Reviews & Analysis

  • This Review examines the diverse strategies utilized by naturally occurring antibiotics and suggests how they have provided, and will in future provide, inspiration for the design of novel antibiotics.

    • Kim Lewis
    • Richard E. Lee
    • Ingo Wohlgemuth
    Review Article
  • This Review describes the various mechanisms of ion-coupled transport across membranes and how the activities of transporter proteins are modulated by the composition of the lipid bilayer.

    • David Drew
    • Olga Boudker
    Review Article
  • This Review explores in detail the complexity of NK cell biology in humans and highlights the role of these cells in cancer immunity.

    • Eric Vivier
    • Lucas Rebuffet
    • Valeria R. Fantin
    Review Article
  • We suggest that as mitochondrial signals probably contribute to the homeostatic role of inflammation, dysregulation of these processes may lead to autoimmune and inflammatory diseases, with increasing evidence pointing to the recent failure of endosymbiosis being crucial.

    • Michael P. Murphy
    • Luke A. J. O’Neill
    Review Article
  • Structural studies of amyloid filaments purified from brains of people with neurodegenerative diseases link specific amyloid folds with distinct diseases and provide a basis for the development of models of neurodegenerative disease.

    • Sjors H. W. Scheres
    • Benjamin Ryskeldi-Falcon
    • Michel Goedert
    Review Article
  • This Review provides a perspective on the development of non-cancer therapies based on human genetics studies and suggests measures that can be taken to streamline the pipeline from initial genetic discovery to approved therapy.

    • Katerina Trajanoska
    • Claude Bhérer
    • Vincent Mooser
    Review Article
  • The advances in artificial intelligence over the past decade are examined, with a discussion on how artificial intelligence systems can aid the scientific process and the central issues that remain despite advances.

    • Hanchen Wang
    • Tianfan Fu
    • Marinka Zitnik
    Review Article
  • This Review addresses the current understanding of the roles of tissue-resident macrophages in physiology and disease, including their development and their functions in tissue remodelling and nutrient recycling.

    • Tomi Lazarov
    • Sergio Juarez-Carreño
    • Frederic Geissmann
    Review Article
  • This Review examines the interplay between the nervous system and tumours, from cancer initiation to progression and metastasis.

    • Rebecca Mancusi
    • Michelle Monje
    Review Article
  • This Review examines the palaeobiology of Australopithecus in terms of morphology, phylogeny, diet, tool use, locomotor behaviour and other characteristics, and considers the role of this genus of hominins in human evolution.

    • Zeresenay Alemseged
    Review Article
  • Examination of available evidence on whether anthropogenic global warming was preceded by a long-term warming trend or by global cooling provides support for a relatively mild millennial-scale global thermal maximum during the mid-Holocene.

    • Darrell S. Kaufman
    • Ellie Broadman
    Review Article
  • Recent key developments in the exploration of kagome materials are reviewed, including fundamental concepts of a kagome lattice, realizations of Chern and Weyl topological magnetism, flat-band many-body correlations, and unconventional charge-density waves and superconductivity.

    • Jia-Xin Yin
    • Biao Lian
    • M. Zahid Hasan
    Review Article
  • Anatomical, cellular and molecular immune interactions at the borders of the central nervous system control homeostatic brain function and can lead to neurological or psychiatric diseases, representing potential therapeutic targets.

    • Justin Rustenhoven
    • Jonathan Kipnis
    Review Article