From the course: Photography Foundations: Composition

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Content-aware fill and composition

Content-aware fill and composition

- [Instructor] There are times when you cannot get the image to fit the aspect ratio you want, where maybe you shot a rectangular image, but you need it to be wider, so you would like some extra content. Or maybe you're going to merge a panorama like I'm about to do, and you're going to end up with a bunch of empty bits around the edge of the frame. So I'm here in Lightroom. I'm just going to say photo merge panorama, and it's going to gimme this. So what am I going to do about all this stuff? Well, I may not need to worry about all that stuff, 'cause we'll see what it's like after I crop it. Here's the result. It's going to need some tonal adjustments. I'll worry about that at the end. I don't bother making any adjustment until I know the critical parts of an image have been worked out until I know that it's cropped. Perspective correction has been made, so on and so forth. Because if any of those things fail, I'm going to discard the image. So I don't want to waste time on tonal…
