#ArtAboutAI is an artistic attempt to make artificial intelligence more accessible for an informed civic debate through a medium that transcends language and culture - art. The pieces are informed by the latest technological developments in the field so that the art becomes a transformative learning experience. Unlike the art made by AI algorithms, #ArtAboutAI is unique because it is created by a human, and it is currently the only AI related art offering the "human gaze" on artificial intelligence.
Displayed in think tanks and technology accelerators in the US, Ireland and Sweden, #ArtAboutAI has received critical praise for its ability to "illustrate the advancements, conflicts, contradictions and tension that come with developing artificial intelligence." As well as for capturing AI millstones "in a way that is engaging emotionally and cognitively."
See more on my profile at AIartists.org
"I can complete you" (2018-2019)
"Turtle Rifle" (2018)
Reach out to inquire about purchasing from the #ArtAboutAI series.
"Lydia's AI art exhibit is smart. She illustrates highly complex issues in an accessible and informative way. If we are to leverage the power of AI for the good of society, then we first need to understand it. Kudos to Lydia for this important contribution!"
- Dr. Natasha Bajema, National Security Expert, Fiction Writer and Futurist
- Praise for #ArtAboutAI -
"Wonderfully interpretive, #ArtAboutAI cuts through the noise to deliver clear, aesthetically bold and intellectually challenging ideas about AI, what's real and what isn't. Mesmerizing, as is the artist herself, Lydia's eye is nuanced and bold. Don't miss this show, techies and art enthusiasts alike!"
- Janine Darling, CEO, STASH Secure DATA