Software articles from across Nature Portfolio

Software is a set of computer instructions and can refer to executable programs, scripts and libraries.


  • Single-cell bisulfite sequencing enables the genome-wide quantification of DNA methylation at single-cell resolution, but methods to analyze the resulting data are lacking. The MethSCAn software accurately distinguishes cell types and states by scanning the genome for informative regions and providing a robust approach to quantifying methylation within these regions.

    News & Views Nature Methods
    P: 1-2
  • Pretraining powerful deep learning models requires large, comprehensive training datasets, which are often unavailable for medical imaging. In response, the universal biomedical pretrained (UMedPT) foundational model was developed based on multiple small and medium-sized datasets. This model reduced the amount of data required to learn new target tasks by at least 50%.

    News & Views Nature Computational Science
    Volume: 4, P: 479-480

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