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Copyright Control, MusicPublisher - James Hannan, AAndRCoordinator - Maceo Plex, Producer, MainArtist - Eric Estornel, Composer, Arranger, StudioProducer - Max Colombie, Composer, Lyricist - Sentric Music Ltd, MusicPublisher
(C) 2023 Lone Romantic (P) 2023 Lone Romantic
Ariaan Olieroock, Composer, Arranger, StudioProducer - Diplo, Producer - James Hannan, AAndRCoordinator - Maceo Plex, Producer, MainArtist - Eric Estornel, Composer, Arranger, StudioProducer - Thomas Wesley Pentz, Composer, Arranger, StudioProducer - Peter Kriek, Composer, Arranger, StudioProducer - Sentric Music Ltd, MusicPublisher - Cubicolor, Producer, MainArtist - Rezident, Producer - David Roif, Composer, Arranger, StudioProducer - Bison Publishing, MusicPublisher - Manatee With A Machine Gun Music (ASCAP) (Administered by Sony/ATV Tunes LLC), MusicPublisher - Timothy Digby-Bell, Composer, Lyricist, StudioProducer
(C) 2023 Lone Romantic (P) 2023 Lone Romantic
Copyright Control, MusicPublisher - James Hannan, AAndRCoordinator - Maceo Plex, Producer, MainArtist - Eric Estornel, Composer, Arranger, StudioProducer - Sentric Music Ltd, MusicPublisher - Gio Santi, FeaturedArtist - Giovanni Gonzales, Composer, Lyricist
(C) 2023 Lone Romantic (P) 2023 Lone Romantic
James Hannan, AAndRCoordinator - Maceo Plex, Producer, MainArtist - Eric Estornel, Composer, Arranger, StudioProducer - Adrian Hossain, Composer, Arranger, StudioProducer - Sentric Music Ltd, MusicPublisher - AVNU (UK), Producer, MainArtist
(C) 2023 Lone Romantic (P) 2023 Lone Romantic
James Hannan, AAndRCoordinator - Maceo Plex, Producer, MainArtist - Eric Estornel, Composer, Arranger, StudioProducer - Sentric Music Ltd, MusicPublisher - Tyler Hill, Composer, Producer, Arranger, MainArtist, StudioProducer
(C) 2023 Lone Romantic (P) 2023 Lone Romantic
James Hannan, AAndRCoordinator - Maceo Plex, Producer, MainArtist - Eric Estornel, Composer, Arranger, StudioProducer - Adrian Hossain, Composer, Arranger, StudioProducer - Sentric Music Ltd, MusicPublisher - AVNU (UK), Producer, MainArtist
(C) 2023 Lone Romantic (P) 2023 Lone Romantic
PERRY FARRELL, FeaturedArtist - James Hannan, AAndRCoordinator - Maceo Plex, Producer, MainArtist - Eric Estornel, Composer, Lyricist, Arranger, StudioProducer - Sentric Music Ltd, MusicPublisher
(C) 2023 Lone Romantic (P) 2023 Lone Romantic
James Hannan, AAndRCoordinator - Maceo Plex, Producer, MainArtist - Eric Estornel, Composer, Arranger, StudioProducer - Reinforced Music, MusicPublisher - Sentric Music Ltd, MusicPublisher
(C) 2023 Lone Romantic (P) 2023 Lone Romantic
James Hannan, AAndRCoordinator - Maceo Plex, Producer, MainArtist - Eric Estornel, Composer, Arranger, StudioProducer - Sentric Music Ltd, MusicPublisher
(C) 2023 Lone Romantic (P) 2023 Lone Romantic
James Hannan, AAndRCoordinator - Maceo Plex, Producer, MainArtist - Eric Estornel, Composer, Arranger, StudioProducer - Sentric Music Ltd, MusicPublisher - Kniteforce Limited, MusicPublisher
(C) 2023 Lone Romantic (P) 2023 Lone Romantic
James Hannan, AAndRCoordinator - Maceo Plex, Producer, MainArtist - Eric Estornel, Composer, Arranger, StudioProducer - Oscar and The Wolf, FeaturedArtist - Max Colombie, Composer, Lyricist - Sentric Music Ltd, MusicPublisher - Strictly Songs, MusicPublisher
(C) 2023 Lone Romantic (P) 2023 Lone Romantic
Ishi, FeaturedArtist - James Hannan, AAndRCoordinator - Maceo Plex, Producer, MainArtist - Eric Estornel, Composer, Lyricist, Arranger, StudioProducer - Sentric Music Ltd, MusicPublisher - Ishi Music Publishing, MusicPublisher - John Anthony Mudd, Composer, Lyricist
(C) 2023 Lone Romantic (P) 2023 Lone Romantic
James Hannan, AAndRCoordinator - Maceo Plex, Producer, MainArtist - Eric Estornel, Composer, Arranger, StudioProducer - Desire, FeaturedArtist - John Padgett, Composer, Arranger, StudioProducer - Johnny Jewel, Producer - Adrian Hossain, Composer, Arranger, StudioProducer - Sentric Music Ltd, MusicPublisher - Italians Do It Better Inc., MusicPublisher - Megan Doyle, Composer, Lyricist - AVNU (UK), Producer, MainArtist
(C) 2023 Lone Romantic (P) 2023 Ellum Audio
James Hannan, AAndRCoordinator - Maceo Plex, Producer, MainArtist - Eric Estornel, Composer, Arranger, StudioProducer - BMI, MusicPublisher - Sentric Music Ltd, MusicPublisher - Mystic Bill, FeaturedArtist - William Torres, Composer, Lyricist
(C) 2023 Lone Romantic (P) 2023 Lone Romantic
Copyright Control, MusicPublisher - Kirsty hawkshaw, Composer, Lyricist, FeaturedArtist - James Hannan, AAndRCoordinator - Maceo Plex, Producer, MainArtist - Eric Estornel, Composer, Arranger, StudioProducer - Sentric Music Ltd, MusicPublisher
(C) 2023 Lone Romantic (P) 2023 Lone Romantic
Informationen zu dem Album
- 1 Disc(s) - 15 Track(s)
- Gesamte Laufzeit: 01:28:15
- Künstler: Maceo Plex
- Komponist: Various Composers
- Label: Lone Romantic
- Genre: Electronic
(C) 2023 Lone Romantic (P) 2023 Lone Romantic
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