Conference Topics

NLPIR is one of the key academic conferences to present research results and new developments in the area of the Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval. For its 7th edition, NLPIR 2024 will be held in Okayama, Japan during December 13-15, 2024.

The topics of interests for submission include, but are not limited to:

• Fundamentals of data science, data & text mining, interactive systems, information mining and psycholinguistic
• Resources for basic NLP tasks (word segmentation, tagging, stemming, parsing and syntactical analysis, corpus-based language engineering, named entity recognition, syntactic analysis, semantic analysis, discourse analysis, speech recognition, speech synthesis, etc.)
• Automated knowledge aquisition and representation
• Natural language understanding
• Topic recognition and topic tracking, subject indexing
• Event and anomaly detection - Sentiment analysis
• Opinion, personality and emotion detection in social media
• Author identification and plagiarism detection
• Document summerisation and identification
• Similarity analysis, clustering, hierarchic clustering
• Methods for Classification and Categorisation
• Visualisation of NLP and IR results
• Ontologies, knowledge representation, semantic web technologies
• Ontology generation, merging and verification methods
• Diachronic corpora and temporal reasoning over knowledge basis
• Graph- and deep-learning-based methods of NLP and IR
• Interactive, dynamic as well as contextual and personalised IR
• Adversarial and cross language information retrieval
• Methods and systems of automatic machine translation
• Query Expansion
• IR result evaluation and relevance feedback
• Social and multimedia IR
• Methods and analyses for statistical networks, small world graphs, dynamic graphs and in particular co-occurrence graphs
• Methods based on Swarm Intelligence and other natural inspired methods
• Decentralised knowledge representation, search and IR
• Collaborative information filtering
• Self-organisation and –maintenance of information in the WWW
• Aspects of high performance text analysis
• Propagation and diffusion of information, super popular content


Welcome you to submit the paper by Easychair Submission Systems. (NLPIR 2024 Electronic Submission System) You will receive the submission confirmation email from the conference committees around 2 working days. If you haven't received it, please contact us as soon as possible. (Email:

Note: For paper preparation, it is suggested to use Word file (Single column format). If you would like to prepare your submission by LaTeX(Single-column), please use the "sample-manuscript" (Single column format) in the LaTeX template packages. The registration fee will cover 8 pages (Single column format) and additional page is possible but will be charged for 50 USD per page.

Paper Reviewing & Publication

Submitted papers will be checked plagiarism, including self-plagiarism firstly by Cross-Check and then submitted to the TPC for further review. After several rough review processes, accepted papers will be published in NLPIR 2024 International Conference Proceedings Series by ACM (ISBN: 979-8-4007-1738-3), which will be submitted for Ei Compendex, Scopus indexing, etc.

Important Dates

• Full paper or abstract submission deadline

• August 30, 2024

• Final review results notification

• September 20, 2024

• Registration deadline

• October 10, 2024

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