From the course: Ethical Hacking: Cloud Computing

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Cloud services and the hacking process

Cloud services and the hacking process

From the course: Ethical Hacking: Cloud Computing

Cloud services and the hacking process

- [Instructor] Thinking like a malicious user can help IT technicians prevent security breaches against the use of cloud computing. This video focuses on cloud computing and its relationship to the five phases of ethical hacking. The five phases of ethical hacking begin with reconnaissance, followed by enumeration, followed by gaining access and maintaining access, and the covering of tracks. Let's apply each of these five phases to cloud computing starting with cloud reconnaissance, which is essentially from the malicious user's perspective a fact-finding mission. It's about obtaining information. In the end, the more that an attacker knows about a potential target or victim that's using cloud computing, the better off they are to mount and execute an attack that will succeed. Now, that means finding out a lot of things such as the cloud service provider used by an organization, which cloud services are being used, how…
