You are looking at the page for a historic release! With the release of PYTHIA 8.3, there should be no reason for anyone to download and run any version of PYTHIA 6 or older. These pages are, however, kept online in the case an old version is needed to reproduce a historic result.
PYTHIA 6 and other ancient program versions
PYTHIA versions 6.X and older are no longer maintained nor developed. The code is provided on these pages to allow older published results to be reproduced, should the need arise.
The page below is safekeeping of the old PYTHIA pages, also for historic interest. We make no guarantees for dead external links, though all historic code should be downloadable.
Please see the official sunset letter for PYTHIA 6, dated December 2012.
Sections on this page:
- PYTHIA 6.4
- PYTHIA 6.3
- PYTHIA 6.2
- PYTHIA 6.1
- External contributions to PYTHIA 6
- Debugging of PYTHIA 6
- Before PYTHIA 6
PYTHIA 6.4 is a direct continuation of 6.3, the transition mainly marked by the appearance of an updated manual. With the release of PYTHIA 8.1 in 2007 it lost its status as the official current version.
For the first few years, both 6.4 and 8.1 were maintained in parallel, however, since 8.1 initially was untested and missed some features, and since the transition from existing Fortran applications to new C++ ones requires some planning and effort in the affected experimental community. As 8.1 matured and gained in acceptance, development efforts gradually shifted away from 6.4, and in December 2012 development of PYTHIA 6 formally stopped, see official letter.
While PYTHIA 8 in almost all respects can do more and better than the 6.4 versions, there are some areas still missing, notably parts of e p, gamma p and gamma gamma physics. These have not been given the highest priority in the LHC era, so for some such application it is still necessary to use PYTHIA 6.4. For all p p, p pbar and e+ e- physics, however, is is now strongly recommended to turn to PYTHIA 8.3.
Last 6.4 version
The final version of the program is:
- PYTHIA 6.428 code
- A split and bzipped version of the code
- Update note
- The complete PYTHIA 6.400 manual, published in JHEP 05 (2006) 026
(LU TP 06-13, FERMILAB-PUB-06-052-CD-T, hep-ph/0603175)
(including minor updates requested by the referee for the JHEP publication, and the new colour reconnection options in PYTHIA 6.402, as included in version 2 of hep-ph/0603175)
pdf (with nice cross-referencing), or
LaTeX source
Previous 6.4 versions
Previous archived versions in the 6.4 series vere
- PYTHIA 6.400 code
- PYTHIA 6.401 code
- PYTHIA 6.402 code
- PYTHIA 6.403 code
- PYTHIA 6.405 code
- PYTHIA 6.406 code
- PYTHIA 6.408 code
- PYTHIA 6.409 code
- PYTHIA 6.410 code
- PYTHIA 6.411 code
- PYTHIA 6.412 code
- PYTHIA 6.413 code
- PYTHIA 6.414 code
- PYTHIA 6.415 code
- PYTHIA 6.416 code
- PYTHIA 6.417 code
- PYTHIA 6.418 code
- PYTHIA 6.419 code
- PYTHIA 6.420 code
- PYTHIA 6.421 code
- PYTHIA 6.422 code
- PYTHIA 6.423 code
- PYTHIA 6.424 code
- PYTHIA 6.425 code
- PYTHIA 6.426 code
- PYTHIA 6.427 code
Since update notes largely are incremental, there is no need to preserve all. Some front material has been changed, however, so a few intermediate steps are available:
Sample main programs
In order to illustrate how to run PYTHIA 6.4, a few sample main programs are collected below. Most are very simple, to help new users get started. No independent documentation is available beyond what is found in each file.
- standard declarations and commonblocks, for easy copying
- the very most trivial test of PYTHIA
- run all existing subprocesses one at a time
- Z0 production at LEP 1
- study of W mass shift by colour rearrangement at LEP 2
- supersymmetry production at a hadron collider
- leptoquark production at HERA
- technicolor production at the Tevatron
- charged multiplicity in top events at the LHC
- heavy Higgs mass spectrum comparing two running-width schemes
- production of a single top by s-channel W exchange (with tricks)
- jet or minimum bias production by gamma*-p or gamma*-gamma* interactions
- implementation of user-defined external processes according to the Les Houches standard
- comparison of cross sections for q g -> q gamma as external or internal process
- program for e+e- with routines to turn gluinos into stable gluino-hadrons, optionally via stop-hadrons
and a modified version with unstable gluino-hadrons in hadron colliders
and ditto, using "PDG-endorsed" codes for R-hadrons
and production of stable stop-hadrons, also using "PDG-endorsed" codes - example how to use input via the SuSy Les Houches Accord to generate supersymmetric processes, in this case stop1 pair production events at LHC; the run requires an external file with a SuSy spectrum calculated by an external RGE code, like softsusy.spc generated by SoftSusy
- example how to use the interface to FeynHiggs
PYTHIA 6.3 was mainly used as a development version, seeing the introduction of new transverse-momentum-ordered showers and new models for multiparton interactions and beam remnants. It was therefore largely maintained in parallel with 6.2, and only towards the end became the official "current" PYTHIA version. It was superseded by PYTHIA 6.4 and is no longer maintained.
The PYTHIA 6.301 - 6.305 subversions represented an intermediate step in the evolution of the new multiparton interactions scenario. As such they were not backwards compatible with what came before. In later subversions (see below) backwards compatibility was restored, for checks and comparisons with the new options. The 6.301 - 6.305 versions were clearly marked as experimental, were never widely used, and their usage should be discontinued. Again they are included here for reference purposes only.
- PYTHIA 6.300 code
- PYTHIA 6.301 code
- PYTHIA 6.302 code
- PYTHIA 6.303 code
- PYTHIA 6.304 code
- PYTHIA 6.305 code
Furthermore the PYTHIA 6.305 update notes describes the news in the programs of this series.
Starting from PYTHIA 6.312, also the new transverse-momentum ordered showers were in place, and the new scenario was clearly separated from the old, by the need to call two different subroutines to get the next event. As further (mainly minor) improvements were introduced in new subversions, the old ones were moved here, to allow backwards checks, but not to be used when fetching a fresh copy.
- PYTHIA 6.312 code
- PYTHIA 6.315 code
- PYTHIA 6.316 code
- PYTHIA 6.317 code
- PYTHIA 6.319 code
- PYTHIA 6.320 code
- PYTHIA 6.321 code
- PYTHIA 6.323 code
- PYTHIA 6.324 code
- PYTHIA 6.325 code
- PYTHIA 6.326 code
- PYTHIA 6.327 code
The documentation package consists of:
Final update notes, describing the new features in PYTHIA 6.3
(25 March 2006) -
The complete PYTHIA 6.301 manual, LU TP 03-38 [hep-ph/0308153]:
pdf (with nice cross-referencing), or
LaTeX source -
Short writeup, describing status and new physics as of PYTHIA 6.154:
T. Sjöstrand, P. Edén, C. Friberg, L. Lönnblad, G. Miu, S. Mrenna and E. Norrbin,
Computer Phys. Commun. 135 (2001) 238 (LU TP 00-30, hep-ph/0010017)
PYTHIA version 6.2 was up until around 2004 the standard distribution of the Lund Monte Carlo, but was retired in 2005. There is almost full backwards compatibility, in the sense that new features in 6.3 and 6.4 have been added as options, rather than as replacements of the existing code, and in that any main program that worked with 6.2 also ought to work with 6.3 or 6.4. (In details, the results may of course differ.)
The last PYTHIA 6.2 program plus documentation package consists of:
Current update notes, describing the new features in PYTHIA 6.2
(29 January 2005) -
The complete PYTHIA 6.206 manual, LU TP 01-21 [hep-ph/0108264],
second edition, updated 10 April 2002:
pdf (with nice cross-referencing) or LaTeX source. -
The complete PYTHIA 6.215 manual pdf
Short writeup, describing status and new physics as of PYTHIA 6.154:
T. Sjöstrand, P. Edén, C. Friberg, L. Lönnblad, G. Miu, S. Mrenna and E. Norrbin,
Computer Phys. Commun. 135 (2001) 238 (LU TP 00-30, hep-ph/0010017)
pdf. -
A set of PYTHIA tutorial lectures, presented at Fermilab on 7 December 2004.
Preceding PYTHIA 6.2 versions
These versions are retained for backwards checks, but are no longer current.
- PYTHIA 6.200 code
- PYTHIA 6.202 code
- PYTHIA 6.203 code
- PYTHIA 6.205 code
- PYTHIA 6.206 code
- PYTHIA 6.207 code
- PYTHIA 6.208 code
- PYTHIA 6.210 code
- PYTHIA 6.212 code
- PYTHIA 6.214 code
- PYTHIA 6.215 code
- PYTHIA 6.217 code
- PYTHIA 6.218 code
- PYTHIA 6.220 code
- PYTHIA 6.221 code
- PYTHIA 6.222 code
- PYTHIA 6.223 code
- PYTHIA 6.224 code
- PYTHIA 6.225 code
- PYTHIA 6.226 code
The complete PYTHIA 6.200 manual, LU TP 01-21 [hep-ph/0108264]:
pdf (with nice cross-referencing) or LaTeX source.
The codes found here represent versions in the PYTHIA 6.1 series, which were superseded by PYTHIA 6.2 in a reasonably smooth transition.
Program code
Some 'snapshots' in the evolution of PYTHIA 6.1:
- PYTHIA 6.100
- PYTHIA 6.104
- PYTHIA 6.110
- PYTHIA 6.115
- PYTHIA 6.120
- PYTHIA 6.121
- PYTHIA 6.122
- PYTHIA 6.125
- PYTHIA 6.127
- PYTHIA 6.129
- PYTHIA 6.131
- PYTHIA 6.133
- PYTHIA 6.136
- PYTHIA 6.138
- PYTHIA 6.140
- PYTHIA 6.143
- PYTHIA 6.146
- PYTHIA 6.150
- PYTHIA 6.152
- PYTHIA 6.154
- PYTHIA 6.155
- PYTHIA 6.156
- PYTHIA 6.157
- PYTHIA 6.158
- PYTHIA 6.160
- PYTHIA 6.161
There never was a single manual with full information on PYTHIA 6.1. The starting point was instead given by
The final version of the full PYTHIA 5.7/JETSET 7.4 manual (December 1998):
pdf or LaTeX source. -
The latest SPYTHIA manual (September 1996), which gives a description of Supersymmetric extensions, including process codes and SUSY parameters
These were still relevant for PYTHIA 6.1, except as described in the update notes below. Since the latter half of the update notes is an incremental list of new features introduced by subversion, in principle one may use the most recent Pythia 6.1 update notes for all preceding subversions as well. In practice, this may be cumbersome in understanding which sections of the first half are relevant and which not for a given subversion. Therefore also some old update note versions are retained:
- PYTHIA 6.129
- PYTHIA 6.131
- PYTHIA 6.133
- PYTHIA 6.136
- PYTHIA 6.138
- PYTHIA 6.140
- PYTHIA 6.143
- PYTHIA 6.146
- PYTHIA 6.150
- PYTHIA 6.152
- PYTHIA 6.154
- PYTHIA 6.155
- PYTHIA 6.156
- PYTHIA 6.157
- PYTHIA 6.158
- PYTHIA 6.160
- PYTHIA 6.161
A short writeup, describing status and new physics as of PYTHIA 6.154, is found in
- T. Sjöstrand, P. Edén, C. Friberg, L. Lönnblad, G. Miu, S. Mrenna and E. Norrbin,
Computer Phys. Commun. 135 (2001) 238 (LU TP 00-30, hep-ph/0010017)
Sample main programs
In order to illustrate how to run PYTHIA 6.1, a few sample main programs are collected below. Also some extensions to the standard distribution are found here. Most are very simple, to help new users get started. No independent documentation is available beyond what is found in each file.
- the very most trivial test of PYTHIA
- standard declarations and commonblocks, for easy copying
- Z0 production at LEP 1
- W+W- production at LEP 2
- study of W mass shift by colour rearrangement at LEP 2
- supersymmetry production at a hadron collider
- leptoquark production at HERA
- technicolor production at the Tevatron
- heavy Higgs mass spectrum comparing two running-width schemes
- run all existing subprocesses one at a time
- jet production by gamma*-p or gamma*-gamma* interactions, with internal photon flux
- minimum bias production by gamma*-gamma* interactions, with internal photon flux
- gamma-gamma interactions, interfaced to external program for variable energies
- implementation of an external process with PYUPEV
- interfacing with the CIRCE beam spectrum program for e+e- linear colliders
- a modified version of PYPREP, with the a recent model for the collapse of a small-mass string to one or two hadrons (by Emanuel Norrbin); starting with 6.136 the default PYTHIA is improved with these features (and some more)
External contributions to PYTHIA 6
In this section is collected various contributions to PYTHIA that have not been integrated into the standard PYTHIA distribution, but are nevertheless of interest to a larger community. This in particular includes implementations of external user-defined processes, with the expectation that such contributions will become frequent in the wake of the Les Houches standard. In some cases the material is stored locally, but more common is to give a link to a source elsewhere.
PYTHIA Miniguide by Jean-Paul Guillaud.
A C API to interface PYTHIA6 from C, by Christian Holm Christensen.
An onium production guide for code written by Stefan Wolf for PYTHIA 6.2. The code has now been integrated with 6.4, and the process codes and parameter numbers have been changed, but here is the original description with some useful information.
Implementation of gluon-gluon fusion to a heavy lepton pair, as an external process for PYTHIA 6.1, by Calin Alexa.
Debugging of PYTHIA 6
You are still free to report bugs and bug fixes for the latest 6.4 version, but we don't guarantee that they will ever be taken into account. To have any chance to be taken seriously, you must fulfill same basic criteria, as follows. The hints are also useful for your own bug-finding.
Users often combine PYTHIA with a batch of other libraries in their studies, and then problems originally attributed to PYTHIA in the end may turn out to be located somewhere else. Much time then is lost in unsuccessful attempts to reproduce purported PYTHIA bugs. Furthermore, the use of external libraries makes it impossible to receive a bug-demonstrating main program and run it locally. Therefore, do confirm that your bugs also occur if you run PYTHIA in a completely standalone mode. To be specific:
- Make sure you use a clean copy of PYTHIA, not one that has been subject to "local modifications" by parties unknown. Also make sure it is a recent one - you may have encountered a true bug, but one already solved in the current version. If uncertain, pick up a new copy directly from the PYTHIA webpage.
- Create a cleanly compiled PYTHIA code. Typically this is a simple as
f77 -c pythia6xxx.f
is the current subversion number. Compiling in some library mode may have its advantages, but is unnecessary here and may e.g. lead to PYDATA not being linked. - Write a simple standalone main program that demonstrates the claimed bug. Feel free to use some of the simpler main programs given on these webpages as templates.
Link and run the program, typically with:
f77 main.f pythia6xxx.o
a.out > output
Now systematically peel away all irrelevant code in the main program, so that only code really needed to reproduce and document the bug remains. Where explanations in the code would be helpful, do add comments in English.
- Send the main program, with a description what is the problem and whatever guesses you may have about a probable cause.
Before PYTHIA 6
Several older versions are available in the listing below, as far back as code has survived. There are several discontinuities relative to the code in PYTHIA 6, more in program structure than in contents.
Past versions of the PYTHIA code
- PYTHIA 4.8
- PYTHIA 5.3
- PYTHIA 5.4
- PYTHIA 5.5
- PYTHIA 5.6
- PYTHIA 5.700
- PYTHIA 5.704
- PYTHIA 5.709
- PYTHIA 5.712
- PYTHIA 5.716
- PYTHIA 5.720
- PYTHIA 5.721
- PYTHIA 5.722
- PYTHIA 5.723
- PYTHIA 5.724
Past versions of the JETSET code
- JETSET 6.3
- JETSET 7.1
- JETSET 7.2
- JETSET 7.3
- JETSET 7.400
- JETSET 7.404
- JETSET 7.408
- JETSET 7.409
- JETSET 7.410
Past versions of manuals
- PYTHIA 5.3
- PYTHIA 5.4
- PYTHIA 5.5
- PYTHIA 5.6
- JETSET 7.1
- JETSET 7.2
- JETSET 7.3
- PYTHIA 5.6 / JETSET 7.3 May 1992
- PYTHIA 5.6 / JETSET 7.3 Sep 1992
- Russian translation of above (pdf) courtesy M. Savina and P. Zaroubine
- PYTHIA 5.6 / JETSET 7.3 update notes
- PYTHIA 5.7 / JETSET 7.4 Dec 1993
- PYTHIA 5.7 / JETSET 7.4 Aug 1994
- PYTHIA 5.7 / JETSET 7.4 Aug 1995
- PYTHIA 5.7 / JETSET 7.4 Aug 1995 (pdf file)
- PYTHIA 5.7 / JETSET 7.4 Dec 1998
(long delayed; last change included here is from June 1997) - PYTHIA 5.7 / JETSET 7.4 Dec 1998 (pdf file)
Past versions of sample main programs and extra subroutines
You may here find examples of main programs and extra subroutines intended to be run together with PYTHIA 5.7 and JETSET 7.4. The quality is very varying. Some are extremely simple programs, just a few lines, of no independent value but maybe useful as examples for beginners. Others are longer, and contain pieces of physics that have already been or may one day be incorporated into the standard distributions of PYTHIA. No independent documentation is available beyond what is found in each file.
- the very most trivial test of PYTHIA6/JETSET
- colour rearrangement in WW events, including important subroutines
- set (electroweak) main parameters of e+e- -> W+W-
- LEP 2 interface from four-fermion generator to JETSET (modified 20 December 1996)
- tabulate total and partial cross sections in gamma-p
- plots of F2gamma etc, including SaS parametrizations
- histogram event properties of inclusive gamma-gamma, gamma-p and p-p
plot results above - deep-inelastic-scattering generation in e-gamma
- simple setup for p+pbar -> W' -> W + Z
- routines for an alternative Bose-Einstein algorithm
- simple routine for gamma-gamma events with variable energy
- a program package combining four-jet matrix elements with parton showers (written by Johan Andre)
- a program package intended as a replacement of the LUBOEI routine, to allow the simulation of a number of recently proposed local descriptions of the Bose-Einstein phenomenon,
see "Modelling Bose-Einstein correlations at LEP 2", pdf.