Flash Hawk Parlor Ensemble
Known for his guitar duel with Stephen Colbert on the Colbert Report as well as playing guitar for indie rock group the Decemberists, Chris Funk is essentially the man behind Flash Hawk Parlor Ensemble. The unusual instrumental side project consists of originals and covers which include songs by Massive Attack, Radiohead and Fleetwood Mac. Hush Records issued Plastic Bag in a Tree in mid-2007. For performances, the lineup includes friends such as Jenny Conlee (the Decemberists), Lisa Molinaro (Talkdemonic) and Victor Nash (Point Juncture, WA) as well as someone in a gorilla suit.
© Kenyon Hopkin /TiVo
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1 album(s) • Sorted by Bestseller
Plastic Bag in a Tree
Alternative & Indie - Released by Hush on May 15, 2007
Available in16-Bit/44.1 kHz Stereo