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Techniques and Methods

Review of the validity and feasibility of image-assisted methods for dietary assessment


Accurately quantifying dietary intake is essential to understanding the effect of diet on health and evaluating the efficacy of dietary interventions. Self-report methods (e.g., food records) are frequently utilized despite evident inaccuracy of these methods at assessing energy and nutrient intake. Methods that assess food intake via images of foods have overcome many of the limitations of traditional self-report. In cafeteria settings, digital photography has proven to be unobtrusive and accurate and is the method of choice for assessing food provision, plate waste, and food intake. In free-living conditions, image capture of food selection and plate waste via the user’s smartphone, is promising and can produce accurate energy intake estimates, though accuracy is not guaranteed. These methods foster (near) real-time transfer of data and eliminate the need for portion size estimation by the user since the food images are analyzed by trained raters. A limitation that remains, similar to self-report methods where participants must truthfully record all consumed foods, is intentional and/or unintentional underreporting of foods due to social desirability or forgetfulness. Methods that rely on passive image capture via wearable cameras are promising and aim to reduce user burden; however, only pilot data with limited validity are currently available and these methods remain obtrusive and cumbersome. To reduce analysis-related staff burden and to allow real-time feedback to the user, recent approaches have aimed to automate the analysis of food images. The technology to support automatic food recognition and portion size estimation is, however, still in its infancy and fully automated food intake assessment with acceptable precision not yet a reality. This review further evaluates the benefits and challenges of current image-assisted methods of food intake assessment and concludes that less burdensome methods are less accurate and that no current method is adequate in all settings.

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Fig. 1: Overview of different dietary assessment methods concerning accuracy, unobtrusiveness, analysis time, participant burden, staff burden, and food waste detection.

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This work was supported by National Institutes of Health grants T32 DK064584 (NIDDK National Research Service Award), P30 DK072476 (Nutrition Obesity Research Center), and U54 GM104940 (Louisiana Clinical and Translational Science Center).

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Correspondence to Corby K. Martin.

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The intellectual property surrounding the Remote Food Photography Method© and SmartIntake® application are owned by Louisiana State University/Pennington Biomedical Research Center and CKM is an inventor. There are no other competing interests related to this study to declare.

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Höchsmann, C., Martin, C.K. Review of the validity and feasibility of image-assisted methods for dietary assessment. Int J Obes 44, 2358–2371 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41366-020-00693-2

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