Khronos Safety Critical Advisory Forum (KSCAF) Overview

Khronos Safety Critical Advisory Forum (KSCAF) Overview

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Safety & Security APIs

The Khronos® Safety Critical Advisory Forum (KSCAF) is currently being hosted by the Vulkan SC Advisory Panel. The Panel is open and accepting applicants, should individuals be interested.

Share Your Expertise with Safety & Security APIs

Markets such as Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), autonomous vehicles, robotics, and avionics increasingly need advanced acceleration APIs that are designed to provide reliable operation and enable system safety certification. Khronos works to create guidelines for the design of safety critical graphics, compute, and vision-processing APIs in these industries. KSCAF is open to Khronos members and invited industry experts, and the resulting safety critical guidelines will be openly published and adopted as part of Khronos’ proven API design process.

Joining the Advisory Panel is free of charge. Advisors are required to execute a participation agreement that contains the Khronos NDA and IP Framework in order to allow non-public information to be freely circulated within the Advisory Panel, and feedback gathered and safely incorporated into the specification.

Participant Descriptions:

Khronos desires contributions from many safety domains to be able to provide balanced and compatible development guidelines and compatible SC APIs. Therefore, Khronos is seeking safety critical experts representing a wide range of disciplines like medicine, automotive, avionics, rail, and so forth, who have experience developing software to specific safety standards. Khronos is also looking for expertise from Safety Critical (SC) System on Chip (SoC) developers up through the software stack to help show developers within Khronos the contexts in which their APIs might be used and the safety standards and processes that may be applied to their APIs and tools.

Learn more about this invitation-only position and how you can apply to get involved.

KSCAF was formed from the experience of creating OpenGL SC 2.0 API in 2016.

Khronos expects that several additional Khronos working groups, including Vulkan®, OpenCL™ and OpenVX™ will adopt the safety critical guidelines when designing future APIs that will enable similar levels of certification.

Khronos Invites Industry Experts to Participate

Experienced practitioners in the field of safety critical system design are invited to apply for Khronos Safety Critical Advisory Forum membership by sending an email to

Please include your contact information, a short history of your experience, and how you feel you could help us set the future direction of safety critical APIs.

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