Khun Narin
Khun Narin is the leader and namesake of a loosely collected band of psychedelic street performers based in the Phetchabun Province of Thailand. The group's free-spirited sound is equally influenced by Thai wedding music as well as Western alternative rock, utilizing instruments traditional and modern. They typically perform impromptu gigs in public and at outdoor house parties, utilizing an impressive portable speaker system. The band was discovered by L.A. producer Josh Marcy through informally posted video clips on the Internet in 2013. Marcy was so intrigued by the band's psychedelic sounds that he set about trying to find the musicians in person, enlisting the help of native speakers at a local Thai restaurant to help with translation as he tried to connect with the band through various social networking sites. Eventually, Marcy connected with Peter Doolan, an American living in Bangkok who knew the band from the videos and could introduce the two parties. Marcy traveled to Thailand, recording a raw session for the band that was later released in 2014 on the Innovative Leisure label as the full-length album Electric Phin Band. The effort received critical acclaim, and the group's second album, II, followed in 2016.
© Fred Thomas /TiVo
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2 album(s) • Sorted by Bestseller
Khun Narin's Electric Phin Band
World - Released by Innovative Leisure on Aug. 25, 2014
Available in16-Bit/44.1 kHz Stereo