About the Editors


Sven RoggeSven Rogge, PhD
Professor of Physics
University of New South Wales
Sydney, Australia

Sven Rogge’s research interest is in experimental condensed matter physics, in particular quantum computation in silicon. He leads a team of enthusiastic researchers at the Australian Research Council Centre for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology hosted at the University of New South Wales, Australia. Their focus is on gaining atomistic insight into the interactions of quantum objects, like atoms and qubits, with their environment. This allows them to manipulate quantum information and minimise decoherence. Before joining UNSW in 2011 he was at the Kavli Institute for Quantum Nano Science at Delft University and Stanford University.

Dan Browne, PhD
Professor of Physics
University College London
London, UK

Dan leads a research team on the theory of quantum computing. His research interests are broad, and include fault-tolerant quantum computation, architectures for quantum computing, measurement-based quantum computation, scalable linear optical quantum computing and quantum optics. He joined University College London in 2007, before which he was a Junior Research Fellow in at Merton College, Oxford. In addition to his PhD at Imperial College London, he also spent time as a research student at the university of Freiburg and LMU Munich.

Executive Editor

Bo Liu

Bo joined Springer Nature as a scientific editor at Nature Communications in 2017, where he handled manuscripts on solar cells and semiconductor photo-physics. He joined the npj series as a Managing Editor in 2020, and was promoted to Executive Editor of the Physical and Applied Science npjs in October 2021. Prior to his editorial career, Bo graduated from Zhejiang University, China, and obtained a PhD in Physics at National University of Singapore. He also worked as a postdoc at the Graphene Research Center in Singapore and University of Washington, US. He is based in Shanghai.

Associate Editors

Almut Beige, PhD
Associate Prof., School of Physics and Astronomy
University of Leeds
Leeds, United Kingdom

Almut Beige is the Head of the Theoretical Physics Group in the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Leeds, United Kingdom, where she moved in 2005 after working at Imperial College London, the University of Cambridge and the Max-Planck-Institute for Quantum Optics in Garching, Germany. Almut is most known for her work on open quantum systems with spontaneous photon emission. While being interested in the foundations of quantum physics, she also helped to establish measurements and dissipation as a tool for the efficient and robust manipulation of quantum information with a wide range of applications. Almut received her PhD from the University of Göttingen, Germany, in 1998.  

Dominic Berry, PhD
Associate Prof., Department of Physics and Astronomy
Macquarie University Research Centre in Quantum Science and Technology
Sydney, Australia

Dominic Berry has performed some of the foundational work in quantum algorithms for quantum simulation, pioneering the Trotter-Suzuki methods for quantum simulation in 2007, as well as introducing new approaches with exponential precision in 2014. He has also developed a range of adaptive techniques for phase estimation with highly nonclassical states, which have applications in precision metrology as well as quantum algorithms. Dominic Berry received his PhD at The University of Queensland (UQ) in 2002 and worked at Macquarie, UQ, and the Institute for Quantum Computing in Waterloo before returning to Macquarie in 2011 as a Future Fellow.

Johannes Borregaard

Johannes Borregaard, PhD
Prof., Department of Quantum Nanoscience
QuTech and Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology
The Netherlands

Johannes’ focus early on has been to consider quantum technology in realistic settings subject to experimental imperfections. In his research, he tries to bridge the gap between quantum software and hardware working in the intersection of mathematics and physics. A substantial part of Johannes’ research evolves around quantum networks in a broad sense. This includes protocols for long-distance quantum communication, quantum sensor networks for enhanced metrology, and new cryptographic network applications.

Sarah Croke, PhD
Senior Lecturer, School of Physics and Astronomy
University of Glasgow
Scotland, United Kingdom

Sarah's research is in theoretical aspects of quantum information and computation, specialising in quantum measurement theory. She is known in particular for her work on optimal quantum measurements and on the difference in power between joint measurement and local measurement. In addition she has broader research interests spanning quantum information, quantum foundations, and quantum optics. 

Dong-Ling Deng, PhD
Associate Professor, Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Sciences
Tsinghua University
Beijing, China

Dong-Ling earned his Ph.D. degree from the University of Michigan and was the recipient of the Kent M. Terwilliger Memorial Thesis Prize (2015). Following a JQI (Joint Quantum Institute) postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Maryland, he joined the Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Sciences, Tsinghua University in 2018. He is the recipient of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars. Prof. Deng's research group focuses primarily on quantum artificial intelligence, encompassing quantum enhanced AI as well as AI applications for quantum physics.

Sam Gorman, PhD
Centre for Quantum Computation and Comm Technology
University of New South Wales
Sydney, Australia

As a postdoctoral researcher at UNSW, Sam Gorman's research focuses on phosphorus-doped silicon devices fabricated using scanning tunneling microscopy for quantum computing applications. He has performed experimental and theoretical work on the controllable coupling of electrons bound to multi-donor quantum dots, singlet-triplet state control and readout in double quantum dots, and state preparation and measurement of electron spin qubits at cryogenic temperatures.

Bálint Koczor, PhD
Associate Professor in Quantum Information Theory, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford
Oxford, UK

Dr Koczor has broad research interests in quantum computing and made key contributions to quantum error mitigation and near-term quantum computing: He developed architectures, exponentially effective quantum error mitigation techniques (virtual distillation) and authored several key works that improve the practicality of near-term quantum algorithms. He also pioneered hybrid quantum-classical algorithms that include practical applications of classical shadow techniques. Dr Koczor is an Associate Professor in Quantum Information Theory and Glasstone Research Fellow at the University of Oxford while he also holds a Research Fellowship at Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford, and works part time for Quantum Motion as a Senior Quantum Theorist. He obtained his PhD degree from the Technical University of Munich where he worked on fundamental quantum theory and mathematical physics.

Hari Krovi, PhD
Principal Quantum Scientist, Riverlane Research
Boston, MA, USA

Hari Krovi works on quantum information and quantum computing. Recently, he has been working on developing quantum algorithms for linear and nonlinear differential equations as well as find important applications for them. He has also worked on quantum walks and algebraic problems. In addition to quantum algorithms, in the past he has also worked on quantum communications and quantum networks. Hari joined Riverlane in 2022 and prior to that he was a senior scientist at Raytheon BBN technologies.

Junyu Liu, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA, USA

I am Dr. Junyu Liu. an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science, School of Computing and Information, the University of Pittsburgh. I am interested in the relationship between quantum physics and computer science, especially quantum computing, quantum communication, machine learning and quantum sensing.

Michal Oszmaniec, PhD
Professor, NASK & CTP PAS
Warsaw, Poland

Michał Oszmaniec is a theoretical physicist specialising in quantum computers and quantum information theory. He holds a Professor position at NASK and Center for Theoretical Physics, PAS in Warsaw, Poland. His research interests include: theoretical foundations of quantum supremacy, quantum complexity theory, the theory of quantum measurements and their application to quantum algorithms, as well as efficient protocols for certification and characterisation of quantum computers.

Hanhee Paik, PhD
Research Staff Member, IBM Quantum
New York,

Dr. Hanhee Paik is a Research Staff Member at IBM Quantum, IBM T J Watson Research Center. Through her research career, she has been focusing on understanding the coherence mechanisms of superconducting qubits and developing superconducting multi-qubit architectures. Dr. Paik pioneered the novel design of a superconducting qubit that helped the industry to push the boundary of superconducting qubit performance and her research on the quantum processor design has greatly impacted the quantum computing community. Today's IBM Quantum systems coherence times benefit from Dr. Paik's work, and average an industry-best 100 microseconds. She played a pivotal role developing the 16-qubit IBM Q Experience device (Rueschlikon and Melbourne), and she is currently working on developing the next generation of quantum computing processors.

Rajib Rahman, PhD
Associate Professor, School of Physics
The University of New South Wales
Sydney, NSW, Australia

Rajib Rahman leads a research group on modelling and simulation of quantum materials and devices at UNSW. He develops first-principles and empirical techniques and software tools for predictive simulation of spin qubits. His work has shed light on efficient designs of silicon qubits and optimization of spin relaxation and decoherence times. Rajib also works on quantum transport in nano-electronic and opto-electronic devices. Rajib received a PhD from Purdue University in 2009."    

Ralf Riedinger,PhD
Professor, Institute for Quantum Physics
Universität Hamburg

Ralf's research is focused on developing scalable quantum technology, using modular, network-based devices. His interest ranges from distributed quantum computing and sensing to practical quantum cryptography networks. He heads a research group on quantum networks at the Institute for Quantum Physics of the Universität Hamburg. There, he works on microphotonic interfaces to quantum processors, for example using color centers in diamond. Before moving to UHH, Ralf received his PhD from the University of Vienna and was a Feodor Lynen research scholar at Harvard University.

Gayane Vardoyan,PhD
Assistant Professor, Manning College of Information and Computer Sciences
University of Massachusetts, Amherst

As the idea of a Quantum Internet draws nearer to reality, protocols must be developed to enable users to reap as many of the potential benefits of this new technology as possible. A fundamental challenge in quantum networking is long-distance entanglement distribution to actualize such a task with near-term quantum devices of limited functionality, special care is needed to ensure that quantum-equipped users have entanglement of sufficiently high quality at their disposal. One focus of my research group is thus to develop efficient entanglement distribution algorithms, often inspired both by analytical models of quantum network architectures, as well as techniques found in classical networking literature. In general, we are interested in addressing the many challenges pertaining to distributed quantum systems, as well as seeking new quantum-enabled possibilities and applications.

Philip Walther, PhDProf., Faculty of Physics, Quantum Optics, Quantum Nanophysics & Quantum Information Group
University of Vienna
Vienna, Austria

Prof Walther's research areas are quantum computing, quantum cloud computing, quantum simulation experiments, the investigation of quantum correlations as resource, and multi-photon generation and manipulation and light-matter interactions.

Tie-Jun Wang, PhD
Professor, School of Science
School of Science, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Beijing, BJ, China

Tie-Jun Wang is a quantum information theorist whose research focuses on quantum networks, quantum computing, and quantum optics. She has conducted a series of studies on the development of wide-area quantum computing networks and the implementation of related quantum functional devices.

Nathan WiebeNathan Wiebe, PhD
Prof., Department of Computer Science
Centre for Quantum Information and Quantum Control
University of Toronto
Toronto, Canada

Prof Wiebe's interests span quantum algorithms, quantum simulation, quantum machine learning, quantum metrology and applications of machine learning to quantum device characterization. His work has provided the first quantum algorithms for deep learning, least squares fitting, quantum simulations using linear-combinations of unitaries, quantum Hamiltonian learning, near-optimal simulation of time-dependent physical systems, efficient Bayesian phase estimation and also has pioneered the use of particle filters for characterizing quantum devices as well as many other contributions ranging from the foundations of thermodynamics to adiabatic quantum computing and quantum chemistry simulation.

Feihu XuFeihu Xu, PhD
Prof., School of Physical Science
University of Science and Technology of China

Feihu’s research interest is in the theoretical and experimental aspects of quantum information processing, focusing on quantum communication, quantum network and single-photon imaging. Feihu was among the first of the world to hack successfully a quantum key distribution system and to demonstrate the novel measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution protocol. He is also the leader pioneering in the research directions of experimental quantum fingerprinting and all-photonic quantum repeater, secure time-frequency transfer, distributed quantum sensing and single-photon imaging. Before joining USTC, he received an M.A.Sc and Ph.D from University of Toronto, and held a Postdoctoral position at MIT.

Bei Zeng, PhD
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Hong Kong, China

Bei Zeng (Chinese: 曾蓓) is a quantum information theorist. As well as quantum information, her research interests include quantum computing and quantum error correction. Additionally, her contributions to the field extend to topics such as many-body entanglement, quantum tomography, quantum marginals, and the applications of quantum information science in quantum matter.


Editorial Board Members

David Awschalom, PhD, University of Chicago, Illinois, USA 
Michael Biercuk, PhD, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia 
Michael Bremner, PhD, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Paola Cappellaro, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Massachusetts, USA 
Yu-Ao Chen, PhD, University of Science and Technology, Hefei and Shanghai, China
Andrew Childs, PhD, University of Maryland, Maryland, USA 
Simon Devitt, PhD, University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, Australia
Klaus Ensslin, PhD, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Mark Eriksson, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Alessandro Fedrizzi, PhD, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK
Austin Fowler, PhD, Google Inc., California, USA
Jay Gambetta, PhD, Thomas J. Watson Research Center IBM, New York, USA
Yvonne Gao, PhD, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Lloyd Hollenberg, PhD, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
Atac Imamoglu, PhD, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Elham Kashefi, PhD, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
Ping Koy Lam, PhD, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
Daniel Loss, PhD, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland
Marco Lucamarini, PhD, University of York, York, UK
Charles Marcus, PhD, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Christopher Monroe, PhD, University of Maryland, Maryland, USA
Franco Nori, PhD, RIKEN (Japan), University of Michigan, Michigan, USA
Jeremy O'Brien, PhD, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK
Tim Ralph, PhD, University of Queensland, Queensland, Australia
Robert J. Schoelkopf, PhD, Yale University, Connecticut, USA
Jacob Taylor, PhD, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Maryland, USA
Lieven Vandersypen, PhD, Kavli Institute of Nanoscience Delft, Delft, Netherlands
Jelena Vuckovic, PhD, Stanford University, California, USA
Jörg Wrachtrup, PhD, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Amir Yacoby, PhD, Harvard University, Massachusetts, USA
Yoshihisa Yamamoto, PhD, Stanford University, California, USA


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