New Features
Meet the RCSB PDB at ISMB
From July 12-16, 2024, RCSB PDB will be at the Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) in Montreal, Canada.
- Sunday July 14 (3:40-3:50 PM) Jose Duarte will present a one-stop shop to explore biology in 3D (Session "Visualizing Protein Function from Genes to Biology: Back to the Future")
- Monday July 15 (12:20 - 2:20 PM): Sebastian Bittrich will present C-015: BinaryCIF: A Modern Data Format for Handling the Growing Complexity of Structural Bioinformatics Data (3DSig Poster Session)
- Tuesday July 16 (12:20 - 2:20 PM): Jose Duarte will present D-016: Delivering Computed Structure Models alongside experimental PDB structures at the web portal (3DSig Poster Session)
The RCSB PDB Poster Prize will also be awarded to recognize a student poster presentation.
RCSB PDB is looking for Scientific Software Developers and Postdoctoral Fellows in computational chemistry and molecular visualization to join the RCSB PDB team at Rutgers and UC San Diego. Please come talk to us for more information.