From the course: Learning HubSpot

Add new deals

- [Instructor] The whole purpose of adding contacts and companies to our HubSpot accounts is to hopefully get deals that result in sales. So, now it's time to focus on the deals. Deals that can be created from a variety of locations here in HubSpot. For example, if we go up to contacts and select contacts to look at a list of our contacts. And perhaps are ready to set up the deal with one of our contacts, for example, Karen Leslie we can go directly to that contact by clicking their name. And from their dashboard you'll see on the right hand side deals. A deal section will show the current number of deals in the works, zero right now. But we can add a new deal right here. It automatically gets associated with the contact we're viewing. Same thing for companies. If we click the contacts dropdown and select companies this time we can go into a specific company on our list Like When we click it we see the details for that company. But on the right hand side once again, we can scroll down to the deal section and add a new deal from here. Of course, the other option is to just create the deal manually. That's what we're going to do. And that means going up to this sales dropped down. Remember we're clicking sales here. So, when we click deals the new deal will be associated with the sales cycle. So, we're looking at a current list of deals. If you're like me and brand new to HubSpot, there aren't any here yet. If you have deals stored somewhere else maybe in a spreadsheet for example, another CRM tool they can be imported just like we imported our contacts. But if you want to create a deal from scratch you click the create deal button up here in the top right-hand corner. It's going to ask you for some information. Some of which is mandatory. You'll see an asterisks next to those and some which is not and can be added at any time. So, let's start with a deal name. Let's say that we have a Potential User Conference in the fall for one of our contacts. So, we'll type in the name of the deal. How about fall User Conference. And I'm going to add a dash and a space. This is with the Hansel and Petal company. So, H and P will help me identify this particular deal. It's in the sales pipeline by default because we access the new deal from the sales menu. The deal stage by default shows appointment schedule. Maybe we were talking to our contact and they actually want a presentation. So, we click the drop down. You'll see some other options for the deal stage qualified to buy. There's a presentation there. Decision-maker brought in. Eventually the deal will be closed in either one, hopefully and not lost, the last option. So, let's go to presentation scheduled. We can bop part the amount this deal might be worth and this can be changed at any time. I'm going to type in 80,000. We want this deal closed by the end of the summer because the user conferences is happening in the fall. So, when we click inside the close date field we can access the calendar. And we can use the arrows to jump ahead. I'm going to go into September and I'm going to choose the 20th. Selecting that adds it to the close date. By default I'm the deal owner. I'm the one creating this. The deal type has a dropdown as well. New business or existing. This is brand new. So, I'll choose new business. Down below you can see associate deal with. We can choose companies and contacts from here because we're creating this from scratch. Whereas if we'd done it from the company or from the contact they would automatically be associated. So, instead we'll search companies and we're going to look for Hansel and petal just by typing in H-A-N-S you can see is one of my companies that I can select. I can also access timeline activity from this company. If I wanted to add that or leave it unchecked. So, I'm going to leave it unchecked for now and go down to the contact. Searching the contacts I can click in here. If I type in Hansel and petal you can see there's only one showing up. That's Karen Leslie. So, I'll select her name. I could add additional contacts here if I wanted to but if I'm done I'll scroll a little further down. You can see I can add timeline activity from Karen Leslie to this deal as well and track all of that along with the deal itself and add a line item is selected by default as well. So, when we click create let's see what happens. A new deal is going to show up and open up with the information we've added down the left-hand side. Now I can start doing things like creating notes and emailing my contact or calling them from here. You can see down below about the deal. There's me the owner, new business. All of these have their own little pencil icon that we can go to to make changes and update along the way. You can see the activity here. I can access my notes, emails, and calls. All of that's going to be tracked now for this brand new deal. Over here where I see contacts there is one now. There she is Karen Leslie. And at the top the company is also associated with this deal. At any time now we can click the deals back button up here on the top left to go back to our list of deals where we see our one and only deal that we just created. We can get back to it by clicking the name of the deal at any time and update those changes. Things we will be doing as we move through deals in this course.
