From the course: Introduction to Career Skills in Data Analytics

Adding dashboard filters

From the course: Introduction to Career Skills in Data Analytics

Adding dashboard filters

- [Narrator] One thing I've noticed is that we have these filters. Let me go ahead and clear them. And I'll clear this country filter. The dashboard, when it opens, it's actually going to look like this. And if people start to make changes we might want to give them the ability to go back to this original view. We can do this by adding a bookmark, I'll choose add bookmark. And I'm going to rename that as clear. And let me show you how this works. So I'll go ahead and choose Sergio and it updates to show me Sergio's sales, just perfect. And then if I choose the bookmark, it clears it back. If I go select 2021 I choose control select on these sales people. And then I choose clear, I go back to the original state. This is really, really great. This could be very handy for your end users, gives them the ability to clear all their filters and go back to the original state, but they may not know how to navigate to bookmarks. Let's go add a button onto our dashboard. I'll go to buttons. I'll go ahead and add a blank bookmark. I'll go ahead and move it over here to the right. Okay, I want to change it to a pill shape. So it'll look more like a button. I'll go to my style settings here and I'll turn on the text. Need the text to say clear filters and don't need the icon. Let's go back to that text and make it centered. Let's go ahead and make it black. We'll go to our style here and let's turn the fill of the button on and let's make that sort of a darker gray color. Perfect. So I have my clear filters button created. Now I need to apply my action. I'll tell it because I chose a bookmark to go to the clear bookmark. Okay, let's go ahead and close our bookmark pane or format pain. What I'll do now is I'll go ahead and select a few of my sales people. I'm holding my control key. I'll go ahead and say, let's see for 2022. And then what I need to do is clear my filters. I can just control, click, and I go back to the original state and notice all my filters are cleared.
