Reviews & Analysis

  • High-harmonic spectroscopy on solids is an ultrafast all-optical technique to study the structure and dynamics of materials. This Review discusses areas of condensed-matter physics where this technique can provide particular insight.

    • Christian Heide
    • Yuki Kobayashi
    • Shambhu Ghimire
    Review Article
  • Electrons in a chiral topological material exhibit a unique orbital angular momentum profile in momentum space that resembles magnetic monopoles. It gives an opportunity to utilize the orbital motion of electrons for information processing — so-called orbitronics.

    • Hyun-Woo Lee
    • Tatiana G. Rappoport
    News & Views
  • Semiconductor spin qubits are usually highly localized, which makes it difficult to engineer long-range interactions. Two recent experiments demonstrate that adding superconductivity makes supercurrent-based long-range coupling possible.

    • Max Hays
    • Valla Fatemi
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  • A platform for imaging traction forces exerted by moving cells overcomes current reconstruction limitations. This technique has identified unknown migration dynamics of immune cells and resolved traction forces of single and multicellular systems.

    • Jennifer Patten
    • Karin Wang
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  • Error-corrected quantum computers require access to so-called magic states to outperform classical devices. Now, a study has shown that coherent errors can drive error-correcting codes into high-magic states that could be a resource for universal quantum computing.

    • Xhek Turkeshi
    News & Views
  • A tunable SU(2) gauge field has been realized experimentally in a Raman momentum lattice using ultracold atoms. The chiral dynamics of the system have been investigated under different gauge potentials, whose non-Abelian nature was confirmed through observation of the non-Abelian Aharonov–Bohm effect.

    Research Briefing
  • Topological insulators exhibit unidirectional flow of robust electric charge at the edge of the system. Two recent experiments have observed these chiral edge modes in exceptionally controllable settings of ultracold atoms.

    • Luca Asteria
    • F. Nur Ünal
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  • Approximate notions of quantum error-correcting codes hold wide importance across quantum information and physics, but are not cohesively understood. Now, general rigorous connections established between approximate quantum error correction and quantum circuit complexity reveal a ‘complexity phase diagram’ for generalized quantum codes — and create a new unifying lens on complex quantum systems.

    Research Briefing
  • Dimensionality tuning can control fluctuations and induce complex phase diagrams with multiple orders and transitions among them. Now, experiments demonstrate intertwined vestigial order in the two- to three-dimensional crossover region in a van der Waals magnet.

    • Ana-Marija Nedić
    • Peter P. Orth
    News & Views
  • The collective behaviour of quantum gases strongly depends on the confining dimensionality. Its role in the emergence of a phase transition in a quantum gas of photons has now been explored using a new trapping technique, transitioning from 2D to 1D.

    • Arturo Camacho-Guardian
    News & Views
  • Optical near-field microscopy has facilitated our understanding of nanophotonics. This Perspective explores the opportunities that near-field studies of terahertz fields provide for ultrafast phase transitions in condensed matter systems.

    • Michael Yannai
    • Matan Haller
    • Ido Kaminer
  • Understanding the mechanism of bacterial cell division is important in both fundamental and applied biology. Now, researchers have investigated the self-organization of cytoskeletal filaments and the role nematic ordering plays in cell division.

    • Zhixin Lyu
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  • The Kibble–Zurek mechanism is a key framework for describing the dynamics of continuous phase transitions. Recent experiments with ultracold gases, employing alternative methods to create a superfluid, highlight its universality.

    • Adolfo del Campo
    • Seong-Ho Shinn
    News & Views
  • Recent experimental claims of quantum advantage rely on the absence of classical algorithms that can reproduce the results. A tensor network algorithm can now challenge recent optical quantum advantage experiments.

    • Jordi Tura
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  • Migrating cell clusters exhibit finger-like protrusions at the front, attributed to leader cells physically dragging follower cells along. Now, an optogenetics experiment has shown that follower cells must also play a role in protrusion formation.

    • Chiu Fan Lee
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  • An atom interferometer now maintains a spatial superposition state for 70 seconds, compared to few seconds in freely falling systems. This could improve measurements of the strength of gravitational fields and quantum gravity studies.

    • Klemens Hammerer
    • Naceur Gaaloul
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