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Mathematics, Volume 12, Issue 23 (December-1 2024) – 241 articles

Cover Story (view full-size image): The lognormal moment sequence is considered. Using the fractional moments technique, it is first proved that the lognormal has the largest differential entropy among the infinite positively supported probability densities with the same lognormal-moments. Then, relying on previous theoretical results on entropy convergence obtained by the authors concerning the indeterminate Stieltjes moment problem, the lognormal distribution is accurately reconstructed by the maximum entropy technique using only its integer moment sequence, although it is not uniquely determined by moments. View this paper
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21 pages, 1110 KiB  
An Option Pricing Formula for Active Hedging Under Logarithmic Investment Strategy
by Minting Zhu, Mancang Wang and Jingyu Wu
Mathematics 2024, 12(23), 3874; https://doi.org/10.3390/math12233874 - 9 Dec 2024
Viewed by 543
Classic options can no longer meet the diversified needs of investors; thus, it is of great significance to construct and price new options for enriching the financial market. This paper proposes a new option pricing model that integrates the logarithmic investment strategy with [...] Read more.
Classic options can no longer meet the diversified needs of investors; thus, it is of great significance to construct and price new options for enriching the financial market. This paper proposes a new option pricing model that integrates the logarithmic investment strategy with the classic Black–Scholes theory. Specifically, this paper focus on put options, introducing a threshold-based strategy whereby investors sell stocks when prices fall to a certain value. This approach mitigates losses from adverse price movements, enhancing risk management capabilities. After deriving an analytical solution, we utilized mathematical software to visualize the factors influencing new option prices in three-dimensional space. The findings suggest that the pricing of these new options is influenced not only by standard factors such as the underlying asset price, volatility, risk-free rate of interest, and time to expiration, but also by investment strategy parameters such as the investment strategy index, investment sensitivity, and holding ratios. Most importantly, the pricing of new put options is generally lower than that of classic options, with numerical simulations demonstrating that under optimal parameters the new options can achieve similar hedging effectiveness at approximately three-quarters the cost of standard options. These findings highlight the potential of logarithmic investment strategies as effective tools for risk management in volatile markets. To validate our theoretical model, numerical simulations using data from Shanghai 50 ETF options were used to confirm its accuracy, aligning well with theoretical predictions. The new option model proposed in this paper contributes to enhancing the efficiency of resource allocation in capital markets at a macro level, while at a micro level, it helps investors to apply investment strategies more flexibly and reduce decision-making errors. Full article
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18 pages, 12837 KiB  
Geophysical Frequency Domain Electromagnetic Field Simulation Using Physics-Informed Neural Network
by Bochen Wang, Zhenwei Guo, Jianxin Liu, Yanyi Wang and Fansheng Xiong
Mathematics 2024, 12(23), 3873; https://doi.org/10.3390/math12233873 - 9 Dec 2024
Viewed by 791
Simulating electromagnetic (EM) fields can obtain the EM responses of geoelectric models at different times and spaces, which helps to explain the dynamic process of EM wave propagation underground. EM forward modeling is regarded as the engine of inversion. Traditional numerical methods have [...] Read more.
Simulating electromagnetic (EM) fields can obtain the EM responses of geoelectric models at different times and spaces, which helps to explain the dynamic process of EM wave propagation underground. EM forward modeling is regarded as the engine of inversion. Traditional numerical methods have certain limitations in simulating the EM responses from large-scale geoelectric models. In recent years, the emerging physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) have given new solutions for geophysical EM field simulations. This paper conducts a preliminary exploration using PINN to simulate geophysical frequency domain EM fields. The proposed PINN performs self-supervised training under physical constraints without any data. Once the training is completed, the responses of EM fields at any position in the geoelectric model can be inferred instantly. Compared with the finite-difference solution, the proposed PINN performs the task of geophysical frequency domain EM field simulations well. The proposed PINN is applicable for simulating the EM response of any one-dimensional geoelectric model under any polarization mode at any frequency and any spatial position. This work provides a new scenario for the application of artificial intelligence in geophysical EM exploration. Full article
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32 pages, 4118 KiB  
Mutual-Energy Inner Product Optimization Method for Constructing Feature Coordinates and Image Classification in Machine Learning
by Yuanxiu Wang
Mathematics 2024, 12(23), 3872; https://doi.org/10.3390/math12233872 - 9 Dec 2024
Viewed by 624
As a key task in machine learning, data classification is essential to find a suitable coordinate system to represent the data features of different classes of samples. This paper proposes the mutual-energy inner product optimization method for constructing a feature coordinate system. First, [...] Read more.
As a key task in machine learning, data classification is essential to find a suitable coordinate system to represent the data features of different classes of samples. This paper proposes the mutual-energy inner product optimization method for constructing a feature coordinate system. First, by analyzing the solution space and eigenfunctions of the partial differential equations describing a non-uniform membrane, the mutual-energy inner product is defined. Second, by expressing the mutual-energy inner product as a series of eigenfunctions, it shows the significant advantage of enhancing low-frequency features and suppressing high-frequency noise, compared to the Euclidean inner product. And then, a mutual-energy inner product optimization model is built to extract the data features, and the convexity and concavity properties of its objective function are discussed. Next, by combining the finite element method, a stable and efficient sequential linearization algorithm is constructed to solve the optimization model. This algorithm only solves positive definite symmetric matrix equations and linear programming with a few constraints, and its vectorized implementation is discussed. Finally, the mutual-energy inner product optimization method is used to construct feature coordinates, and multi-class Gaussian classifiers are trained on the MINST training set. Good prediction results of the Gaussian classifiers are achieved on the MINST test set. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Advances in Machine Learning and Graph Neural Networks)
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13 pages, 319 KiB  
Zagreb Root-Indices of Graphs with Chemical Applications
by Niko Tratnik and Petra Žigert Pleteršek
Mathematics 2024, 12(23), 3871; https://doi.org/10.3390/math12233871 - 9 Dec 2024
Viewed by 529
Root-indices of graphs are mathematical tools that help us to understand complex systems, like molecules and networks, by capturing key structural information. In this study, we introduce two new root-indices, the first and the second Zagreb root-index, and we analyze their properties. We [...] Read more.
Root-indices of graphs are mathematical tools that help us to understand complex systems, like molecules and networks, by capturing key structural information. In this study, we introduce two new root-indices, the first and the second Zagreb root-index, and we analyze their properties. We apply these indices to chemical structures like benzenoid molecules and octane isomers, showing that they sometimes provide better insights than traditional indices. We also compare the effectiveness of several root-indices with their standard versions, highlighting their ability to distinguish between different graph structures. Full article
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16 pages, 326 KiB  
A Marginal Maximum Likelihood Approach for Hierarchical Simultaneous Autoregressive Models with Missing Data
by Anjana Wijayawardhana, David Gunawan and Thomas Suesse
Mathematics 2024, 12(23), 3870; https://doi.org/10.3390/math12233870 - 9 Dec 2024
Viewed by 616
Efficient estimation methods for simultaneous autoregressive (SAR) models with missing data in the response variable have been well explored in the literature. A common practice is introducing measurement error into SAR models to separate the noise component from the spatial process. However, prior [...] Read more.
Efficient estimation methods for simultaneous autoregressive (SAR) models with missing data in the response variable have been well explored in the literature. A common practice is introducing measurement error into SAR models to separate the noise component from the spatial process. However, prior studies have not considered incorporating measurement error into SAR models with missing data. Maximum likelihood estimation for such models, especially with large datasets, poses significant computational challenges. This paper proposes an efficient likelihood-based estimation method, the marginal maximum likelihood (ML), for estimating SAR models on large datasets with measurement errors and a high percentage of missing data in the response variable. The spatial autoregressive model (SAM) and the spatial error model (SEM), two popular SAR model types, are considered. The missing data mechanism is assumed to follow a missing-at-random (MAR) pattern. We propose a fast method for marginal ML estimation with a computational complexity of O(n3/2), where n is the total number of observations. This complexity applies when the spatial weight matrix is constructed based on a local neighbourhood structure. The effectiveness of the proposed methods is demonstrated through simulations and real-world data applications. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section D1: Probability and Statistics)
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14 pages, 297 KiB  
Multiple and Nonexistence of Positive Solutions for a Class of Fractional Differential Equations with p-Laplacian Operator
by Haoran Zhang, Zhaocai Hao and Martin Bohner
Mathematics 2024, 12(23), 3869; https://doi.org/10.3390/math12233869 - 9 Dec 2024
Viewed by 607
Research about multiple positive solutions for fractional differential equations is very important. Based on some outstanding results reported in this field, this paper continue the focus on this topic. By using the properties of the Green function and generalized Avery–Henderson fixed point theorem, [...] Read more.
Research about multiple positive solutions for fractional differential equations is very important. Based on some outstanding results reported in this field, this paper continue the focus on this topic. By using the properties of the Green function and generalized Avery–Henderson fixed point theorem, we derive three positive solutions of a class of fractional differential equations with a p-Laplacian operator. We also study the nonexistence of positive solutions to the eigenvalue problem of the equation. Three examples are given to illustrate our main result. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Recent Research on Fractional Calculus: Theory and Applications)
11 pages, 1003 KiB  
Interval Estimation for the Two-Parameter Exponential Distribution Based on Upper Record Value Data Using Bayesian Approaches
by Shu-Fei Wu
Mathematics 2024, 12(23), 3868; https://doi.org/10.3390/math12233868 - 9 Dec 2024
Viewed by 594
Using upper record value data, we provide a credible interval estimate for the scale parameter of a two-parameter exponential distribution based on Bayesian methods. Additionally, we propose two Bayesian credible confidence regions for both parameters. In addition to interval estimations for the parameters, [...] Read more.
Using upper record value data, we provide a credible interval estimate for the scale parameter of a two-parameter exponential distribution based on Bayesian methods. Additionally, we propose two Bayesian credible confidence regions for both parameters. In addition to interval estimations for the parameters, we propose a Bayesian prediction interval for a future upper record value. A simulation study is conducted to compare the performance of the proposed Bayesian credible interval, regions and prediction intervals with existing non-Bayesian approaches, focusing on coverage probabilities. The simulation results show that the Bayesian approaches achieve higher coverage probabilities than existing methods. Finally, we use an engineering example to demonstrate all the proposed Bayesian credible estimations for the exponential distribution based on upper record value data. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Bayesian Statistics and Causal Inference)
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12 pages, 343 KiB  
Commutative Rings Behind Divisible Residuated Lattices
by Cristina Flaut and Dana Piciu
Mathematics 2024, 12(23), 3867; https://doi.org/10.3390/math12233867 - 9 Dec 2024
Viewed by 450
Divisible residuated lattices are algebraic structures corresponding to a more comprehensive logic than Hajek’s basic logic with an important significance in the study of fuzzy logic. The purpose of this paper is to investigate commutative rings whose lattice of ideals can be equipped [...] Read more.
Divisible residuated lattices are algebraic structures corresponding to a more comprehensive logic than Hajek’s basic logic with an important significance in the study of fuzzy logic. The purpose of this paper is to investigate commutative rings whose lattice of ideals can be equipped with a structure of divisible residuated lattice. We show that these rings are multiplication rings. A characterization, additional examples, and their connections to other classes of rings are established. Furthermore, we analyze the structure of divisible residuated lattices using finite commutative rings. From computational considerations, we present an explicit construction of isomorphism classes of divisible residuated lattices (that are not BL-algebras) of small size n (2n6), and we give summarizing statistics. Full article
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25 pages, 8887 KiB  
A Gaussian Process-Enhanced Non-Linear Function and Bayesian Convolution–Bayesian Long Term Short Memory Based Ultra-Wideband Range Error Mitigation Method for Line of Sight and Non-Line of Sight Scenarios
by A. S. M. Sharifuzzaman Sagar, Samsil Arefin, Eesun Moon, Md Masud Pervez Prince, L. Minh Dang, Amir Haider and Hyung Seok Kim
Mathematics 2024, 12(23), 3866; https://doi.org/10.3390/math12233866 - 9 Dec 2024
Viewed by 737
Relative positioning accuracy between two devices is dependent on the precise range measurements. Ultra-wideband (UWB) technology is one of the popular and widely used technologies to achieve centimeter-level accuracy in range measurement. Nevertheless, harsh indoor environments, multipath issues, reflections, and bias due to [...] Read more.
Relative positioning accuracy between two devices is dependent on the precise range measurements. Ultra-wideband (UWB) technology is one of the popular and widely used technologies to achieve centimeter-level accuracy in range measurement. Nevertheless, harsh indoor environments, multipath issues, reflections, and bias due to antenna delay degrade the range measurement performance in line-of-sight (LOS) and non-line-of-sight (NLOS) scenarios. This article proposes an efficient and robust method to mitigate range measurement error in LOS and NLOS conditions by combining the latest artificial intelligence technology. A GP-enhanced non-linear function is proposed to mitigate the range bias in LOS scenarios. Moreover, NLOS identification based on the sliding window and Bayesian Conv-BLSTM method is utilized to mitigate range error due to the non-line-of-sight conditions. A novel spatial–temporal attention module is proposed to improve the performance of the proposed model. The epistemic and aleatoric uncertainty estimation method is also introduced to determine the robustness of the proposed model for environment variance. Furthermore, moving average and min-max removing methods are utilized to minimize the standard deviation in the range measurements in both scenarios. Extensive experimentation with different settings and configurations has proven the effectiveness of our methodology and demonstrated the feasibility of our robust UWB range error mitigation for LOS and NLOS scenarios. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Modeling and Simulation in Engineering, 3rd Edition)
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19 pages, 4226 KiB  
A Unified Graph Theory Approach: Clustering and Learning in Criminal Data
by Haifa Al-Ibrahim and Heba Kurdi
Mathematics 2024, 12(23), 3865; https://doi.org/10.3390/math12233865 - 9 Dec 2024
Viewed by 613
Crime report clustering plays a critical role in modern law enforcement, enabling the identification of patterns and trends essential for proactive policing. However, traditional clustering approaches face significant challenges with the complex, unstructured nature of crime reports and their inherent sparse relationships. While [...] Read more.
Crime report clustering plays a critical role in modern law enforcement, enabling the identification of patterns and trends essential for proactive policing. However, traditional clustering approaches face significant challenges with the complex, unstructured nature of crime reports and their inherent sparse relationships. While graph-based clustering shows promise, issues of noise sensitivity and data sparsity persist. This study introduces a unified approach integrating spectral graph-based clustering with Graph Convolutional Networks (GCN) to address these challenges. The proposed approach encompasses data collection, preprocessing, linguistic feature extraction, vectorization, graph construction, graph learning, and clustering to effectively capture the intricate similarities between crime reports. The proposed approach achieved significant improvements over existing methods: a Silhouette Score of 0.77, a Davies–Bouldin Index of 0.51, and consistent performance across varying dataset sizes (100–1000 nodes). These results demonstrate the potential for enhanced crime pattern detection in law enforcement operations. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Advances in Graph Theory: Algorithms and Applications)
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23 pages, 6599 KiB  
Bubble Detection in Multiphase Flows Through Computer Vision and Deep Learning for Applied Modeling
by Irina Nizovtseva, Pavel Mikushin, Ilya Starodumov, Ksenia Makhaeva, Simon Kraev and Dmitrii Chernushkin
Mathematics 2024, 12(23), 3864; https://doi.org/10.3390/math12233864 - 9 Dec 2024
Viewed by 804
An innovative method for bubble detection and characterization in multiphase flows using advanced computer vision and neural network algorithms is introduced. Building on the research group’s previous findings, this study combines high-speed video capture with advanced deep learning techniques to enhance bubble detection [...] Read more.
An innovative method for bubble detection and characterization in multiphase flows using advanced computer vision and neural network algorithms is introduced. Building on the research group’s previous findings, this study combines high-speed video capture with advanced deep learning techniques to enhance bubble detection accuracy and dynamic analysis. In order to further develop a robust framework for detecting and analyzing bubble properties in multiphase flows, enabling accurate estimation of essential mass transfer parameters, a YOLOv9-based neural network was implemented for bubble segmentation and trajectory analysis, achieving high accuracy. Key contributions include the development of an averaged mass transfer model integrating experimental data, neural network outputs, and scaling algorithms, as well as validation of the proposed methodology through experimental studies, including high-speed video imaging and comparisons with mass transfer coefficients obtained via the sulfite method. By precisely characterizing critical parameters, the algorithm enables accurate gas transfer rate calculations, ensuring optimal conditions in various industrial applications. The neural network-based algorithm serves as a non-invasive platform for detailed characterization of bubble media, demonstrating high accuracy in experimental validation and significantly outperforming traditional techniques. This approach provides a robust tool for real-time monitoring and modeling of bubble flows, laying the foundation for novel, non-invasive methods to measure multiphase media properties. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section E: Applied Mathematics)
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18 pages, 1082 KiB  
Analytical Investigation of Time-Dependent Two-Dimensional Non-Newtonian Boundary Layer Equations
by Imre Ferenc Barna, Laszló Mátyás, Krisztián Hriczó and Gabriella Bognár
Mathematics 2024, 12(23), 3863; https://doi.org/10.3390/math12233863 - 9 Dec 2024
Viewed by 503
In this study, five different time-dependent incompressible non-Newtonian boundary layer models in two dimensions are investigated with the self-similar Ansatz, including external magnetic field effects. The power-law, the Casson fluid, the Oldroyd-B model, the Walter fluid B model, and the Williamson fluid are [...] Read more.
In this study, five different time-dependent incompressible non-Newtonian boundary layer models in two dimensions are investigated with the self-similar Ansatz, including external magnetic field effects. The power-law, the Casson fluid, the Oldroyd-B model, the Walter fluid B model, and the Williamson fluid are analyzed. For the first two models, analytical results are given for the velocity and pressure distributions, which can be expressed by different types of hypergeometric functions. Depending on the parameters involved in the analytical solutions of the nonlinear ordinary differential equation obtained by the similarity transformation, a vast range of solution types is presented. It turned out that the last three models lack self-similar symmetry; therefore, no analytic solutions can be derived. Full article
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18 pages, 4885 KiB  
A Study of the q-Truncated Exponential–Appell Polynomials
by Francesco Aldo Costabile, Subuhi Khan and Hassan Ali
Mathematics 2024, 12(23), 3862; https://doi.org/10.3390/math12233862 - 8 Dec 2024
Viewed by 679
This article introduces the 2-variable q-truncated exponential–Appell (q-trunc. exp. Appell) polynomials and investigates their fundamental properties. Specific results are derived for the q-trunc. exp. Appell family along with their graphical representations which contribute to advancing the understanding of q [...] Read more.
This article introduces the 2-variable q-truncated exponential–Appell (q-trunc. exp. Appell) polynomials and investigates their fundamental properties. Specific results are derived for the q-trunc. exp. Appell family along with their graphical representations which contribute to advancing the understanding of q-series and q-special functions. Potential applications of these polynomials span various disciplines, including combinatorics (such as partition theory and combinatorial identities), number theory (such as q-analogues of classical number-theoretic functions), and mathematical physics (such as in quantum groups and statistical mechanics). This study concludes with the introduction of the 2-variable q-trunc. exp. λ-polynomials, thereby broadening the scope and relevance of this research. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Polynomial Sequences and Their Applications, 2nd Edition)
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14 pages, 898 KiB  
About Calculus Through the Transfer Matrix Method of a Beam with Intermediate Support with Applications in Dental Restorations
by Otilia Cojocariu-Oltean, Mihai-Sorin Tripa, Iulia Bărăian, Doina-Iulia Rotaru and Mihaela Suciu
Mathematics 2024, 12(23), 3861; https://doi.org/10.3390/math12233861 - 8 Dec 2024
Viewed by 633
This work presents an original and very interesting approach to a calculus problem involving beams with intermediate supports through the transfer-matrix method, a very easy method to program to quickly obtain good results. To exemplify the applicability of this approach in dentistry, the [...] Read more.
This work presents an original and very interesting approach to a calculus problem involving beams with intermediate supports through the transfer-matrix method, a very easy method to program to quickly obtain good results. To exemplify the applicability of this approach in dentistry, the calculus of a dental bridge on three poles is explored. Dental restorations are very important for improving a person’s general state of health as a result of improving mastication and esthetic appearance. The approach used in this study consists of presenting a theoretical study about an indeterminate beam with an intermediate support and then particularizing it for application in a dental restoration case, with a dental bridge on three poles and two missing teeth between the three poles. The bridge is assimilated to a simple static indeterminate beam. This paper is unique in that it involves the application of the transfer-matrix method for a case study in dental restoration. The assimilation of a dental bridge with a statically undetermined beam, resting on the extremities and on an intermediate support, is an original approach. The results obtained in the presented case study were validated by comparison with those obtained through the classical calculation of the Resistance of Materials, with Clapeyron’s equation of three moments. Due to the ease and elegance of solving various problems with the TMM, this approach will continue to be relevant to other original case studies with different modeling requirements, and these applications will be presented in future research. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Control Theory and Applications, 2nd Edition)
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24 pages, 1206 KiB  
Scalability and Security in Blockchain Networks: Evaluation of Sharding Algorithms and Prospects for Decentralized Data Storage
by Andrey L. Bulgakov, Anna V. Aleshina, Sergey D. Smirnov, Alexey D. Demidov, Maxim A. Milyutin and Yanliang Xin
Mathematics 2024, 12(23), 3860; https://doi.org/10.3390/math12233860 - 8 Dec 2024
Viewed by 1469
This article addresses the issues of scalability and security in blockchain networks, with a focus on sharding algorithms and decentralized data storage. Key challenges include the low throughput and high transaction latency in public networks such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. Sharding is examined [...] Read more.
This article addresses the issues of scalability and security in blockchain networks, with a focus on sharding algorithms and decentralized data storage. Key challenges include the low throughput and high transaction latency in public networks such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. Sharding is examined as a method to enhance performance through data distribution, but it raises concerns regarding node management and reliability. Sharding schemes, such as Elastico, OmniLedger, Pyramid, RepChain, and SSchain, are analyzed, each presenting its own advantages and drawbacks. Alternative architectures like Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) demonstrate potential for improved scalability but require further refinement to ensure decentralization and security. Protocols such as Brokerchain, Meepo, AHL, Benzene, and CycLedger offer unique approaches to addressing performance and transaction consistency issues. This article emphasizes the need for a comprehensive approach, including dynamic sharding, multi-level consensus, and inter-shard coordination. Additionally, a conceptual model is proposed that incorporates the sharding of transactions, states, and networks, which enables greater scalability and efficiency. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section E1: Mathematics and Computer Science)
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22 pages, 4313 KiB  
Investigating Autonomous Vehicle Driving Strategies in Highway Ramp Merging Zones
by Zhimian Chen, Yizeng Wang, Hao Hu, Zhipeng Zhang, Chengwei Zhang and Shukun Zhou
Mathematics 2024, 12(23), 3859; https://doi.org/10.3390/math12233859 - 8 Dec 2024
Viewed by 771
The rapid development of autonomous driving technology is widely regarded as a potential solution to current traffic congestion challenges and the future evolution of intelligent vehicles. Effective driving strategies for autonomous vehicles should balance traffic efficiency with safety and comfort. However, the complex [...] Read more.
The rapid development of autonomous driving technology is widely regarded as a potential solution to current traffic congestion challenges and the future evolution of intelligent vehicles. Effective driving strategies for autonomous vehicles should balance traffic efficiency with safety and comfort. However, the complex driving environment at highway entrance ramp merging areas presents a significant challenge. This study constructed a typical highway ramp merging scenario and utilized deep reinforcement learning (DRL) to develop and regulate autonomous vehicles with diverse driving strategies. The SUMO platform was employed as a simulation tool to conduct a series of simulations, evaluating the efficacy of various driving strategies and different autonomous vehicle penetration rates. The quantitative results and findings indicated that DRL-regulated autonomous vehicles maintain optimal speed stability during ramp merging, ensuring safe and comfortable driving. Additionally, DRL-controlled autonomous vehicles did not compromise speed during lane changes, effectively balancing efficiency, safety, and comfort. Ultimately, this study provides a comprehensive analysis of the potential applications of autonomous driving technology in highway ramp merging zones under complex traffic scenarios, offering valuable insights for addressing these challenges effectively. Full article
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9 pages, 343 KiB  
Application of a Hybrid of the Different Transform Method and Adomian Decomposition Method Algorithms to Solve the Troesch Problem
by Mariusz Pleszczyński, Konrad Kaczmarek and Damian Słota
Mathematics 2024, 12(23), 3858; https://doi.org/10.3390/math12233858 - 7 Dec 2024
Viewed by 719
The Troesch problem is a well-known and important problem; the ability to solve it is important due to the practical applications of this problem. In this paper, we propose a method to solve this problem using a combination of two useful algorithms: Different [...] Read more.
The Troesch problem is a well-known and important problem; the ability to solve it is important due to the practical applications of this problem. In this paper, we propose a method to solve this problem using a combination of two useful algorithms: Different Transform Method (DTM) and Adomian Decomposition Method (ADM). The combination of these two methods resulted in a continuous approximate solution to this problem and eliminated the problems that occur when trying to use each of these methods separately. The great advantages of the DTM method are the continuous form of the solution and the fact that it easy to implement error control. However, in too-complex tasks, this method becomes difficult to use. By using a hybrid of ADM and DTM, we obtain a relatively simple-to-implement method that retains the advantages of the DTM approach. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section E: Applied Mathematics)
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27 pages, 680 KiB  
A Hesitation-Associated Multi-Attribute Decision-Making Method Based on Generalized Interval-Valued Hesitation Fuzzy Weighted Heronian Averaging Operator
by Jiayou Shen, Nan Yang and Hejun Liang
Mathematics 2024, 12(23), 3857; https://doi.org/10.3390/math12233857 - 7 Dec 2024
Viewed by 669
In multi-attribute decision making (MADM), complex situations often arise where decision attributes are interval-valued hesitant fuzzy numbers (IVHFNs) and the attributes are interrelated. Traditional decision-making methods may be ineffective in handling such cases, highlighting the practical importance of seeking more effective approaches. Therefore, [...] Read more.
In multi-attribute decision making (MADM), complex situations often arise where decision attributes are interval-valued hesitant fuzzy numbers (IVHFNs) and the attributes are interrelated. Traditional decision-making methods may be ineffective in handling such cases, highlighting the practical importance of seeking more effective approaches. Therefore, finding a more effective decision-making approach has important practical significance. By combining the theories of Archimedean S-norms and T-norms, we innovatively propose a multi-attribute decision-making method based on the generalized interval-valued hesitant fuzzy weighted Heronian mean (GIVHFWHM) operator to address the aforementioned issues. Initially, based on the operational laws of IVHFNs and the Heronian mean (HM) operator, we introduce the generalized interval-valued hesitant fuzzy Heronian mean (GIVHFHM) operator and the GIVHFWHM operator. We then examine properties of the GIVHFHM operator, including permutation invariance, idempotency, monotonicity, boundedness, and parameter symmetry. A multi-attribute decision-making model is constructed based on the GIVHFWHM operator. Finally, we validate the proposed model through numerical experiments in MADM. The results demonstrate that the new decision-making method, based on the GIVHFWHM operator, is feasible and effective in handling multi-attribute decision problems involving IVHFNs with interdependent attributes. This approach provides a novel perspective and method for solving MADM problems under interval-valued hesitant fuzzy conditions with interdependent attributes. It enriches the theoretical framework of multi-attribute hesitant decision models and expands the application of the Heronian mean operator within interval-valued hesitant fuzzy environments. This methodology assists decision makers in making more accurate decisions within complex decision-making contexts, enhancing both the scientific rigor and reliability of decision-making processes. Full article
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38 pages, 3271 KiB  
A Hybrid Deep Learning Approach for Enhanced Sentiment Classification and Consistency Analysis in Customer Reviews
by Shaymaa E. Sorour, Abdulrahman Alojail, Amr El-Shora, Ahmed E. Amin and Amr A. Abohany
Mathematics 2024, 12(23), 3856; https://doi.org/10.3390/math12233856 - 7 Dec 2024
Viewed by 913
Consumer reviews play a pivotal role in shaping purchasing decisions and influencing the reputation of businesses in today’s digital economy. This paper presents a novel hybrid deep learning model, WDE-CNN-LSTM, designed to enhance the sentiment classification of consumer reviews. The model leverages the [...] Read more.
Consumer reviews play a pivotal role in shaping purchasing decisions and influencing the reputation of businesses in today’s digital economy. This paper presents a novel hybrid deep learning model, WDE-CNN-LSTM, designed to enhance the sentiment classification of consumer reviews. The model leverages the strengths of Word Embeddings (WDE), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks, and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to capture temporal and local text data features. Extensive experiments were conducted across binary, three-class, and five-class classification tasks, with the proposed model achieving an accuracy of 98% for binary classification, 98% for three-class classification, and 95.21% for five-class classifications. The WDE-CNN-LSTM model consistently outperformed standalone CNN, LSTM, and WDE-LSTM models regarding precision, recall, and F1-score, achieving up to 98.26% in F1-score for three-class classification. The consistency analysis also revealed a high alignment between the predicted sentiment and customer ratings, with a consistency rate of 96.00%. These results demonstrate the efficacy of this hybrid architecture in handling complex sentiment classification tasks (SCTs), offering significant improvements in accuracy, classification metrics, and sentiment consistency. The findings have important implications for improving sentiment analysis in customer review systems, contributing to more reliable and accurate sentiment classification. Full article
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13 pages, 280 KiB  
Insight on the Nonhomogeneous Pantograph Equation with an Arbitrary Polynomial of Degree n: Explicit Solution
by Mona D. Aljoufi
Mathematics 2024, 12(23), 3855; https://doi.org/10.3390/math12233855 - 7 Dec 2024
Viewed by 514
This paper solves a nonhomogeneous version of the pantograph equation. The nonhomogeneous term is taken as a polynomial of degree n with arbitrary coefficients. The nonhomogeneous pantograph equation is successfully converted to the standard homogeneous version by means of a simple transformation. An [...] Read more.
This paper solves a nonhomogeneous version of the pantograph equation. The nonhomogeneous term is taken as a polynomial of degree n with arbitrary coefficients. The nonhomogeneous pantograph equation is successfully converted to the standard homogeneous version by means of a simple transformation. An explicit formula is derived for the coefficients of the assumed transformation. Accordingly, the solution of the nonhomogeneous version is obtained in different forms in terms of power series, in addition to exponential functions. The obtained solution in power-series form is investigated to produce exact solutions for several examples under specific relationships between the involved parameters. In addition, exact solutions in terms of trigonometric and hyperbolic functions are determined at a certain value of the proportional delay parameter. The obtained results may be reported for the first time for the present nonhomogeneous version of the pantograph equation and can be further applied to include other versions with different nonhomogeneous terms. Full article
18 pages, 1415 KiB  
A Mathematical Model to Study Defensive Metrics in Football: Individual, Collective and Game Pressures
by Jose M. Calabuig, César Catalán, Luis M. García-Raffi and Enrique A. Sánchez-Pérez
Mathematics 2024, 12(23), 3854; https://doi.org/10.3390/math12233854 - 7 Dec 2024
Viewed by 792
Performance analysis, utilizing video technology and recent technological advancements in soccer stadiums, provides a wealth of data, including player trajectories and real-time game statistics, which are crucial for tactical evaluation and decision-making by coaches and players. These data allow for the definition of [...] Read more.
Performance analysis, utilizing video technology and recent technological advancements in soccer stadiums, provides a wealth of data, including player trajectories and real-time game statistics, which are crucial for tactical evaluation and decision-making by coaches and players. These data allow for the definition of metrics that not only enrich the experience for soccer fans through enhanced visual displays but also empower coaching staff and managers to make informed, real-time decisions that directly impact match outcomes. Ultimately, these data serve as a pivotal tool for improving team strategy based on comprehensive post-match data analysis. In this article, we present a mathematical model to study the concept of pressure between players and, subsequently, between teams. We first explore the concept in a fixed frame of a match, determining what we call influence areas between players. We introduce the unit pressure function and analyze the total number of pressure interactions. Then, we apply these concepts to football matches, considering various factors such as players and the radius of the area of influence and examining pressure efficiency through mean unitary pressure. Lastly, a real case study is presented, showcasing visualizations like a heatmap matrix displaying individual and collective pressure, as well as the team pressure balance. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section E2: Control Theory and Mechanics)
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16 pages, 3467 KiB  
Decision Feedback Equalization-Based Low-Complexity Interference Cancellation and Signal Detection Technique Based for Non-Orthogonal Signaling
by Myung-Sun Baek and Hyoung-Kyu Song
Mathematics 2024, 12(23), 3853; https://doi.org/10.3390/math12233853 - 7 Dec 2024
Viewed by 546
FTN signalling is an effective communication method that achieves a high spectral efficiency. However, employing a symbol rate faster than the Nyquist rate disrupts the orthogonality between symbols, leading to unavoidable inter-symbol interference (ISI). To mitigate the effects of ISI, interference cancellation and [...] Read more.
FTN signalling is an effective communication method that achieves a high spectral efficiency. However, employing a symbol rate faster than the Nyquist rate disrupts the orthogonality between symbols, leading to unavoidable inter-symbol interference (ISI). To mitigate the effects of ISI, interference cancellation and signal detection processes are essential for FTN receivers. Conventional ISI reduction techniques often utilize trellis-based algorithms. However, as the number of states increases due to additional interference symbols, the complexity of these algorithms grows exponentially. To address this challenge, this paper explores a matrix computation-based interference cancellation technique tailored for FTN communication systems, aiming to significantly reduce the complexity of the ISI mitigation process. To execute ISI cancellation and signal detection more precisely, the proposed technique includes iterative interference cancellation and a signal detection process. When six interference symbols are considered, the complexity of the proposed technique is reduced by 97% compared with that of the conventional Viterbi algorithm. Furthermore, in the case of τ = 0.85, the performance of the proposed technique is about 1 dB better than that of the Viterbi algorithm at BER = 104. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section E2: Control Theory and Mechanics)
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26 pages, 3161 KiB  
Survey of Quantum Generative Adversarial Networks (QGAN) to Generate Images
by Mohammadsaleh Pajuhanfard, Rasoul Kiani and Victor S. Sheng
Mathematics 2024, 12(23), 3852; https://doi.org/10.3390/math12233852 - 6 Dec 2024
Viewed by 935
Quantum Generative Adversarial Networks (QGANs) represent a useful development in quantum machine learning, using the particular properties of quantum mechanics to solve the challenges of data analysis and modeling. This paper brings up a general analysis of five QGAN architectures, focusing on their [...] Read more.
Quantum Generative Adversarial Networks (QGANs) represent a useful development in quantum machine learning, using the particular properties of quantum mechanics to solve the challenges of data analysis and modeling. This paper brings up a general analysis of five QGAN architectures, focusing on their evolution, strengths, weaknesses, and limitations in noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices. Primary methods like Entangling Quantum GAN (EQ-GAN) and Quantum state fidelity (QuGAN) concentrate on stability, convergence, and robust performance on small-scale datasets such as 2 × 2 grayscale images. Intermediate models such as Image Quantum GAN (IQGAN) and Experimental Quantum GAN (EXQGAN) provide new ideas like trainable encoders and patch-based sub-generators that are scalable to 8 × 8 datasets with increasing noise resilience. The most advanced method is Parameterized Quantum Wasserstein GAN (PQWGAN), which uses a hybrid quantum-classical structure to obtain high-resolution image processing for 28 × 28 grayscale datasets while trying to maintain parameter efficiency. This study explores, analyzes, and summarizes critical problems of QGANs, including accuracy, convergence, parameter efficiency, image quality, performance metrics, and training stability under noisy conditions. In addition, developing QGANs can generate and train parameters in quantum approximation optimization algorithms. One of the useful applications of QGAN is generating medical datasets that can generate medical images from limited datasets to train specific medical models for the recognition of diseases. Full article
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17 pages, 7725 KiB  
Synthesis of Boundary Conditions in Polygonal Magnetic Domains Using Deep Neural Networks
by Sami Barmada, Paolo Di Barba and Maria Evelina Mognaschi
Mathematics 2024, 12(23), 3851; https://doi.org/10.3390/math12233851 - 6 Dec 2024
Viewed by 578
In this paper, the authors approach the problem of boundary condition synthesis (also defined as field continuation) in a doubly connected domain by the use of a Neural Network-based approach. In this innovative method, given a field problem (magnetostatic, in the test case [...] Read more.
In this paper, the authors approach the problem of boundary condition synthesis (also defined as field continuation) in a doubly connected domain by the use of a Neural Network-based approach. In this innovative method, given a field problem (magnetostatic, in the test case shown here), a set of Finite Element Method simulations is performed in order to define the training set (in terms of the potential over a domain) by solving the direct problem; subsequently, the Neural Network is trained to perform the boundary condition synthesis. The performances of different Neural Networks are compared, showing the accuracy and computational efficiency of the method. Moreover, domains externally bounded by two different kinds of polygonal contours (L-shaped and three-segments, respectively) are considered. As for the latter, the effect of the concavity/convexity of the boundary is deeply investigated. To sum up, a classical field continuation problem turns out to be revisited and solved with an innovative approach, based on deep learning. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section E2: Control Theory and Mechanics)
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20 pages, 2230 KiB  
Coordinating the Reverse Factoring System: Buying Back and Bargaining
by Shengying Zhao and Huan Zhou
Mathematics 2024, 12(23), 3850; https://doi.org/10.3390/math12233850 - 6 Dec 2024
Viewed by 751
Reverse factoring is a retailer-led supply chain financing system that can enhance liquidity of suppliers and reduce factoring fraud. This paper proposes a bargaining game theory model to analyze the profit distribution in reverse factoring for a two-echelon supply chain system that comprises [...] Read more.
Reverse factoring is a retailer-led supply chain financing system that can enhance liquidity of suppliers and reduce factoring fraud. This paper proposes a bargaining game theory model to analyze the profit distribution in reverse factoring for a two-echelon supply chain system that comprises a core retailer and a capital-constrained supplier. By taking into account the retailer’s credit loss risk, the impact of buying back and bargaining is investigated. Our study shows that in reverse factoring without buying back, the supplier would rather not bargain but the retailer would like to negotiate the wholesale price if the supplier’s bargaining power is low. If buying back exists and the supplier’s bargaining power is low, the retailer is also willing to negotiate the wholesale price. If there is no bargaining but the supplier takes a large portion of the supply chain’s profit, buying back is preferred. Furthermore, when there is bargaining on the wholesale price, both supplier and retailer can benefit from buying back. In addition, bargaining on the buy-back price in reverse factoring is bargaining-proof. Our study first contributes to the growing body of literature on reverse factoring and bargaining game theory. Two managerial implications for reverse factoring also emerge from the study. We find that bargaining should be considered if the supplier tends to coordinate the supply chain financing system by buying back the retailer’s unsold products. In addition, both supplier and retailer should negotiate the wholesale price as they cannot benefit from bargaining on the buy-back price. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Applied Mathematics in Supply Chain and Logistics)
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23 pages, 2160 KiB  
Semi-Implicit Numerical Integration of Boundary Value Problems
by Maksim Galchenko, Petr Fedoseev, Valery Andreev, Endre Kovács and Denis Butusov
Mathematics 2024, 12(23), 3849; https://doi.org/10.3390/math12233849 - 6 Dec 2024
Viewed by 664
The numerical solution to boundary differential problems is a crucial task in modern applied mathematics. Usually, implicit integration methods are applied to solve this class of problems due to their high numerical stability and convergence. The known shortcoming of implicit algorithms is high [...] Read more.
The numerical solution to boundary differential problems is a crucial task in modern applied mathematics. Usually, implicit integration methods are applied to solve this class of problems due to their high numerical stability and convergence. The known shortcoming of implicit algorithms is high computational costs, which can become unacceptable in the case of numerous right-hand side function calls, which are typical when solving boundary problems via the shooting method. Meanwhile, recently semi-implicit numerical integrators have gained major interest from scholars, providing an efficient trade-off between computational costs, stability, and precision. However, the application of semi-implicit methods to solving boundary problems has not been investigated in detail. In this paper, we aim to fill this gap by constructing a semi-implicit boundary problem solver and comparing the performance of explicit, semi-implicit, semi-explicit, and implicit methods using a set of linear and nonlinear test boundary problems. The novel blinking solver concept is introduced to overcome the main shortcoming of the semi-implicit schemes, namely, the low convergence on exponential solutions. The numerical stability of the blinking semi-implicit solver is investigated and compared with existing methods by plotting the stability regions. The performance plots for investigated methods are obtained as a dependence between global truncation error and estimated computation time. The experimental results confirm the assumption that semi-implicit numerical methods can significantly outperform both explicit and implicit solvers while solving boundary problems, especially in the proposed blinking modification. The results of this study can be efficiently used to create software for solving boundary problems, including partial derivative equations. Constructing semi-implicit numerical methods of higher-accuracy orders is also of interest for further research. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equation)
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34 pages, 1561 KiB  
Scatter Search for Optimal Sizing of a Hybrid Renewable Energy System for Scheduling Green Hydrogen Production
by Andrés Cacereño, Begoña González Landín, Antonio Pulido, Gabriel Winter and José Andrés Moreno
Mathematics 2024, 12(23), 3848; https://doi.org/10.3390/math12233848 - 6 Dec 2024
Viewed by 772
At present, energy demands are mainly covered by the use of fossil fuels. The process of fossil fuel production increases pollution from oil extraction, transport to processing centers, treatment to obtain lighter fractions, and delivery and use by the final consumers. Such polluting [...] Read more.
At present, energy demands are mainly covered by the use of fossil fuels. The process of fossil fuel production increases pollution from oil extraction, transport to processing centers, treatment to obtain lighter fractions, and delivery and use by the final consumers. Such polluting circumstances are aggravated in the case of accidents involving fossil fuels. They are also linked to speculative markets. As a result, the trend is towards the decarbonization of lifestyles in advanced societies. The present paper addresses the problem of the optimal sizing of a hybrid renewable energy system for scheduling green hydrogen production. A local system fully powered by renewable energies is designed to obtain hydrogen from seawater. In order to monetize excess energy, the grid connection of the system is considered under realistic energy market constraints, designing an hourly purchasing strategy. This crucial problem, which has not been taken into account in the literature, is solved by the specific dispatch strategy designed. Several optimization methods have been used to solve this problem; however, the scatter search method has not previously been employed. In this paper, the problem is faced with a novel implementation of this method. The implementation is competitive in terms of performance when compared to, on the one hand, the genetic algorithm and differential evolution methods, which are well-known state-of-the-art evolutionary algorithms, and, on the other hand, the optimal foraging algorithm (OFA), a more recent algorithm. Furthermore, scatter search outperformed all other methods in terms of computational cost. This is promising for real-world applications that require quick responses. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Mathematical Models and Methods of Scheduling Theory)
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27 pages, 3589 KiB  
Damage and Failure Modeling of Composite Material Structures Using the Pam-Crash Code
by Eduardo Martin-Santos, Lucia G. Barbu and Pablo Cruz
Mathematics 2024, 12(23), 3847; https://doi.org/10.3390/math12233847 - 6 Dec 2024
Viewed by 719
Simulating composite material structures requires complex constitutive models, which normally require fine meshes to obtain an accurate prediction of their behavior. Pam-Crash software has been used for several years in the automotive industry and has been proved to be an efficient tool for [...] Read more.
Simulating composite material structures requires complex constitutive models, which normally require fine meshes to obtain an accurate prediction of their behavior. Pam-Crash software has been used for several years in the automotive industry and has been proved to be an efficient tool for simulating metallic structures, returning good correlations in a fast computational time. However, constitutive models for composite materials in Pam-Crash present some difficulties: some materials are not able to be suitably modeled and the predictive results depend on the mesh refinement. This work proposes a solution for predicting the progressive damage of composite materials in Pam-Crash, which scales the energy dissipated by the damage mechanisms and checks the viability of modeling the material behavior, taking into account the recommended size of finite elements in the automotive industry. The proposed solution is applied for the simulation of Open Hole specimens to evaluate the ultimate strength consistency. After this, it is applied for the simulation of Compact Tension specimens to check the consistency of crack propagation behavior. By considering the target size of the finite elements in the material card definition, the predictions demonstrate great improvement in the equivalence in results between different mesh refinements. Finally, the solution is applied to simulate impact tests on large structures. Good correlations with experimental data are obtained in fast computational times, making this methodology a candidate for application in composite-related automotive simulations. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Advanced Computational Mechanics)
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16 pages, 303 KiB  
First Eigenvalues of Some Operators Under the Backward Ricci Flow on Bianchi Classes
by Shahroud Azami, Rawan Bossly, Abdul Haseeb and Abimbola Abolarinwa
Mathematics 2024, 12(23), 3846; https://doi.org/10.3390/math12233846 - 6 Dec 2024
Viewed by 611
Let λ(t) be the first eigenvalue of the operator +aRb on locally three-dimensional homogeneous manifolds along the backward Ricci flow, where a,b are real constants and R is the scalar curvature. In this [...] Read more.
Let λ(t) be the first eigenvalue of the operator +aRb on locally three-dimensional homogeneous manifolds along the backward Ricci flow, where a,b are real constants and R is the scalar curvature. In this paper, we study the properties of λ(t) on Bianchi classes. We begin by deriving an evolution equation for the quantity λ(t) on three-dimensional homogeneous manifolds in the context of the backward Ricci flow. Utilizing this equation, we subsequently establish a monotonic quantity that is contingent upon λ(t). Additionally, we present both upper and lower bounds for λ(t) within the framework of Bianchi classes. Full article
24 pages, 2215 KiB  
Optimizing Multi-Echelon Delivery Routes for Perishable Goods with Time Constraints
by Manqiong Sun, Yang Xu, Feng Xiao, Hao Ji, Bing Su and Fei Bu
Mathematics 2024, 12(23), 3845; https://doi.org/10.3390/math12233845 - 5 Dec 2024
Viewed by 683
As the logistics industry modernizes, living standards improve, and consumption patterns shift, the demand for fresh food continues to grow, making cold chain logistics for perishable goods a critical component in ensuring food quality and safety. However, the presence of both soft and [...] Read more.
As the logistics industry modernizes, living standards improve, and consumption patterns shift, the demand for fresh food continues to grow, making cold chain logistics for perishable goods a critical component in ensuring food quality and safety. However, the presence of both soft and hard time windows among demand nodes can complicate the single-network distribution of perishable goods. In response to these challenges, this paper proposes an optimization model for multi-distribution center perishable goods delivery, considering both one-echelon and two-echelon network joint distributions. The model aims to minimize total costs, including transportation, fixed, refrigeration, goods damage, and penalty costs, while measuring customer satisfaction by the start time of service at each demand node. A two-stage heuristic algorithm is designed to solve the model. In the first stage, an initial solution is constructed using a greedy approach based on the principles of the k-medoids clustering algorithm, which considers both spatial and temporal distances. In the second stage, the initial routing solution is optimized using a linear programming approach from the Ortools solver combined with an Improved Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search (IALNS) algorithm. The effectiveness of the proposed model and algorithm is validated through a case study analysis. The results demonstrate that the initial solutions obtained through the k-medoids clustering algorithm based on spatio-temporal distance improved the overall cost optimization by 1.85% and 4.74% compared to the other two algorithms. Among the three two-stage heuristic algorithms, the Ortools-IALNS proposed here showed enhancements in the overall cost optimization over the IALNS, with improvements of 3.24%, 1.12%, and 0.41%, respectively. The two-stage heuristic algorithm designed in this study also converged faster than the other two heuristic algorithms, with overall optimization improvements of 1.55% and 1.28%, further validating the superior performance of the proposed heuristic algorithm. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Planning and Scheduling in City Logistics Optimization)
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