Extended Data Fig. 3: Deterministic forecast results in the tropics. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 3: Deterministic forecast results in the tropics.

From: Accurate medium-range global weather forecasting with 3D neural networks

Extended Data Fig. 3

We only compared Pangu-Weather to operational IFS3 because FourCastNet2 did not report the breakdown results. We followed ECMWF to define the “tropics” to be the region between latitude of +20° (inclusive) and −20° (inclusive). Here, Z500/T500/Q500/U500/V500 indicates the geopotential, temperature, specific humidity, and u-component and v-component of wind speed at 500 hPa. Z850/T850 indicates the geopotential and temperature at 850 hPa. T2M indicates the 2 m temperature, and U10/V10 indicates the u-component and v-component of 10 m wind speed.

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