From the course: Ethical Hacking: Cloud Computing

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Enable MFA for cloud users

Enable MFA for cloud users

- [Instructor] Multi-factor authentication, or MFA, can greatly enhance users sign in security. This is because, instead of an attacker only needing to know a name and a password, an additional factor, such as the possession of a device displaying a pin is required to complete authentication. In this video, you'll learn how to enable MFA, multi-factor authentication, for Microsoft Azure user accounts. So, here in the Azure portal, I'm going to begin by clicking on the button on the upper left to open the navigator, and going down and clicking on Azure Active directory where users exist. I'll click on the users view on the left. Here, I've got a user named user one. Now I want to enable MFA for that account. To do that, over on the far upper right, I'll click on more and I'll choose multi-factor authentication. That opens up a new window and it's going to show us a list of our Azure AD user accounts and the status…
