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ProHits: integrated software for mass spectrometry–based interaction proteomics

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Figure 1: Overview of ProHits.


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We thank G. Bader, H. Hermjakob, S. Orchard, J.A. Vizcaíno, C. Le Roy, R. Beavis and members of the Tyers and Gingras laboratories for helpful discussions. We are grateful to D. Figeys, S. Angers, D. Fermin, T. LeBihan, F. Ellisma, C. Poitras and B. Coulombe for testing beta versions of ProHits. We thank W. Dunham, E. Deutsch, D. Fermin, T. Glatter, M. Goudreault, L. D'Ambrosio and R. Ewing for critical reading of the manuscript and instruction manual and L. Ng, J. Wei and N. Mohammad for IT support. Supported by grants from the CIHR (MOP-84314 to A.-C.G., MOP-12246 to M.T., MOP-81268 to B.R., GSP-36651 to T.P., J.L.W. and M.T., FRN 82940 to M.T. and a resource grant to T.P., A.-C.G., J.L.W. and M.T.), the NIH (5R01RR024031 to M.T., 1R01GM094231-01 to A.I.N. and A.-C.G., and CA-126239 to A.I.N.), MRI-ORF (T.P., J.L.W. and A.-C.G.), the Canada Foundation for Innovation (T.P., J.L.W., A.-C.G. and M.T.), and Genome Canada through Ontario Genomics Institute (T.P. and J.L.W.). We wish to acknowledge support from the Mount Sinai Hospital Foundation; Canada Research Chairs in Functional Genomics and Bioinformatics to M.T., in Proteomics and Molecular Medicine to B.R., and in Functional Proteomics to A.-C.G.; the Lea Reichmann Chair in Cancer Proteomics to A.-C.G. and a Scottish Universities Life Sciences Alliance Research Professorship and a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award to M.T.

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Correspondence to Mike Tyers or Anne-Claude Gingras.

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Liu, G., Zhang, J., Larsen, B. et al. ProHits: integrated software for mass spectrometry–based interaction proteomics. Nat Biotechnol 28, 1015–1017 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1038/nbt1010-1015

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  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/nbt1010-1015

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