Laboratory for Nano and Quantum Technologies (LNQ)


The PSI Laboratory for Nano and Quantum Techniques uses advanced micro- and nanofabrication technologies to advance quantum science.

Graphic credits Canil Visuals:

Sustainable Group-IV Active Photonics Research Sinergia Project granted

We are excited to announce that our joint Sinergia Project: Sustainable Group-IV Active Photonics Research (SUGAR) has been approved for funding by the SNSF and will start in the spring of 2024. SUGAR is an interdisciplinary project that aims to develop a more sustainable photonics platform, based on group IV elements (Si, Ge, Sn). The proposal emphasizes sustainability throughout the entire device life-cycle, incorporating life cycle assessment (LCA) from extraction to end-of-life.

Kirsten Moselund & Helmut Schift

Park Innovaare Cleanroom Name is: PICO

We are happy to announce that the new Cleanroom Name in the Park Innovaare will be PICO = Park Innovaare Cleanroom for Optics and innovation.

Next Step – we will work on a Logo (ideas welcome), together with PiA.

The winner of the naming contest: Helmut Schift