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Welcome to the International Journal of Obesity

Publishing the latest research and reviews on biochemical, physiological, genetic, molecular, metabolic, nutritional, psychological and epidemiological aspects of obesity and related disorders. 


  • image of new International Journal of Obesity Editor in Chief Nikhil Dhurandhar.

    Coming soon: Drugs for weight loss have been used for a long time in practice, however recent developments prompted the need for this special edition. The goals of this collection are to discuss the current generations of weight loss drugs as it relates to their practical use by clinicians, consideration for future developments by scientists, regulatory framework, economics, and ethics.

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Pediatric Highlights

The history of IJO's Pediatric Highlights began in 2002 when Associate Editor, Angelo Pietrobelli, remarked that the field of pediatric obesity did not have a journal of its own and inquired whether we thought it was time for such a journal. An analysis of the number and quality of pediatric papers submitted to IJO led to the conclusion that an independent pediatric obesity journal at that time probably would not have sufficient submissions to be successful, however, the seed was planted and a plan was formulated to have a section devoted to papers on pediatric obesity in several IJO issues each year. The Pediatric Highlights section has since flourished with investigators from the pediatric obesity field rewarding IJO by making it a preferred journal for some of their best papers. We now pull these papers into an online collection and look forward to continue serving the field and publishing the very best papers in pediatric obesity each year.


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    This journal is a member of and subscribes to the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics.

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