Electronic devices articles from across Nature Portfolio

Electronic devices are components for controlling the flow of electrical currents for the purpose of information processing and system control. Prominent examples include transistors and diodes. Electronic devices are usually small and can be grouped together into packages called integrated circuits. This miniaturization is central to the modern electronics boom.


  • A microlithography technique can be used to create pixelated silicone-integrated hole transport layers for high-density organic light-emitting diodes that can reduce electrical crosstalk and improve luminance and efficiency.

    • Ching-Fuh Lin
    • Chih-Yuan Tsai
    News & Views Nature Electronics
    Volume: 8, P: 13-14
  • By constructing vertical tunnel junctions based on few-layer indium selenide, a chirality-sensitive detection method is developed, enabling the investigation of the interaction between chiral light and spin in the two-dimensional limit.

    • Ning Kang
    • Lian-Mao Peng
    News & Views Nature Materials
    Volume: 24, P: 165-166
  • 2D monocrystalline Gd2O5 is synthesized, which exhibits a wide bandgap with a high dielectric constant (κ), attributed to its strong ionic polarization capability. These properties enable MoS2-based transistors to achieve an exceptionally low subthreshold swing and a high on/off current ratio, highlighting the potential of Gd2O5 for advanced transistor applications.

    • Yunseok Choi
    • Seung-Il Kim
    • Sang-Hoon Bae
    News & Views Nature Materials
    Volume: 24, P: 163-164

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