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Eleanor Ormerod, LLD, Economic Entomologist


THE name of Eleanor Anne Ormerod will long be remembered for her unflagging industry and long-continued devotion to practical entomology, not surpassed in their own lines of research by Caroline Herschel and Mary Somerville, with whom she may most fittingly be compared. There can be no more fitting opportunity than the present to recall her services both to science and the world at large, when the Linnean Society (formerly so exclusive that ladies who contributed papers were not even admitted to be present when they were read) has just thrown open its full membership to women. The Entomological Society was never so exclusive; and at one time Miss E. A. Ormerod was one of the most regular attendants at the meetings, sometimes accompanied by her sister and fellow-worker, Georgiana E. Ormerod, and more rarely by some other lady friend.

Eleanor Ormerod, LL.D., Economic Entomologist.

Autobiography and Correspondence. Edited by Prof. Robert Wallace, Professor of Agriculture and Rural Economy in the University of Edinburgh. With portraits and illustrations. Pp. xx + 348; plates xxx; text illustrations 76. (London: Murray, 1904.) Price 21s. net.

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Eleanor Ormerod, LLD, Economic Entomologist . Nature 70, 219–220 (1904). https://doi.org/10.1038/070219a0

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  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/070219a0


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