Babyfather is an experimental hip-hop project of enigmatic British artist Dean Blunt, previously known as one half of the duo Hype Williams. Presented as a trio including DJ Escrow and Gassman D (which may or may not be alter egos of Blunt himself), the project's recordings are fractured collages of dub rhythms, aggressive rapping, and bursts of harsh noise. Blunt initially titled a free online EP Babyfather in 2015; later in the year, he issued a mixtape titled UK2UK credited to Babyfather. In early 2016, Hyperdub issued "Meditation," a Babyfather single co-produced by Arca. Second mixtape Platinum Tears followed in February, and full-length debut BBF Hosted by DJ Escrow was issued by Hyperdub in April.
© Paul Simpson /TiVo
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