horror, suspense-horror, comedy, sex-comedy, sex, nudity, horror-nudity, you'll get what you came for.
There are monsters lurking, sex-crazed "teenager-ish" non-Mensa members getting it on and lots of limbs flying all over the place.
Cherokee Creek promotes itself exactly as it is. If you like anyone of these: horror, suspense-horror, comedy, sex-comedy, sex, nudity, horror-nudity, you'll get what you came for.
Totally enjoyed this movie, don't want to give any spoilers so I'll just say, I laughed and had a couple funny oh yuck moments. But still funny. If you love bigfoot movies and some 80s type cheese and horror? Than you'll love it..
- merrykerry
- Dec 26, 2018
- Permalink
It was good, had me laugh, and the acting was pretty good!
May I have your order please?
"B" Horror movie with raunchy comedy, gore, jump scares, and cringy peek through your hands moments...
Coming right up!
If this movie were a meal, it'd be a meal that was devoured, gave a little heartburn, burned a little coming out, but satisfied in a way that keeps you coming back to discover more of its many nuanced flavors. Yes, those chili dogs may keep you up at night, and burn deep into the next day, but yet you always come back to finish your plate clean!
Cherokee Creek is that cinematic meal! It may be raunchy, and something you consume alone and only speak about with your closest work associates, but like the dirty jokes you share, the appreciation for this film is also shared! This is the type of work that circulates quietly, but quickly and spreads like a smoldering wildfire. Don't get burned, watch it before its too late so that you are the office hero that saw it first!
Let the bragging rights always be yours!
"B" Horror movie with raunchy comedy, gore, jump scares, and cringy peek through your hands moments...
Coming right up!
If this movie were a meal, it'd be a meal that was devoured, gave a little heartburn, burned a little coming out, but satisfied in a way that keeps you coming back to discover more of its many nuanced flavors. Yes, those chili dogs may keep you up at night, and burn deep into the next day, but yet you always come back to finish your plate clean!
Cherokee Creek is that cinematic meal! It may be raunchy, and something you consume alone and only speak about with your closest work associates, but like the dirty jokes you share, the appreciation for this film is also shared! This is the type of work that circulates quietly, but quickly and spreads like a smoldering wildfire. Don't get burned, watch it before its too late so that you are the office hero that saw it first!
Let the bragging rights always be yours!
- djpridemore
- Jan 27, 2019
- Permalink
This is the absolute Best raunchy horror comedy movie that has come along in decades! Loved the 80s style dialogue between the querky and unique characters and had me rolling with teared up laughter all the way through.Great building suspense within scenes mixed with cool,funny and Naughty suprises.A must see movie for Bigfoot fans! How do you blend the dialogue style of The Breakfast Club with the horror novelty of Tales From The Crypt and throw in a little Boogie Nights? You've got it all right here in Cherokee Creek