Comprised of the unlikely trio of Trey Anastasio, Les Claypool, and Stewart Copeland (of Phish, Primus, and Police fame, respectively), the supergroup Oysterhead first came together for an intended one-off gig at the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival in May 2000. The chemistry between the three musicians was immediate, and the sold-out performance went off so well that the trio decided to pursue their partnership further, eventually entering Anastasio's Vermont recording studio in April 2001 to begin work on an album. The end result, The Grand Pecking Order, was released in October 2001, followed by a supporting tour of North America.
© Steve Bekkala /TiVo
1 album(s) • Sorted by Bestseller
The Grand Pecking Order
Pop - Released by Elektra Records on Oct. 2, 2001
Available in16-Bit/44.1 kHz Stereo