Zi Siang See, Susan Ledger, Lizbeth L Goodman, Benjamin Matthews, Donovan Jones, Shanna Fealy, Wooi Har Ooi, Manisha Amin
Aim/Purpose: This paper describes a technologies education model for introducing Simulation Learning and Extended Reality (XR) solution creation skills and knowledge to students at the tertiary education level, which is broadly applicable to higher education-based contexts of teaching and learning.
Background: This work is made possible via the model’s focus on advancing knowledge and understandi ...
augmented reality, virtual reality, user experience study, extended realities, interactive media, human-computer interaction, simulation learning, serious games, digital media, higher education, virtual learning, education technologies, inclusive design, ethical design, digital technologies, design and technologies, digital literacy, technologies education, transdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, science technology engineering and mathematics (STEM), humanities and social sciences (HASS)